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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jun 2017

    Default WTB Heroic tier 1 and 2 gs materials

    Hi Orien,

    And apologies Zavina for the inbox spam - had quite a bit of trouble accessing the forum but thankfully things seem to be working now. I've been around the place quite a while now, but was put off until recently by the complexity of the GS crafting system. Delving into it a little & with the help of some threads here and online tools, i'm going to try to make a displacement cloak or two, which is what the above are for. I'm happy to trade for tier 1 mats as well (small), but the tier 2 are what i'm really looking for (medium) if anyone might be able to help? I've no interest in the horns but all others would be most welcome. I have around 40 large to swap as those are not helpful for this project it seems. I have cannith essence to swap too as well as a +4 to +5 heal tome i was saving for a rainy day. If nothing else this little project has familiarized me with the early levels of the shroud - i feel like a total fraud going in there with my level 30, just to scrounge from the chests Any help gratefully appreciated - my character in game is Fools Gold without the underscore.

  2. #2
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Fools_Gold View Post
    Hi Orien,

    And apologies Zavina for the inbox spam -.
    laughs no problem

    I should be able to sort you out. I was in fact, compiling a reply to you when I saw this post here.

    Remember to work backwards on the planner. Choose the initial item that it's going to be, then go to the final power and work backwards. A lot of people designing their first GS item do the whole A > B > C.. when it should be C > B > A

    You can also get GS mats from Devils Assault in the Marketplace.
    Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
    (*) - Crafter Advert for Orien
    Guild Leader, Old Curiosity Shop
    "The 'forever' rogue"

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Zavina View Post

    Remember to work backwards on the planner.
    Ahhh if only i'd had this advice when first i tried. Thankfully i've learned from that misstep and now everything starts with displacement tier 2 as you say I only wish that was the worst mistake i'd made to date - i've also managed to cannibalize my best crafted trinket (shard of power), in the mistaken belief it was the blank I had set aside to make the cloak ... sigh. Those wavecrasher manifests are quite a chore to collect, so hopefully i won't be making that mistake again in a hurry ...

    Re Devil Assault, that's nice to note as i'm just into Epics on the present life. Indeed that's probably where most of my store came from - just that i never realized it until now

  4. #4
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    I use this old gem:

    And I can help you out with mats, too. Just say what you need and drop me a message here or in discord or ingame.

    Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)

  5. #5
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    That 'old gem' is the one i was fortunate enough to find when searching around the forum. I think the OP in that thread had similar confusions to me & ended up producing a really nice guide for others to follow. It's quite overwhelming at first when presented with it all at once, but when broken down, and as Zavina mentioned working back to front, I began to feel a little more at home with it. Still yet to actually produce anything, but i do have a cloak in progress Big thanks @ both for the offers of help - i have some tier 1's but short on anything tier 2 as the shroud is a little stingier on those it seems. I just thought that in addition to the stuff i mentioned i have to trade, which you've probably no interest in, i'm sure i have a number of the rarer crafting mats (cannith) which i won't be needing as they're used i think only in the crafting of unbound items (myths of old xendrick etc)? Happy to pass those along too in return for your help if that's of interest. Nice what you've done for the community side of the game @ Titus - I play alone i guess because i was always wary of holding others up, or worse, spoiling their progress, but if i'm honest it's not really in the spirit of the game is it.

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