the idea being to capitalize on a few things.

some things are flex, some required.

9 Druid, 6 Cleric, 5 wizard

strength based with cha secondary

wiz for tier 5 EK, some free sla's, also just by virtue of having an imbue on we get ghost touch.
cleric gets us silvanus, personally decided strength domain as we are strength focused and free strength drain cleanse every few seconds deals with shadows and any other damage, plus strength to reflex, but this is preference.
9 Druid for dire bear and level 5 spells, though only 8 required for bear.

this seemed the most optimal split for gain.

idea is to focus EK tier 5 for tempest and other goodies, natures protector as secondary, and silvanus bear is obvious.

destiny is pretty flexible based on preference, fury, crusader, fatesinger, etc.

with the basic concept explained, would like info or thoughts on things im missing or overlooked, rolled up a test of concept iconic and it seemed okay if a little weird to play such a heavy split, and that was just using the **** gear it had on it and no tomes.

should actually have plenty of points to play around with and tailor as lack of cores removes huge sinks in one specific tree.