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  1. #1
    Community Member pyrus566's Avatar
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    Default How does an Electric Sorcerer overcome electric resistance?

    Dear All,

    I have a query in relation to overcoming the resistance of monsters to electricity for electric sorcerers (or fire, cold, acid etc).

    The DDO wiki does list this Tier 2 Pierce Electric Resistance and this Tier 5 Awaken Elemental Weakness: Electric here "".

    I can see the Tier 2 enhancements says "Your Electric and Sonic damage spells now bypass 5/10/15 points of your target's resistance to those damage types, if any" What does this mean?

    I can see the Tier 5 enhancements says "When cast on a creature that is immune to that tree's Element, it makes them vulnerable to that element for a short period of time" How long is a short period of time?

    How effective are these enhancements?

    Is there anything else to assist a sorcerer overcome what is a significant weakness against enemies with resistance/immunity to a specific spell line apart from a secondary spell line? This requires additional enhancements and gear which is the reason I am looking for the hard answer.

    I have seen some of the other references to Druid class spell Quench but this is outside of Sorcerer ability.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyrus566 View Post
    Dear All,

    I have a query in relation to overcoming the resistance of monsters to electricity for electric sorcerers (or fire, cold, acid etc).

    The DDO wiki does list this Tier 2 Pierce Electric Resistance and this Tier 5 Awaken Elemental Weakness: Electric here "".

    I can see the Tier 2 enhancements says "Your Electric and Sonic damage spells now bypass 5/10/15 points of your target's resistance to those damage types, if any" What does this mean?

    I can see the Tier 5 enhancements says "When cast on a creature that is immune to that tree's Element, it makes them vulnerable to that element for a short period of time" How long is a short period of time?

    How effective are these enhancements?

    Is there anything else to assist a sorcerer overcome what is a significant weakness against enemies with resistance/immunity to a specific spell line apart from a secondary spell line? This requires additional enhancements and gear which is the reason I am looking for the hard answer.

    I have seen some of the other references to Druid class spell Quench but this is outside of Sorcerer ability.

    It has been awhile since I've played a sorcerer

    " bypass 5/10/15 points of your target's resistance to those damage types, if any"
    What this means is that if you only have Tier 1 of this ability, if a monster has resistance and not immunity they basically lose 5 points of that resistance. So you will effectively do 5 more points of damage. Tier 2 that is 10 and Tier 3 is 15.

    "Awaken Elemental Weakness"
    If memory serves me correctly it last for 30 seconds. Keep in mind that many times you don't need that long to finish something off.

    If the creature is not immune to your element you will get +15% more damage
    If the creature is immune to your element you will get your damage as if they are not immune

    To your question on is it effective - The answer is Yes

    As for your concern on an Alternate Element and gearing. It is always a good idea to have an alternate damage type (don't just think elemental), there are many gear items that can help boost your damage for both your primary and secondary elements without needing to swap. You can get a much higher boosts with full gear swaps, but with sorcerer's limited spells available this is less practical.

  3. #3
    Community Member Tahlee's Avatar
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    Dear All,

    I have a query in relation to overcoming the resistance of monsters to electricity for electric sorcerers (or fire, cold, acid etc).

    When Elemental Apotheosis is active, casting a spell of that tree's element on a creature that is immune to that element, that creature becomes vulnerable to that element for a short time. Apotheosis is the ability to turn into an air elemental that you get at level 20.

    The time they are vulnerable is sufficient to kill entire mobs - strip them with a stunning spell like electric loop then hit them with something like chain lightning etc and if your spell power is sufficiently high they will all be dead.

  4. #4
    Community Member pyrus566's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    It has been awhile since I've played a sorcerer

    " bypass 5/10/15 points of your target's resistance to those damage types, if any"
    What this means is that if you only have Tier 1 of this ability, if a monster has resistance and not immunity they basically lose 5 points of that resistance. So you will effectively do 5 more points of damage. Tier 2 that is 10 and Tier 3 is 15.

    "Awaken Elemental Weakness"
    If memory serves me correctly it last for 30 seconds. Keep in mind that many times you don't need that long to finish something off.

    If the creature is not immune to your element you will get +15% more damage
    If the creature is immune to your element you will get your damage as if they are not immune

    To your question on is it effective - The answer is Yes

    As for your concern on an Alternate Element and gearing. It is always a good idea to have an alternate damage type (don't just think elemental), there are many gear items that can help boost your damage for both your primary and secondary elements without needing to swap. You can get a much higher boosts with full gear swaps, but with sorcerer's limited spells available this is less practical.

    Thank you for responding Enoach.

    Are you saying the Tier 2 sorcerer enhancement is about bypassing Elemental Resistance and adds back the amount of 5/10/15 damage that would have been deducted due to a resistance item on the monster, is this correct? What happens if the monster has no Elemental Resistance to the specific element?

    Are you saying the Tier 5 sorcerer enhancement is about bypassing Elemental Immunity and permitting you to damage a monster that would have otherwise been simply undamaged (as they are immune), is this correct?

    Additionally, for those monsters that do not have the specific Elemental Immunity then they receive an additional 15% damage due to this Tier 5 enhancement, is this correct?

  5. #5
    Community Member pyrus566's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahlee View Post
    Dear All,

    I have a query in relation to overcoming the resistance of monsters to electricity for electric sorcerers (or fire, cold, acid etc).

    When Elemental Apotheosis is active, casting a spell of that tree's element on a creature that is immune to that element, that creature becomes vulnerable to that element for a short time. Apotheosis is the ability to turn into an air elemental that you get at level 20.

    The time they are vulnerable is sufficient to kill entire mobs - strip them with a stunning spell like electric loop then hit them with something like chain lightning etc and if your spell power is sufficiently high they will all be dead.
    Thank you Tahlee for that information. Is there anything "Apotheosis like" at levels less than 20?

  6. #6
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Are you saying the Tier 2 sorcerer enhancement is about bypassing Elemental Resistance and adds back the amount of 5/10/15 damage that would have been deducted due to a resistance item on the monster, is this correct? What happens if the monster has no Elemental Resistance to the specific element?
    Then nothing will happen.

    Is there anything "Apotheosis like" at levels less than 20?
    For sorcs, only a Tiefling (with a heavy investment in the Tiefling racial tree) can do this for fire spells.

    Pick up another element (not acid, obviously, too many penalties with an electricity focus) for dealing with the few immune enemies. Fortunately, it is very few; demons, a few kinds of slime, Will O' Wisps, a couple of raid bosses like the Stormreaver and Sor'Jek...and not a lot else.

    Disintegrate is a nice option. Nothing is immune to that.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  7. #7
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyrus566 View Post
    Thank you Tahlee for that information. Is there anything "Apotheosis like" at levels less than 20?
    At level 12, you get the enhancement that removes immunity for one enemy at a time (20 second cooldown). Under 20, that’s your only meaningful way to remove those immunities.

    other options you have are Avoiding the immunity by casting non-electric spells. Kill mephits with Circle of Death or Finger of Death or Banishment. Throw Fireballs at flesh golems, etc.

    I’ve been on a Fire Sorc kick for a while and my solution to fire immune enemies is either Circle or Death or Sunburst (makes Forgewraiths go pop) or Finger. Bosses get the resistance removing enhancement thrown at them.
    No one in the world ever gets what they want
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    Everybody dies frustrated and sad
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  8. #8
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    Level 1-11: Dont play electric imho, play fire. If you do play electric keep a 2nd option open, probably Fireball.

    Level 12-19: If its a single major enemy use the tier 5 ability to make the target vulnerable to electric. If its several mobs (dretches, blue abishai etc) use Cone of Cold which works decently well on those mobs.

    Level 20+: I prefer Fire with DBF+Meteor but your capstone means you can strip immunities by simply casting electric spells if you do play electric.

    During levels 12-19 I consider the electric sorc an amazing powerhouse. Chain Lightning (maxed), Falconry Sprint Boost and Air Dance is an outstanding combo.

    Have fun.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  9. #9
    Community Member AbyssalMage's Avatar
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    1 to 4 - Kill things with Fire, Acid, or Electric (order of lethality)

    5 to 11 - Kill things with Fire or Electric

    12 to 20 - A lot of things are immune to one of the other, but not both.

    @12 pick up the tier 5 enhancement (of your choice) to strip immunity from a single NPC for 30 second. Usually you just save this for Red/Purple named. You may occasionally need to use this ability on a Champion though. Your off damage type can handle trash 95% of the time.

    As someone mentioned, only the Tiefling with its racial enhancement can strip an NPC of its immunity more reliably before 20.

    Avoid Acid after level 5. Between being mostly Conjuration based spells and low damage:sp ratio, it's for people who like uniqueness. Or who like DoT's
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    This^ in so many words is how you say time and feedback on Lammania are wasted.

  10. #10
    Community Member pyrus566's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Then nothing will happen.

    For sorcs, only a Tiefling (with a heavy investment in the Tiefling racial tree) can do this for fire spells.

    Pick up another element (not acid, obviously, too many penalties with an electricity focus) for dealing with the few immune enemies. Fortunately, it is very few; demons, a few kinds of slime, Will O' Wisps, a couple of raid bosses like the Stormreaver and Sor'Jek...and not a lot else.

    Disintegrate is a nice option. Nothing is immune to that.
    Thank you very much Matuse. This with the information already provided by our friends in the community has helped my understanding greatly.

  11. #11
    Community Member pyrus566's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    At level 12, you get the enhancement that removes immunity for one enemy at a time (20 second cooldown). Under 20, that’s your only meaningful way to remove those immunities.

    other options you have are Avoiding the immunity by casting non-electric spells. Kill mephits with Circle of Death or Finger of Death or Banishment. Throw Fireballs at flesh golems, etc.

    I’ve been on a Fire Sorc kick for a while and my solution to fire immune enemies is either Circle or Death or Sunburst (makes Forgewraiths go pop) or Finger. Bosses get the resistance removing enhancement thrown at them.
    Dear HungarianRhapsody, this sort of answer always reminds me how little I know compared to players with experience and I say this with respect, it is clear to me you have been dealing with bigger and badder monsters than my sorcerer, I am grateful for you sharing the benefit of your experiences.

  12. #12
    Community Member pyrus566's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    Level 1-11: Dont play electric imho, play fire. If you do play electric keep a 2nd option open, probably Fireball.

    Level 12-19: If its a single major enemy use the tier 5 ability to make the target vulnerable to electric. If its several mobs (dretches, blue abishai etc) use Cone of Cold which works decently well on those mobs.

    Level 20+: I prefer Fire with DBF+Meteor but your capstone means you can strip immunities by simply casting electric spells if you do play electric.

    During levels 12-19 I consider the electric sorc an amazing powerhouse. Chain Lightning (maxed), Falconry Sprint Boost and Air Dance is an outstanding combo.

    Have fun.
    Dear Mikkardo, the experience of players better (much better) than me is well received as it helps me be a better player. Thank you.

  13. #13
    Community Member pyrus566's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbyssalMage View Post
    1 to 4 - Kill things with Fire, Acid, or Electric (order of lethality)

    5 to 11 - Kill things with Fire or Electric

    12 to 20 - A lot of things are immune to one of the other, but not both.

    @12 pick up the tier 5 enhancement (of your choice) to strip immunity from a single NPC for 30 second. Usually you just save this for Red/Purple named. You may occasionally need to use this ability on a Champion though. Your off damage type can handle trash 95% of the time.

    As someone mentioned, only the Tiefling with its racial enhancement can strip an NPC of its immunity more reliably before 20.

    Avoid Acid after level 5. Between being mostly Conjuration based spells and low damage:sp ratio, it's for people who like uniqueness. Or who like DoT's
    Thank you AbyssalMage, more food for thought on how to make a good and versatile sorcerer. It is one of the things I like about DDO. If you need help all you have to do is ask.

  14. #14
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    old thread : Sonic and core cap for air

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyrus566 View Post
    Thank you AbyssalMage, more food for thought on how to make a good and versatile sorcerer. It is one of the things I like about DDO. If you need help all you have to do is ask.
    My electric sorc is a 20 artificer.

    My cold sorc is a 20 druid.

    My fire sorc is a 20 fvs

    My sonic sorc is a ... nothing... I don't play bards lol
    Last edited by jasonayoung; 10-14-2022 at 09:42 AM.

  16. #16
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonayoung View Post
    My sonic sorc is a ...

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