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  1. #1
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    Default DDOCast 604 - Patches, Previews & Hardcore

    Arkat and Nimvind join us this week for some discussion on a series of patches (U46.2.3, U46.3), Update 47 Preview 1 and the beginning of Hardcore Season 3!

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    Game News - 2:26
    Update 47 Preview - 24:53
    Hardcore Season 3 - 1:16:12
    Community News - 1:27:53

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    Update 46.2.3
    Update 46.3 Release Notes
    DDO Chronicle 388
    DDO Chronicle 389
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  2. #2
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    The spelling & grammar errors are irritating but generally not too egregious... still, it's a job I'd be happy to take, though I'd also almost certainly end up adjusting everything to British English standards & then just sit back with a nice cup of tea & a biscuit while basking in the forum outrage. I'd also demand that Elminster get a couple of his lines redone... it's pronounced "thee" not "ye"!

    I agree, the death messages at low level as world broadcasts were great - as well as giving those occasional moments of schadenfreude when you see a high level death or a cluster all at once it's also a constant reminder not to play like you might on the regular servers or you could be the next one to appear in one of those notifications

    If they want us to run through the subterrane to get to legendary VoD, then we could really do with an epic subterrane to run through to get to it... ideally with an epic Garamol who has some extra tasty named loot - maybe even some of the older heroic raid items like the selection they did for that anniversary giveaway (10th?) a few years back, so it'd be a fun little pre-TR loot hunt.

    Grinding down horses would be nice but instead of a cosmetic, make it a consumable, maybe lasagne, as essentially a high level version of the tasty ham? Horse is delicious after all.

    Having the specific NPCs recurring is nice & adds some fun continuity as you work through the quests, but I'm still holding out on my hope for Arboth, the crazy kobold from Ataraxia's Haven, having a reappearance as a dragon saying "I told you so!"

    One thing that really stood out for me in the new legendary loot was the set with -100% ranged threat - that's just crazy & I'm definitely going to try for that on my ranger, it'll be nice to be able to snipe with near impunity.

    For the new legendary raids, I think the shields' effects need to be a bit more unique than just "does damage" (of whatever type) as while the occasional big hitter effects are impressive, the more consistent reliable damage delivered by legendary best defense, which isn't even a raid item, is generally going to be more desirable on someone who actually uses a shield offensively. Instead, I'd like to see more unique & interesting on-hit effects so a character who doesn't normally use a shield or orb as an offensive weapon would actually want to manually make a shield bash from time to time eg. no-save knockdown, temp HP, aoe healing, debuffs etc then make them a 100% chance of occurring when you make a shield bash but with limitations on how often they can proc, in the same way as the temp SP on certain orbs works.

    I'd like to see more flexibility with set bonuses & I think a good way to do that is to not require full sets to get the bonuses, eg. have 3 pieces for the set but 5 different items that qualify - all different gear slots, not just 2 plus 3 different weights of armour. Colourless augments that grant a set bonus could be another interesting way to make a set bonus that could fit in any gear setup (available as a remnant turn-in maybe?), with the trade-off for it's flexibility being that it's just less powerful than the more specific sets.

    Food to give a raise instead of cakes.. a jar of marmite, because the only way to get that feculent sludge in my mouth is if I'm unconscious or dead.
    Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 07-07-2020 at 07:33 AM.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

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