I never tried the enhancement yet. Will it help one stay alive in Hardcore? How good is it?
I never tried the enhancement yet. Will it help one stay alive in Hardcore? How good is it?
Last edited by darkniteyogi; 07-06-2020 at 08:38 AM.
I Have played an alchemist but never this tree because its a healing tree. The Bombardier Capstone has uber DPS. But on Hardcore, id expect it to be a whole different story.
On paper, it would seem like the Alchemist is unkillable with a deathblock item with this capstone. Unless I'm missing something? Then it should be the sure way to do Hardcore without fear of death.
Wait, is that true? All I heard about lockouts like that is that you can't do quests that are more than four levels beneath you, didn't see it written anywhere that you can't do 16-20 heroics once you hit 20. It's my first hardcore league, so no personal experience at cap yet.
Kobold loves you.
It's only a healing tree if you play it that way. It's also got +Trans DCs, spell pen, and another instakill, along with a bunch of random minor junk.
But yeah, if you just want to DPS instead of CC or instakill, you're better off in Bombardier. And the Apoth capstone is only useful in Epic.