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  1. #1
    Community Member Jeoffree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default my name is taken for third straight season

    My name is Jeoffree on every server except one. Each hardcore I have tried to get my name. This season three of us logged in immediately as the server was brought up and all three of us made trash characters to try and get the name. None of us were able to get it within minutes of hardcore opening. When I put Jeoffree into my friends list there is no class, race, level or guild attached to it. I am a guild leader on cannith could this be the issue? Could a dev give me any incite as to if the name is broken because of filter or something. after hard core 1 a forum post said that they had taken the name but that forum account has zero other posts. So is someone actually beating me to the name every time or am I not allowed to have it for some reason?
    Jeoffree of Cannith, Leader of Monkeystyle Guild

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Total spit-balling here, but:

    All three of you were trying for the name at the same time? Perhaps the name-check process saw one or the other of you and barred the others, then noted itself as the name taken?

    Have all three of those trash characters been deleted now, or were any of them kept with a different name?
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  3. #3
    Nerino & Daniele's Souls Malex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    They should definetly mention it in the rules!
    This completly changes my plan on when to do lv17+ quests going for 5k favor, and there are A LOT.

    But do you have to stay at 19 or can you take 20 *without talking to fate spinner*? (and therefore not activating epic levels)

  4. #4
    Community Member Jeoffree's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Total spit-balling here, but:

    All three of you were trying for the name at the same time? Perhaps the name-check process saw one or the other of you and barred the others, then noted itself as the name taken?

    Have all three of those trash characters been deleted now, or were any of them kept with a different name?
    When we got to the naming part none of us were allowed to take the name. It said Jeoffree is already created.
    Jeoffree of Cannith, Leader of Monkeystyle Guild

  5. #5
    Guild Leader - Death Smile
    Dark_Lord_Mary's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    have you ever been able to create the name on the hardcore server? I know there was an issue with names not being released from Hardcore League II - the server was wiped but not all the data for some reason was cleared - names being one of the data fields, though only some names - apparently the server was only partially wiped

  6. #6
    Chief cook and bottle washer
    Ancient One
    Althotas's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeoffree View Post
    My name is Jeoffree on every server except one. Each hardcore I have tried to get my name. This season three of us logged in immediately as the server was brought up and all three of us made trash characters to try and get the name. None of us were able to get it within minutes of hardcore opening. When I put Jeoffree into my friends list there is no class, race, level or guild attached to it. I am a guild leader on cannith could this be the issue? Could a dev give me any incite as to if the name is broken because of filter or something. after hard core 1 a forum post said that they had taken the name but that forum account has zero other posts. So is someone actually beating me to the name every time or am I not allowed to have it for some reason?
    \\Just so you know someone has that name and was a level 1 cleric. So that name is taken.

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