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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Trapping w/o evasion?

    I understand how finding trap-boxes and disabling them works, have done a couple in the past in low level stuff, But I have very little experience trapping and none playing a proper trapping character.
    I'm wondering if I can take adamantine body and be fine or if the damage interruption is going to prevent me from being able to do a lot of traps.
    Ive seen boxes both in and out of the traps firezones but I really don't know how common each is or if there's a way to trap while taking damage.1

  2. #2
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    I have ran several caster artificer 20 lives and I don't recall any problems with traps. There are only very few places where's it's really hard to maneuver. For example, VON5, there are safe spots from where to disarm, but to get to them, you have to pass through traps.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    I have ran several caster artificer 20 lives and I don't recall any problems with traps. There are only very few places where's it's really hard to maneuver. For example, VON5, there are safe spots from where to disarm, but to get to them, you have to pass through traps.
    Thats fine I can wasd+spacebar my way around most traps in the game as far as not getting killed goes I was just worried about being able to disarm them due to actions getting interrupted, ty. Adamantine body it is.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    I have ran several caster artificer 20 lives and I don't recall any problems with traps. There are only very few places where's it's really hard to maneuver. For example, VON5, there are safe spots from where to disarm, but to get to them, you have to pass through traps.
    been sitting at 30 for a while now, the occasional death to a trap when I accidentally walked into it instead of stopping an inch away but other than mistakes I've not had a single problem trapping. Have not trapped every single quest in the game but if there are at least very few where you might need it

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    As already pointed out there are a few traps where the box is in the middle and you basically have to stand in the trap to disable

    The majority of traps the box is either on the near side or the far side. Some far side boxes you can time/go around the trap to avoid, some you "hold your breath and run"

    Now as an artificer you actually have tools that can help in situations, some of which can negate the damage (depending on how much) so you are not interrupted.

    1. Ablative Armor (Temp DR)
    2. Resist Energy (Elemental DR)
    3. Protection from Energy/Protection from Elements (Protection vs an elemental damage type)
    4. Stoneskin (Temp DR)
    5. Lesser Globe of Invulnerability/Globe of Invulnerability (This protects against spell interruptions, traps don't usually count as spells, but mobs nearby are sometimes the cause)
    6. Radiant Forcefield (25% reduction in damage)
    7. Reinforce Construct (Temporary HP)

    Poison is one thing the artificer class does not have, but the WF/BF can help with that.

    There is a nasty trap in Cabal for One that would probably be one I would consider very difficult to disarm without evasion, but if you stack the different protections on you may have a small window of opportunity

  6. #6
    Community Member AlmGhandi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Szling View Post
    I understand how finding trap-boxes and disabling them works, have done a couple in the past in low level stuff, But I have very little experience trapping and none playing a proper trapping character.
    I'm wondering if I can take adamantine body and be fine or if the damage interruption is going to prevent me from being able to do a lot of traps.
    Ive seen boxes both in and out of the traps firezones but I really don't know how common each is or if there's a way to trap while taking damage.1
    Don't know that I have ever had a problem with not having evasion....
    but then I do not absoulutely have to disarm every trap in the game....

    Most tricky I find VON5.... without evasion
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  7. #7
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    The Vault of Night traps are all easy to disable as they all have large completely "safe spots" to stand although you do have to pass through some of the blade traps to reach the Control Panel(s). The same goes for the other traps in that Raid, they all have safe spots to stand.


    There are plenty of completely safe places by those pillars and if you were so inclined you could zigzag so you had fewer blades to run through.

    The quest Cabal for One was mentioned, I know some people in the past have commented on the random (doesn't always appear) corridor trap being pesky. Neither have I've had any major problems disabling that random (Acid, Fire and Poison; jets in corridor before shrine) trap within the quest 'A Cabal for One'.

    I haven't really noticed (cannot recall) if there was a completely safe spot to stand (from the sprays) though some places are better than others to stand with that trap. Generally I wouldn't be taking that much trap damage when disabling that trap anyway.

    I didn't bother looking for any "safe spots" or reposition myself; I just stood next to the Control Panel etc.

    Neutralize Poison, will help for a non evasion Character with that trap and should make it easier to disarm. Ignore that fact I was on an near naked Assassin with evasion, the point is if you have protection from Poison the trap becomes much simpler to disarm, if you decide to properly position yourself.

    I took off most of my wearable items to reduce the chance of me saving against the trap's Poison effects, etc.

    If I got interrupted disarming; it was once at the most? I cannot recall. Since I rolled: "1" the poison did take hold, which was good. Obviously I saved against all the Acid sprays and successfully disarmed the trap. I'm sure if I looked for a "safer spot" I'd probably be able to find one. I just dumped myself between the two sprays at random, like I do normally with that trap. :-)

    As a rule nearly all Control Panels in the game are positioned where it's completely safe to stand when performing: Disable.

    The quest: Prove Your Worth (Epic) is rare; since it actually has one moving spinning blade trap, where several whirling blades will ALL eventually catch you up and make it hard to disable... But, only if you dally by the Control Panel for far too long LOL. You probably could count on one hand, the traps (with Control Panels) in game that can 'interrupt' when you are disarming the Control Panel - if you take the time to position yourself correctly.

    Clearly if you don't have good reflex saves or evasion you might have to be prepared to the run the gauntlet for some quests and take some scratches. Before you reach the provided safe spots where you can stand and leisurely deal with the Control Panel, etc. :-)
    Last edited by DYWYPI; 08-05-2020 at 04:39 AM. Reason: Trapping.

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