Actually his ideas are far closer to the mark than the originals which fails to account for many of the issues raised in this thread. While I believe that the items do not necessarily need to be more powerful than exisiting options they need to give variations that are as powerful and potential better in some areas, something that does not exist in this version. In most cases Raiders can tell you what is going to be a DOA because we want a reason to run the content. I am extremely critical of the items to date in this version, but just looking at the sheer volume of items being produced I can understand why this is a starting point. Adding +1 to something is not calling it a day you need to look at the item in context. That staff that was suggested having +1 added to things needs it, As it is it really offers nothing substantial over non raid loot with the flexibility of 1 handed swaps +7 to dcs? Take a look at the night mothers scepter from a previous expansion.
While I disagree with the method of boosting the dc's adding to a +8 and a +5 insightful I strongly believe that they need a +2 boost to be competitive with what is in the off hand.
People are posting here because as it stands it will be run for variety and not looking for loot that will exist only in hopes of a cosmetic (see constellation) or sentient food. Its ok, I understand a lot of people are not invested in raiding and prefer the more causal 1-20 or 30 then TR but then this is thread is really for those who are in the raiding arena like zappy or others here.