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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2020

    Default F2P Dwarf Wizard

    Hey All,

    I’m looking to put out some resources for new players. Most of this post will be targeted to F2P Players as it is inclusive to all other account types. My goal is to provide strong build ideas that can be accessed by any player so you can enjoy the great game of DDO. More players means more groups and eventually more paying customers that will keep this game afloat (fingers crossed).

    These builds need to be as solo reaper (R1) ready as possible. But most won’t make the cut. Shoot for the stars and settle for the moon. This is what I look for in builds to make them as R1 ready as possible.
    -Strong AOE (or at least enough single DPS or CC to take out champions and reapers)
    -Self Healing
    -Multiple lines of defense
    -Knowledge (No matter how good your toon is you need to learn the quest. Don’t skip this step! I make my toons tanky while giving up as little DPS as possible. This will allow you to make mistakes and learn while avoiding being a soulstone. If you are a brand new player I’d stay clear of R1 groups until you build up some knowledge and confidence.)
    To play reaper in a group all you really need is knowledge and allow your teammates to make up in any area that you lack. There is no shame in running on any lower difficulty setting. Running on at least Elite is optimal to earn favor which earns you DDO points which earns you more content. This can be done way over level so if you are only having fun on Casual difficulty then go for it. Most players are going to be playing Elite or R1 at level so you will likely have the most fun if your build can support these modes of play. There is plenty of XP available running quest daily on Normal. Don’t wait for a group to open Elite for you. Run the quest and unlock it yourself.

    I don’t want to put up builds I haven’t play tested and I don’t have a lot of free time to play. Other builds I’d be willing to put up in the near future would be F2P Human Cleric (slight alteration on Axel’s Melee Cleric), F2P Dwarf Ranger (slight alteration on Strimtom’s Acid Arrow Ranger), F2P Human Bard, F2P Dwarf Paladin, F2P Dwarf Barbarian, F2P Human Rogue, F2Pish Warforged Sorcerer, F2Pish Dwarf Artificer, F2Pish Dwarf Warlock. Leave a comment below if one of these interests you and I'll make the build my main’s next life and play test a 28pt build version on a random server.

    With Hardcore Season 3 allowing Premium players like myself in I was able to test this build. I died twice but I can't say it was the builds fault . 1st time was because I ran through the Xorian Cipher traps like a noob without any buffs on (having death aura on would have likely saved me). 2nd time was an instant death effect from falling into a pit in the Cogs (I don't own Sharn yet so I was unaware of the dangers). I got to Level 20 without loosing all my lives at least and am happy with how tanky and damagy this build is.

    TraitorJoe of Cannith
    Last edited by TraitorJ03; 09-16-2020 at 09:03 AM.

  2. #2
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    Feb 2020

    Default F2P Dwarf Wizard - The Build

    Build 1: 20 Wizard Dwarf

    Rating: R1 Party/Solo Ready
    At Level, Heroic Elite quests will be jokingly easy to solo. R1 Heroic quests will be a little challenging to solo. Epic Elite quests will be challenging to solo. Epic R1 quests will be very challenging to solo. I couldn’t handle R1 Legendary content solo. I’d be interested in seeing a first life build let along a F2P first life build that could. I will be attempting this as a long term project to see if my F2P Dwarf Wizard on Sarlona.

    Class: Wizard
    Wizards are really an amazing class. You can have the highest standing incorporeality miss chance available in game. You will be able to self heal starting at level 3 which is vastly improved at level 7. You will be immune to negative energy damage, poison, and most effects that cause ability score damage. All weapons you hold will be Ghost Touch. By level 30 you would have chosen 20 feats making for a very strong toon with a lot of variability if you wish to tweak your toon. Oh yeah, and you're a mighty spell slinging wizard of epic damage dealing proportions. You can Solo (and i mean true solo with no hires) all F2P content in this game with this build. Few other builds can claim this. You do not need Ghost Touch, Feather Fall, Poison Resist, Water Breathing, Ghostly, nor Displacement items. I choose to play with a Deathblock item but it isn’t as nearly mandatory as it is with any other class. The only thing that could possibly make this class better is a higher BAB to qualify for feats earlier (I can dream, maybe they'll implement something like that as a legendary past life).

    Race: Dwarf
    Dwarf gets +2 con which amounts to 30 extra HP at level 30 basically a free Toughness Feat . This build won’t be able to capitalize on the great and defensive dwarven tree but even more HP are available if you decide to go into it. If you have the points to spare another 60 HP and 25% Strikethrough await you if you choose to dive into the tree. You will be proficient with the mighty Dwarven Waraxe allowing you to propagate your spell sword dice to up to 3 enemies per swing.The only feat I wanted but couldn’t take was Insightful Reflexes but my Dex was about the same as my Int thanks to Tenser's Transformation and a lack of Int items and Tomes.

    Any Other Race?
    -Humans are a decent option but I found the extra feat just goes to Bastard Sword or Dwarven Waraxe Proficiency. Named Bastard Swords are more prevalent and more useful in early levels. Really consider how the Tempest Strike works when deciding between the two hand and a half weapons. Bastard Swords tend to look cooler imho. They do get 10% more strikethrough which is nice (per the AP available of this build). You will do slightly more damage but your HP will be lower.
    -Elf’s and Drow’s -2 Con hurts. . This build is survivable enough to make it work. If I needed these races for past lives I would run this build. You will need to give up a feat for Bastard Sword or Dwarven Waraxe Proficiency or follow the “More AOE DPS” build and not use a shield. Read Heavy Shields below for more on why this isn’t optimal for a first lifer. You could also follow the "More AOE DPS" build and drop the Two handed fighting line. Your cleaves should be enough to make up the difference in loss of AOE but this falls off towards the end game.
    -Halfling’s -2 Str hurts and will pull points from your other stats. You will need to give up a feat for Bastard Sword or Dwarven Waraxe Proficiency or alter the build to not use the THF line. I’d follow the Pale Trapper rather than using this build for a halfling but it could work. And just because i’m a nice guy think about farming Troubleshooter's Goggles, Troubleshooter's Necklace, Spare Hand, Magewright's Toolkit, and Legendary Magewright's Toolkit read up on Traps and Locks. If you have a STR tome on your toon you probably can get away with following this build just fine. You need a Str of 17 by level 10 to take Improved Two Handed Fighting.

    Str 16
    Con 16
    Dex 10
    Wis 8
    Int 16
    Cha 6
    Level Up - Int, Int, Str, Int, Int, Int, Int

    Recommended Feats:
    1 Augment Summoning (Strong in early levels. Swap for Quicken if not soloing Legendary Hound of Xoriat or Legendary Tempest Spine), Two Handed Fighting
    3 Shield Proficiency
    5 Mental Toughness
    6 Shield Mastery
    9 Shield Bash
    10 Improved Mental Toughness
    12 Improved Two Handed Fighting
    15 Maximize, Combat Expertise
    18 Improved Critical (Slashing)
    20 Empower
    21 Overwhelming Critical
    24 Improved Augment Summoning or Greater Two Handed Fighting (if not soloing Legendary Hound of Xoriat or Legendary Tempest Spine)
    26 Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Master of Death
    28 Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    29 Arcane Warrior
    30 Scion of Fire, Improved Shield Mastery

    More Tanky:
    1 Augment Summoning (Strong in early levels. Swap for Quicken if not soloing Legendary Hound of Xoriat or Legendary Tempest Spine), Shield Proficiency
    3 Shield Mastery
    5 Mental Toughness
    6 Toughness
    9 Combat Expertise
    10 Improved Mental Toughness
    12 Extend
    15 Maximize, Toughness
    18 Improved Shield Mastery
    20 Empower
    21 Epic Toughness
    24 Master of Death
    26 Perfect Shield Mastery
    27 Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Elusive Target
    29 Defiac Warding
    30 Scion of Fire, Wellspring of Power

    More AOE DPS: (During play testing I found this surprisingly strong. Having 3-4 cleaves means that you rarely need to cast spells. When you do cast spells you can afford to Maximize and Empower them making them great panic buttons)
    1 Mental Toughness, Two Handed Fighting
    3 Power Attack
    5 Maximize
    6 Cleave
    9 Great Cleave
    10 Empower
    12 Improved Two Handed Fighting
    15 Improved Mental Toughness, Insightful Reflexes
    18 Improved Critical (Slashing)
    20 Evocation Focus or Enchantment Focus
    21 Overwhelming Critical
    24 Greater Two Handed Fighting
    26 Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Master of Death
    28 Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    29 Arcane Warrior
    30 Scion of Fire, Intensify Spell

    Pure F2P: (I'd recommend you'd just TR instead of going into epics. But if you refuse to purchase Epic Destinies and want to play in epics this is the build for you)
    1 Augment Summoning (Strong in early levels. Swap for Quicken if not soloing Legendary Hound of Xoriat or Legendary Tempest Spine), Two Handed Fighting
    3 Shield Proficiency
    5 Mental Toughness
    6 Shield Mastery
    9 Combat Expertise or Extend
    10 Improved Mental Toughness
    12 Improved Two Handed Fighting
    15 Maximize, Toughness
    18 Improved Shield Mastery
    20 Empower
    21 Epic Toughness
    24 Master of Death
    26 Toughness
    27 Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Toughness
    29 Toughness
    30 Scion of Fire, Epic Mental Toughness or Wellspring of Power


    *I will update this picture once I'm done leveling my pure F2P Wizard on Sarlona. My main on Cannith was lucky enough to pull a +2 Racial AP Tome on a Silver Dice Roll which of course I consumed right away.
    **For the Pale Master Cores I prefer Ghost In The Wind (10% Incorporality), Deathly Resistance (15 MRR), and Deathly Tough (25 HP and 5 PRR) but feel free to choose your own. I've only died once due to Light damage and that was on R5 so either I'm lucky or this build is defensive enough even when hit by double light damage.

    Enhancement Milestones:
    4AP Summon Skelly and Arcane Siphon
    12AP Wraith Form and Spell Sword
    26AP Wraith Form and Medium Armor Proficiency
    48AP Wraith Form, All 5th Tier Abilities above, and Subtle Force 1

    Buffed Stats at Level 30:
    Fort - 346%
    AC - 150 (71% miss chance at level)
    Doublestrike - 52.74%
    PRR - 268
    MRR - 117
    HP - 1842
    Incorporeality - 25%
    Concealment - 50%
    Effective HP - 18110

    **I will update this picture once I'm done leveling my pure F2P Wizard on Sarlona. My main on Cannith has some non F2P gear as well as a Warlock PL and 2 Divine PL. But to be honest my current gear is not better than what is available to F2P players as I am a premium player with really bad luck on farming loot. Also note that my dodge chance could be vastly improved.

    Really any, I prefer acid for my blasting spells until level 7 when your negative energy spells carry you through most dungeons healing yourself and damaging enemies at the same time. The only musts are 2-Lesser Death Aura, 4-Negative Energy Burst,Death Aura. I usually keep 1 spell of each element handy.

    Playstyle: Melee Blaster Tank
    Sword and Board for Melee and Tank. Wizard Spells for Blaster and Self Heals. You will be highly survivable and have a lot of AOE options. I’m interested in doing videos for this build but I don’t have much time to do so. Leave comments below if this would be beneficial for you. I’m a huge fan of Voodu’s video series so I would probably use a similar format. Ex Northwynd 2
    Some quick testing has led me to believe I don’t have the required hardware to do this effectively.

    Heavy Shields:
    Your MRR and PRR are doubled when using a Heavy shield or tower shield whenever you roll a reflex save (even if you fail). This makes up 70% of Spike damage aka what usually kills you. This may be controversial but having a Heavy Shield equipped and investing in PRR and MRR will make you more survivable than loosing 2 caster levels to get evasion (IMHO). Heavy shields don’t have a cap on Dex making them more ideal for most characters. Being F2P does limit your heavy shield options quite a bit until lvl 27 when you can pick up a Devi’s Defense. If you have Ravenloft go pick up The Best Defense or a Legendary The Best Defense otherwise see below for some heavy and tower shields that are F2P. But even a level 1 Heavy Shield will double your MRR and PRR against traps and most spells making it highly valuable for any player, most particularly squishy first lifers.

    Hybrids vs Specialists:
    It is better in this game to specialize than generalize. As a new player you are probably not going into content that requires this (R5+ content). A specialist has fewer options to deal with enemies. If an animated object meets a hybrid class they can choose the more effective option to blast them down instead of slowly beating them down without the appropriate adamantine weapon. If a rogue drow meets a hybrid class they can melee that sucker down. If a hybrid is running on echoes of power there dps doesn't drop to 0. In fact this build can be nearly fully effective while running on echoes of power. At level 20+ a hybrid will benefit in almost any Epic Destiny they play in making maxing out your destinies a breeze. IMHO Hybrids are better levelers. As a F2P and new Player this will be the majority of your time in DDO.

    Two Handed Fighting:
    I like to get the most out of my feats. Percentages seem to be the way to do that. 60% more damage (when 2+ enemies) 4% melee power and 5% more HP(at level 21). Yeah sounds a little better than +1 to hit and 2% melee power…. Or even the ever more popular -5 to hit +10 to damage.

    Shield Mastery:
    3% effective HP, 4% double strike, 3% melee power (doesn't stack with the THF bonus however). This is less good than THF and requires a feat tax of Shield Proficiency but the double strike stacks nicely with Eldritch Strike and Tempest Strike as your cleaves can double strike.

    Low Spell DCs:
    Your dps comes from your wombo combo. Arcane Siphon (no save), Eldritch Strike (no save), meteor swarm (Fire portion save for half, Bludgeoning portion no save) or whatever your best spell is at level, Tempest Strike (no save). As you can see, saves only impact about 1/8th of your performance. Higher int will help your DCs and also means higher spellcraft which means more damage and more passive healing. Also see the Hybrid vs Specialist section on how you can mitigate low spell DCs or low spell pen with a hybrid toon. Having played with high DC Casters in the end game I can honestly say completely out perform this build due to the power of mass hold monster. I find these builds require lots of gear and past lives and level slower which isn’t my current cup of tea.
    Last edited by TraitorJ03; 03-17-2021 at 03:19 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default F2P Dwarf Wizard - The Build

    This post is to hold a spot for the fancy builder text thing once I figure out how to use it

  4. #4
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    Default F2P Dwarf Wizard - Epic Destinies

    How can I get Epic Destinies as a F2P player?
    I highly recommend spending $20 on the Menace of the Underdark expansion. This goes on sale for $10 in winter typically. It's an absolute huge bang for your buck. 300 favor, great lvl 21 weapons, I personally love the story (f Elmister though), and two Sagas. You don’t need to decide to buy this until you hit level 20 for the first time. (This will be pertinent again after 8/31/2020)
    If that doesn't convince you you will need to cough up 995 ddo points for epic Destinies cause this will introduce you to a whole new and frankly more fun style of play and the best power creep in the game (epic past lives combined with heroic past life). What does that mean? For example it could mean playing the game again with +2 spell pen, 1% spell absorption and 3% spell crit chance Or +2 spell pen, 3hp (goes to to 15) and a 7% chance to insta kill any enemy hit (this is what I chose for my main toon’s first reincarnation).

    Epic Destiny Leveling:
    Any Destiny will benefit you in some way thanks to the build’s versatility. There are a couple of core abilities you will want ASAP so you should unlock them ASAP and twist them in when you can.
    4 Fatesinger to unlock (3) Arcane Hymn, (4) Martial Hymn, and Shadow Dancer
    3 Shadow Dancer to unlock Legendary Dreadnought and Grandmaster of Flowers
    2 Legendary Dreadnought to unlock (2) Improved Combat Expertise, or (2) Improved Power Attack
    4 Grandmaster of Flowers to unlock Unyielding Sentinel and (1) A Dance of Flowers
    2 Unyielding Sentinel to unlock (2) Legendary Shield Mastery
    Then level in whatever destiny is most fun to you. You will have 5 Fate Points to use as twists which is enough to get you a level 1 twist and a level 2 twist.
    NOTE: You will need to max out certain destinies in order to qualify for the feats you take at levels 26, 27, and 29. Getting 5 Shiradi Champion, 5 Fate Singer, 5 Grandmaster of Flowers, and 5 Legendary Dreadnought would get you access to Perfect Two Handed Fighting, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Elusive Target, and Arcane Warrior.

    My Favorite Epic Destinies to Run In:
    Super Tanky - Unyielding Sentinel (Divine)
    Melee DPS - Legendary Dreadnought (Martial) or Fury of the Wild (Primal)
    Melee Blasty - Fate Singer (Arcane)
    Blasty - Draconic Incarnation (Arcane)
    Last edited by TraitorJ03; 07-09-2020 at 03:13 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default F2P Dwarf Wizard - The Loot

    Farming Loot:
    This build can cover 6 of your past lives (3 Wizard and 3 Dwarf) both of which are very good lives to get early. Farming loot can get boring so I suggest spreading it out over multiple lives. R10 gives the best drop chance for any named loot but running R10 is unrealistic for a new player. I would suggest farming on Elite or R1 with as many people in the party as possible. Do this once a day while the quest still gives you xp. Right before the quest stops giving you xp go ahead and ransack the chest by looting over and over again. Then forget about it. If you are farming Epic quests you can run on Elite without penalty regardless of your highest level player. If you are level 30 and playing an epic quest the first two runs will give you 2 Heart Seeds which are worth stocking up on. Right before you TR go ahead and ransack some chests. The ransack will reset when you TR.

    Noteworthy F2P Items:
    Two-Handed Weapons 6 Sword of the Thirty 8 Nightblade 3,7,11,15,20 Calomel Falchion 24,25,26 Hunter's Slayer (Level 26) 4,8,12,16,20,24,28 Spectral Greataxe (level 28)
    Dwarven War Axes 1-15 Any Vorpal Dwarven Waraxe 16 Templar's Justice 20 Epic Templar's Justice
    Bastard Swords 1-15 Any Vorpal Bastard Sword 4 Savage Sword 10 Prysuul Bane 16 Templar Retribution 20 Epic Templar Retribution
    Shield 1-26 Cannith Crafted Loot Shield of Bashing 10 Shield of Reflecting 10 Battered Guardian Shield 16 Templar's Bulwark 20 Epic Templar's Bulwark 27 Devil's Defense 5,10,15,20,25,30 The Mother Board (level 30)/Artemist's Aegis (level 30) Tower Shields can be used with Master’s Touch but the max dex will lower your dodge chance and introduce spell failure.
    Belt 1 Rugged Belt 15 Festering Mummy Wrappings 17 Animated Rope 28 Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings 28 Legendary Animated Rope 4,8,12,16,20,24,28 Indomitable Wrappings (level 28)
    Bracers 1 Spear Bane 9 Chaosgarde 9 Nightforge Armbands 13 Bracers of the Sun and Moon 15 Bracers of Order and Chaos 3,7,11,15,20 Bracers of Wind 28 Legendary Bracers of the Sun and Moon 29 Legendary Bracers of Order and Chaos
    Gloves Cannith Craft Corrosion/Combustion or Bashing Gloves 1 Protector's Gloves
    Goggles Cannith Craft Blindness Immunity and Deadly Goggles 15 Acolyte's Lenses 29 Legendary Acolyte's Lenses
    Ring 1-30 Cannith Craft Acid/Fire Spell Lore and Corrosive/Combustive 5 Ring of Troll's Regeneration 11 Ring of Balance 15 Ring of Flickering Steel 17 Ring of Prowess 3,7,11,15,20 Ring of the Stalker 28 Legendary Ring of Prowess 29 Legendary Ring of Flickering Steel
    Trinket Cannith Craft almost any stat 1 Medium Shard Trinket 1 Ruined Signet Brooch 2 Crude Bauble 9 Crystallized Widow's Eye 15 Empowered Dragonscale 3,7,11,15,20 Blasting Chime 28 Legendary Empowered Dragonscale
    Cloak 8 Cloak of Invisibility 9 Widow Weave Cloak 3,7,11,15,20 Cloak of Flames 16,20,24,28 Cloak of Night (level 28)
    Armor 1-7 Apprentice's Robe 6 Roguebane Breastplate 8 Nightforge Darkscale 10 Demonic Breastplate 14 Black Dragonscale Armor 16 Templar's Bastion 17 Hardened Hide Armor 20 Epic Templar's Bastion 27 Breastplate of the Celestial Avenger 28 Legendary Hardened Hide Armor 5,10,15,20,25,30 The Only Exception (level 30)
    Boots 1 Anger's Step 13 Knife Toed Boots 3,7,11,15,20 Rock Boots 28 Legendary Knife Toed Boots 5,10,15,20,25,30 Severlin's Leaden Boots (level 30)
    Helmet 2 Braza's Hat 13 Pansophic Circlet 17 Darkstorm Helm 20 Epic Darkstorm Helm 28 Legendary Pansophic Circlet
    Neck 1 Protector's Brooch 7 Beholder Optic Nerves 14 Utilitarian Necklace 27 Legendary Utilitarian Necklace 28 Legendary Hypnotic Pendant
    Augments 1 Ruby of the Vampire Slayer 4 Topaz of Feather Falling 4 Moderate Fortification 8 Heavy Fortification 8 Topaz of Fear Immunity 8 Topaz of Blindness Immunity 12 Ruby of Adamantine Arms 16 Topaz of Evocation 16 Topaz of Necromancy 22 Diamond of Festive Intelligence +2 28 Deconstructor 28 Golem's Heart
    Other 1 Fintan's Bite 2 Muckbane 1-30 Mysterious Remnants (Tomes and Augments) 20-30 Tokens of the Twelve (Reincarnation Items and Augments) 20-30 Commendations of Valor 27-30 Threads of Fate (For Filigrees and Tomes) 27-30 +7 Ability Tomes 30 Heart Seeds (Reincarnation Items)

    Notable P2P Items:
    The Sharn Syndicate - 2 Runic Trinket
    Demon Sands - 11 Torc 20 Epic Xuum
    Delera's Tomb - 4 Carnifex 5 Voice of the Master 20 Epic Voice of the Master 25 Epic Carnifex
    Vault of Night - 10 Sword of Shadows 20 Epic Sword of Shadows
    Gianthold - 12,13,14,23,24,25 Mountain's Fist
    Menace of the Underdark - 21 Drow/Duergar Weapons
    Mist of Ravenloft - 10 Barovian/Macabre Dwarven Waraxe 10 The Best Defense 10 Adherent to the Mists Set 10 Silverthread Belt 28 Morninglord’s/Nightmother’s Dwarven War Axe 28 The Legendary Best Defense 28 Adherent of the Mists Set (Legendary) 28 Legendary Silverthread Belt
    Sharn - 15 Stone Shoes 15 Black Velvet Capelet 15 Cloak of the City's Champion 29 Legendary Stone Shoes 29 Black Velvet Capelet 29 Legendary Cloak of the City's Champion
    Soul Survivor - 17 The Blackmail 17 Necromancer's Bracers 17 Skin-tight Gloves 29 The Legendary Blackmail 29 Legendary Necromancer's Bracers 29 Legendary Skin-tight Gloves
    If I have missed something game changing feel free to leave a comment.
    The Lost Gatekeepers - 29 Legendary Deep Promise Onyx
    Last edited by TraitorJ03; 09-16-2020 at 05:45 AM.

  6. #6
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    Default F2P Dwarf Wizard - The Loot

    Recommended Farm based on benefit, level, and difficulty -
    Anniversary Event 20+ Sentient Jewels x1-3 5,10,15,20,25,30 The Only Exception (level 30)
    Night Reveles: 16,20,24,28 Cloak of Night (level 28) 4,20,28 Spectral Greataxe (level 28) 22 Diamond of Festive Intelligence +2
    2020 Anniversary Gift HAPPY14 for a free Sentient Jewel of the Dragon

    Korthos - 1 Protector's Brooch 1 Protector's Gloves 1 Rugged Belt 1 Spear Bane 1 Apprentice's Robe 1 Anger's Step 1 - Fintan's Bite
    Durk’s Got a Secret - 2 Muckbane
    Where There’s Smoke - 2 Braza's Hat
    The Tear of Dhakaan - 6 Sword of the Thirty (Get this or Nightblade)
    Tempest Spine - 8 Nightblade (Get this or Sword of the Thirty) 8 Cloak of Invisibility (Situationally useful but you will probably get this before you get Nightblade and it’s a great item for every other class)
    Invaders - 7 Beholder Optic Nerves
    Spawn of Wisperdoom - 9 Widow Weave Cloak
    Memoirs of an Illusory Larcener - 13 Pansophic Circlet 13 Knife Toed Boots 28 Legendary Knife Toed Boots 28 Legendary Pansophic Circlet
    Tower of Frost - 14 Utilitarian Necklace 27 Legendary Utilitarian Necklace
    Lost at Sea - 15 Ring of Flickering Steel 15 Acolyte's Lenses 15 Bracers of Order and Chaos 29 Legendary Ring of Flickering Steel 29 Legendary Acolyte's Lenses 29 Legendary Bracers of Order and Chaos
    Lords of Dust - 20 Epic Templar's Bulwark (You will need help from a divine player. Hires will not suffice) 20 Tokens of the Twelve
    Servant of the Overlord - 17 Darkstorm Helm 20 Epic Darkstorm Helm 20 Tokens of the Twelve
    Spinner of Shadows- 16 Templar's Justice 20 Epic Templar's Justice 20 Tokens of the Twelve
    Search and Rescue - 15 Empowered Dragonscale 28 Legendary Empowered Dragonscale 15 Festering Mummy Wrappings 27 Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings
    Good Intentions - 17 Ring of Prowess 28 Legendary Ring of Prowess 17 Animated Rope 28 Legendary Animated Rope
    A Study in Sable - 24,26 Hunter's Slayer (Level 26) 28 Golem's Heart
    Legendary Tempest Spine/Legendary Hound of Xoriat - 27 Breastplate of the Celestial Avenger 27 Devil's Defense 27 Threads of Fate 27 +7 Ability Tomes
    Brothers Forge - 28 Deconstructor

    1-26 Cannith Crafted Shield of Bashing
    1-34 Cannith Craft Corrosion/Combustion or Bashing Gloves

    Auction House:
    Any item that is not bound (Vorpal Dwarven Waraxe, 2 Runic Trinket,12,13,14,23,24,25 Mountain's Fist, <Need Help Here>) Bonus if it has a Reaper Bonus or a Mythic Boost
    1,4,8,12,16,20 Augments
    1 Ruby Eye Augments 1 Metoeric Star Ruby (this is exceptionally rare and powerful expect to have to pay Astral Shards for it)
    20 Filigree Sets
    21+ Named items to feed your Sentient Weapon

    Random Loot:
    1-15 Any Vorpal Dwarven Waraxe bonus if it's keen
    1-4 Any Vorpal Greatsword, Greataxe, Falchion, or Maul bonus if it's keen
    1-5 Any Mithral Shield
    3-6 Any Mithral Light Armor
    1 Collectables (Crafting and Augments)
    1 Mysterious Remnants (Tomes and Augments)
    Last edited by TraitorJ03; 07-08-2020 at 09:57 AM.

  7. #7
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    Default F2P Dwarf Wizard - The Loot

    Some completely F2P gearing options at level 30. A lot of these have useful heroic leveling versions as well.

    Recommended Items At Level 30
    Two-Handed Weapons 26 Hunter's Slayer (Level 26) 28 Spectral Greataxe (level 28)
    Hand and a Half Weapons 20 Epic Templar's Justice
    Shield 20 Epic Templar's Bulwark 27 Devil's Defense
    Belt 28 Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings 28 Legendary Animated Rope
    Bracers 28 Legendary Bracers of the Sun and Moon 29 Legendary Bracers of Order and Chaos
    Gloves Cannith Craft Corrosion/Combustion or Bashing Gloves
    Goggles 29 Legendary Acolyte's Lenses
    Ring 28 Legendary Ring of Prowess 29 Legendary Ring of Flickering Steel
    Trinket 28 Legendary Empowered Dragonscale
    Cloak 9 Widow Weave Cloak 20 Cloak of Flames 28 Cloak of Night (level 28)
    Armor 27 Breastplate of the Celestial Avenger 28 Legendary Hardened Hide Armor 30 The Only Exception (level 30)
    Boots 28 Legendary Knife Toed Boots 20 Rock Boots 30 Severlin's Leaden Boots (level 30)
    Helmet 28 Legendary Pansophic Circlet
    Neck 27 Legendary Utilitarian Necklace
    Augments 8 Topaz of Fear Immunity 8 Topaz of Blindness Immunity 8 Heavy Fortification 22 Diamond of Festive Intelligence +2 28 Deconstructor 28 Golem's Heart
    Other 2 Muckbane 20 Tokens of the Twelve 20 Threads of Fate (For Filigrees and Tomes) 1 Mysterious Remnants (Tomes and Augments)

    At Level 30 “The Generalist”
    Two-Handed Weapons 26 Hunter's Slayer (Level 26) 28 Spectral Greataxe (level 28)
    Hand and a Half Weapons 20 Epic Templar's Justice
    Shield 20 Epic Templar's Bulwark 27 Devil's Defense
    Belt 28 Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings
    Bracers 29 Legendary Bracers of Order and Chaos
    Gloves Cannith Craft Bashing Gloves
    Goggles 29 Legendary Acolyte's Lenses
    Ring 28 Legendary Ring of Prowess 29 Legendary Ring of Flickering Steel
    Trinket 28 Legendary Empowered Dragonscale
    Cloak 9 Widow Weave Cloak 28 Cloak of Night (level 28)
    Armor 30 The Only Exception (level 30)
    Boots 28 Legendary Knife Toed Boots
    Helmet 28 Legendary Pansophic Circlet
    Neck 27 Legendary Utilitarian Necklace
    Augments 1 4 Topaz of Feather Falling 8 Heavy Fortification 8 Topaz of Fear Immunity 8 Topaz of Blindness Immunity 16 Topaz of Evocation 16 Topaz of Necromancy 22 Diamond of Festive Intelligence +2 28 Deconstructor 28 Golem's Heart

    At Level 30 “The Tank”
    Two-Handed Weapons 26 Hunter's Slayer (Level 26) 28 Spectral Greataxe (level 28)
    Hand and a Half Weapons 20 Epic Templar's Justice
    Shield 20 Epic Templar's Bulwark 27 Devil's Defense
    Belt 28 Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings
    Bracers 29 Legendary Bracers of Order and Chaos
    Gloves Cannith Craft Bashing Gloves
    Goggles 29 Legendary Acolyte's Lenses
    Ring 28 Legendary Ring of Prowess 29 Legendary Ring of Flickering Steel
    Trinket 28 Legendary Empowered Dragonscale
    Cloak 9 Widow Weave Cloak 28 Cloak of Night (level 28)
    Armor 27 Breastplate of the Celestial Avenger
    Boots 30 Severlin's Leaden Boots (level 30)
    Helmet 28 Legendary Pansophic Circlet
    Neck 27 Legendary Utilitarian Necklace
    Augments 8 Topaz of Fear Immunity 8 Topaz of Blindness Immunity 28 Deconstructor 28 Golem's Heart (As many as possible)

    At Level 30 “The Blaster”
    Two-Handed Weapons 26 Hunter's Slayer (Level 26) 28 Spectral Greataxe (level 28)
    Hand and a Half Weapons 20 Epic Templar's Justice
    Shield 20 Epic Templar's Bulwark 27 Devil's Defense
    Belt 28 Legendary Animated Rope
    Bracers 28 Legendary Bracers of the Sun and Moon
    Gloves Cannith Craft Corrosion/Combustion or Bashing Gloves
    Goggles 29 Legendary Acolyte's Lenses
    Ring 28 Legendary Ring of Prowess 29 Legendary Ring of Flickering Steel
    Trinket 28 Legendary Empowered Dragonscale
    Cloak 9 Widow Weave Cloak 20 Cloak of Flames
    Armor 30 The Only Exception (level 30)
    Boots 20 Rock Boots
    Helmet 28 Legendary Pansophic Circlet
    Neck 27 Legendary Utilitarian Necklace
    Augments 8 Heavy Fortification 8 Topaz of Fear Immunity 8 Topaz of Blindness Immunity 16 Topaz of Evocation 16 Topaz of Necromancy 22 Diamond of Festive Intelligence +2 28 Deconstructor 28 Golem's Heart

    At Level 30 “No Special Events”
    Two-Handed Weapons 26 Hunter's Slayer (Level 26)
    Hand and a Half Weapons 20 Epic Templar's Justice
    Shield 20 Epic Templar's Bulwark 27 Devil's Defense
    Belt 28 Legendary Festering Mummy Wrappings 28 Legendary Animated Rope
    Bracers 28 Legendary Bracers of the Sun and Moon 29 Legendary Bracers of Order and Chaos
    Gloves Cannith Craft Corrosion/Combustion or Bashing Gloves
    Goggles 29 Legendary Acolyte's Lenses
    Ring 28 Legendary Ring of Prowess 29 Legendary Ring of Flickering Steel
    Trinket 28 Legendary Empowered Dragonscale
    Cloak 9 Widow Weave Cloak 20 Cloak of Flames
    Armor 27 Breastplate of the Celestial Avenger 28 Legendary Hardened Hide Armor
    Boots 28 Legendary Knife Toed Boots 20 Rock Boots
    Helmet 28 Legendary Pansophic Circlet
    Neck 27 Legendary Utilitarian Necklace
    Other 2 Muckbane
    Augments 8 Topaz of Fear Immunity 8 Topaz of Blindness Immunity 16 Topaz of Evocation 16 Topaz of Necromancy 28 Deconstructor 28 Golem's Heart
    Last edited by TraitorJ03; 07-09-2020 at 03:14 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default F2P Dwarf Wizard - FAQ

    Q: How do I get proficiency with dwarven waraxes and shields?
    A1: Master's Touch (Also works on Tower Shields just be careful you don't cap your dodge)
    You can buy scrolls of these from the portable hole if you want your spell slot back. The spell works on the weapon and/or shield you are holding so if you swap weapons or shields frequently you may want to cast this on each unique item in the set. The effects last through rest and will reset when you leave the dungeon. At later levels you can get proficiency through spending AP but Master's Touch is my preferred method and works right at level 1.
    A2: Its possible to run effectively without either proficiency. Not having Shield Proficiency will give you a - to attack based on the armor check penalty of your shield (which is 0 for Mithral Heavy Shields). Having weapon proficiency will give you the +20% to hit bonus so not having it mean no bonus to hit for you as well as getting a -4 penalty to hit. At low levels this is a noticeable decrease in DPS at higher levels this becomes a lot less noticeable. The most annoying thing about running without proficiency is the obnoxious red exclamation point that appears on your screen. Just like and old car with the check engine light constantly on you can solve this with a sticky note or sheer force of will.

    Q: How do I deal with spell failure?
    A: I try to keep spell failure down to 10% or less at all times. This is just a personal choice and obviously 0% is ideal.
    Level 1-6 I run in Apprentice's Robe because it makes my Acid Spray that much better. I only just learned about Robe of Duality which I'll upgrade to in my next life. With new random loot bringing back Mithral I may change to a Mithral Chain Shirt if a good one gets dropped on my lap but this will add 5% spell failure. For weapons I usually just use a 2 handed weapon which has 0% spell failure . I do carry a Heavy Mithral Shield which adds 5% spell failure (These are farmable quest rewards from completing Water Works parts 1-4 or you can get lucky with random loot).
    Level 6 Thanks to Imbue the Blade all your spell failure issues go away. This removes 15 spell failure from your shield AND armor effectively giving you up to 30% off spell failure. At this point I put on any Heavy Shield and any Light Armor. While it's possible to pick up Armored Arcana at this level I don't because I like being able to self heal and float in wraith form which requires a minimum of 6 AP.
    Level 7+ Once you hit 28 AP pick up Armored Arcana put on Medium Armor and don't look back. At this point you have no MRR cap, a relatively high MRR, a relatively high PRR, and these bonuses are getting doubled against dangerous things due your Heavy Shield. My absolute favorite armor for any level is The Only Exception (Isn't that amazing! So versatile! Look at that max dex bonus aka dodge cap! Scweee! Combine it with Pansophic Circlet for all your gearing needs for any F2P spell caster!)

    Q: I'm looking for 5 pieces of gear that are powerful and versatile that will last me through many TRs. What would you recommend?
    A1: Armor - The Only Exception All classes except Rogue, Alchemist, and Ranger can get Medium Armor proficiency and no spell failure. Medium armor is just plain good cause it allows a high dodge and removes your MRR cap. This could work for Bear Druids but there are some other cooler options. This is technically 6 items but hey it will last.
    A2: Helmet - Pansophic Circlet and Legendary Pansophic Circlet While it would be more optimal to specialize in a particular element this helmet is good enough to get you through the game on any character. The only classes that wouldn't benefit from this would be the non-spell casters Fighters, Barbarians, Monks, Rogues.
    A3: Shield - The Best Defense and The Legendary Best Defense If you are going to have a shield on for the increased defenses it might as well contribute some offense! This is not a F2P item I just love it so much. If purely F2P and if you don't mind waiting until level 27 the Devil Defense is equivalent or better.
    A4: Cloak - Cloak of Night The dodge bonus is insane. This build doesn't make use of the incorporality but basically every other class would benefit from it. This could also allow you to experiment with Vampire form and add some CC to your group. The DR is very good as it is only bypassed by Good Aligned weapons which I can't imagine comes up very often.
    A5: Necklace - Utilitarian Necklace and Legendary Utilitarian Necklace While these aren't the highest Con or Sheltering items in the game it really is a great one stop shop for a well rounded defensive item.

    Q: There are 3 builds here! Which one do you recommend?
    A: Like everything it depends. The More AOE seems more fun to play from levels 1-20 and is oddly more defensive in the form of a dead enemies DPS is 0 thus keeping you alive for the next fight. This seems to fall off after level 20 when you have much better options than to cleave 4 times. At level 20+ the availability of Improved Combat Expertise and Legendary Shield Mastery make the Recommended or More Tanky build options more appealing. I usually level in the More AOE build and when I want to run challenging content Epic Reincarnate into the Recommended or More Tanky build.

    Q: What about the other combat style feats?
    A: Two Weapon Fighting and Single Weapon Fighting feat lines are both solid choices for damage and will qualify you for more HP at level 21 when Epic Defensive Fighting is active. Greater Two Weapon Fighting requires a 17 Dex which is expensive to fit into a 28pt build. You will have stronger single target DPS but lower AOE damage. Single Weapon Fighting can be combined with an orb and has no stat requirements (only a skill requirement) making it easier to fit in to a stat starved character. Additionally your orb will propagate your spell sword damage. This will also have better single target DPS but lower AOE damage. What they both lack is defensiveness which is where the Two Handed Fighting style combined with wielding a shield and having high PRR and MRR shines.

    Q: I have followed your build, ran 6 lives, have fully geared myself with all useful F2P items, and have gained confidence in myself as a player by soloing LN Tempest Spine and LN Hound of Xoriat. What should I do now?
    A: Assuming you are running only F2P content. 6 lives would have netted you 2250 DDO Points (1558 total F2P Favor ignoring the first time bonus would give you 375 DDO Points per run). That's enough points for a couple adventure packs or maybe a Race or Class you really want to play. Warforged Sorcerer has a lot of similarities to Dwarf Wizard and would give you another 6 lives to run. I'd focus on unlocking account wide stuff first (Adventure Packs, Classes, Races, etc). Don't be afraid to toss SSG a little coin every now and again, they did create this great game for us and keep on pumping out new content. Expansions are highly efficient to purchase with real money instead of DDO Points.

    Q: What about the Harper Agent Universal Tree?
    A: Love it, Just don't go above 12 AP in the tree. There's not much there after you get Int to damage. I tried my hardest to get an Insightful Damage scroll to work in lieu of this tree but it requires the weapon to be in your off hand which is fine unless you want a sentient weapon (which you do) and the DC is pretty high. This tree will improve your melee weapon damage but do nothing for your survive-ability nor your spell damage. I put points in this tree starting at level 18 when I can get everything I want out of Eldritch Knight and Pale Master this is also when my Int starts to sky rocket above my Str.

    Q: How do you solo Legendary Tempest Spine?
    A: This is a long term project that I want to accomplish. I'm pretty confident I can get LH Tempest and Hound done. LE is going to be real tough. My pure F2P toon is currently level 21 with none of the F2P gear that is needed for the run. I'll get to this within 2021. But as a F2P first lifer I think this build can easily lead a Legendary Tempest run. I talk more about how to make your Skeletal Knight get a 75 Str in this post and getting the 50 Int is easy even with only F2P gear.
    Last edited by TraitorJ03; 03-17-2021 at 08:56 AM.

  9. #9
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    Cool Thank you!

    I just wanted to pop in and thank you for this amazing thread. It has been hugely valuable to me and I'm quite enjoying my new human wizard rocking the 1.5 handed style + large shield!! I'm up to level 9.5 and just having an excellent time with no issues so far

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valgareth View Post
    I just wanted to pop in and thank you for this amazing thread. It has been hugely valuable to me and I'm quite enjoying my new human wizard rocking the 1.5 handed style + large shield!! I'm up to level 9.5 and just having an excellent time with no issues so far
    A Human! Didn't you read the title!!!
    JK, JK.

    Thank you for giving me my first feedback. It warms my heart that you found my thread helpful.

    Happy wizarding

  11. #11
    Community Member crazycaren's Avatar
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    I'm interested in trying this build to get through my dwarf lives on my caster character. I don't see where you've taken int to damage. Do you take it in Harper?
    Why not invite your spouse to play?

  12. #12
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    Default crazycaren

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycaren View Post
    I'm interested in trying this build to get through my dwarf lives on my caster character. I don't see where you've taken int to damage. Do you take it in Harper?
    Hopefully I didn't reply too late to help you out. I'm glad this thread caught your eye.
    I do Take Harper personally but I wrote this post as F2P friendly as possible so I only talk about it in FAQs.
    This build can function without Harper but obviously your melee damage will suffer (which is the better scaling part of this build)

    Quote Originally Posted by TraitorJ03 View Post
    Q: What about the Harper Agent Universal Tree?
    A: Love it, Just don't go above 12 AP in the tree. There's not much there after you get Int to damage. I tried my hardest to get an Insightful Damage scroll to work in lieu of this tree but it requires the weapon to be in your off hand which is fine unless you want a sentient weapon (which you do) and the DC is pretty high. This tree will improve your melee weapon damage but do nothing for your survive-ability nor your spell damage. I put points in this tree starting at level 18 when I can get everything I want out of Eldritch Knight and Pale Master this is also when my Int starts to sky rocket above my Str.
    With a hybrid build you can lean into any one of the aspects to meet your play style. I've leaned into Melee Damage, Acid Damage, and Negative Energy damage. I haven't tried DC casting which may interest you but it's not my play style. After a lot of testing I think this build works best when leaning into Negative Energy damage and survivability. In the future I'll be posting a Necro Tank Build based on this thread but I'm still 5 pieces shy of my 5 piece LGS set that will turn the build from good to fantastic so I'm working on that first.

    Please feel free to ask questions.

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