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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Gear sets for lower levels

    Does anyone have a suggestion for gear sets for a pale master at level 5, 10 and 15? I see a lot of posts foe end game gear but nothing in between. (i.e. Ravenloft set).

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Are you looking to *just* cast, or are you mixing in EK? That's gonna affect things like your armor and weapon choices quite a bit

    The main reason you don't see gearsets for 1-20 is because it really doesn't speed things up much. Unlike gear tetris at cap you don't really need all these extra goodies, and any time you spend swapping gear is time you're not spending in quests.

    I tend to swap gear at levels 7, 10, and 15 for a heroic life. There may be weapon swaps or spellpower optimizations between those (eg, Elemental Bloom at 8, or a new spellpower item at 12 when Barovian Sceptre just doesn't cut it), but generally I go for Red Fens (7), Ravenloft (10), and Sharn (15). If you've got Slave Lords gear farmed/crafted (I don't), you can swap those in at 8 and wear them until at least 15.

    At 7 I tend to slot Boots of the Mire, Marshwalker's Ring, and Bracers of the Claw regardless of build. As a PM you'll want Elder's Cap, Elder's Focus, and maybe Shaman's Band depending on what spells you're using to kill things at these levels. If you're going EK/PM, snag Gloves of the Claw for the set bonus, though you might want those anyway to mitigate Str penalties.

    At 10, Beacon of Magic set is a no-brainer with Silverthread Belt in your waist slot. Skulled Ring (not necessary until at least 11 for Circle of Death), Phasecloak, Barovian / Nightmother's Sceptres, Ring of Nightfall (only for Insightful Int). If you're going Necro / Illusion, Reflective Bloodstone and Mistfallen. Gear doesn't change much for EK - just weapons, fitting in spellpower in whatever slots you've got free

    Esoteric Initiate set at 15 (Arcsteel Battlemage if EK), keeping Silverthread Belt. Swap in Stygian Wrath for lots of spellpoints, Shattered Onyx, Black Velvet Capelet.

    As a PM you might consider the Dreadkeeper set (17) if you're going into epics, but I'm too lazy to gear swap right before TRing at 20.

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