No. With the whole reincarnation deal, it would feel like I'd need to rewrite it every life or three.
No. With the whole reincarnation deal, it would feel like I'd need to rewrite it every life or three.
I use the bio for a running tally of all tomes and past lives since there is no easy at a glance method of seeing everything otherwise.
Build a man a fire and he is warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he is warm for the rest of his life.
Mostly filled with references and nonsense quotes.
Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:
Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
Wandering around randomly
Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
Repeating the same lines over and over again
Repeating the same lines over and over again
Indeed; I typically wait for a defining moment to help inform my bio or default to song lyrics.
Sometimes. I don't do a short story, but I use the Bio to stash anything that I think might be interesting or useful.
Best use I've found for the Bio is to list your alts.
Join Magefire Cannon on Thelanis!
Follow PB on Twitch!
PB's Youtube Channel
The chronicler for my characters' deeds said he needed a bio break and never came back.
No, I never write a bio, no idea what role play is at all.
Yes. That's the best part of character creation ;-)
Khyber: Nimrud (main), Tadko (tank), Yayamee (monk), Healingonly (melee FvS), Almeya (trapper), Groggor (barb), Feneya (archer), Zornix (archer) and some others
Hardcore season 1: AveDarkLord (favor leaderboards)
Hardcore season 5: Dont Wanna Die (favor leaderboards)
Nah, not interested in role plays, so I’m not gonna need ‘em.....
Sometimes I'll list the buffs available from my bards in their bio section.
"Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk
On my main, a bit though it's become overtaken with notes for myself in support of TRs...
Not really a point in more than a few lines since the bio resets to the top for anyone reading it every few seconds.
In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
*All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.
ofc i do!
they're even related to each other
i love to read other people's bios - too bad pally&bard buffs (aka auras) reset the bio slider back to top. its annoying as ****
(can you fix that? xD )
I like to type up delicious recipes in my character bios
(Deepest apologies for the boring answer)
~~ Adrunil - Rogue. Halfling, big guy you can't miss him. ~~
~~ Adrunel - Monkcher. (Moncher?) ~~
Robodoc - FvS Evoker-Healer. Post 19: Ended up LRing into 13/7 forc
Orien server.
Yes - here are the bio for Nizzo
<rgb=#FF0000>TR144 all pure, 74 RP</rgb>
Class, Epic and Racial Completionist</rgb>
Combat): You were killed by Nizzo</rgb>
1-3 FvS
16 FvS + Completionist
41 Bard28 + EPIC Completionist +1
42 WL + Completionist again
53 I-PDK - 3*Heroic Completionist
81+ WL/G
108 WE/bard+1
109 I-Gnom
110 WL/Dra
111 Bard/Ti
112 WL/Ti
113 Soc/Ti
114 I-Ti
115 Soc/Ti
116 Wis/Gnom
117 I-Ti
118 War/Aas
119 FsV/Aas
120 Pal/Aas
121 Alc/G
123 Alc/Drow
124 Alc/Ti
125 Pal/***
126 I-Ti
127 WL/Ti