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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default Heroic Epic in Eveningstar seems disproportionately hard

    Veterans sporting characters with 50 past lives probably will not feel this much, but as someone with only a second life toon and having played Heroic Epic around the areas I feel safe saying that the Heroic Epic quests in Eveningstar are disproportionately harder compared to Heroic Hard as opposed to other areas. Sure, HE is supposed to be a gain in difficulty, and will have more enemies among other things, but in ES it goes beyond. How easy or hard?

    Take the story arcs such as the Druid's Deep where the Heroic level is 17, and the Epic level is 23. I have tested this on many quests in Eveningstar with such differences and it is undeniable that Heroic Epic is much harder than Epic Hard! That makes no sense. I have not observed such an extreme in other areas so must conclude it is particular to Eveningstar.

    I realize this is not a 'bug' per se, but posting this in Suggestions seems less appropriate.

  2. #2
    Ultimate Lord of Shadows Dreppo's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    Are you referring to the fact that heroic characters can acquire the quest The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar, and then have a disproportionately hard time completing because they can't enter? If so, signed!

  3. #3
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    One "heroic epic" could have been a typo, but that many?

    I'm assuming you meant Heroic Elite, and, yes, all level 17+ heroic quests are quite nasty on elite. Druids Deep is no worse than Enter the Kobold or Monastery of the Scorpion, and much easier in some ways.

    And if you think the High Road is bad on Elite, try Terminal Delirium sometime.

    This is why most people level to 20 using quests that are level 16 or under.
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  4. #4
    The Hatchery Drekisen's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    The hard setting in both heroic and epic is only a slight bump up from normal, moreso now that we have champions but still quite doable.

    Both Heroic and Epic elite have always been a leap as far as difficulty, it is not a linear scale by any means.

    Heroic Elite CRs jump up 7-10 from normal. Epic Elite CR's jump up by 20+ and many times more like 30+.

    If you want to run more effortlessly in Heroic Elite I would suggest racking up a lot of Epic past lives.....I would have to say that is where most of the power from past lives come from in this game, they make a huge difference all across the board.

    Eveningstar and many of the quests that came out after that expansion are way harder than the older content. Timesink, they knew with all the power that would be gained through Heroic and Epic TR's that characters would become much stronger.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    May 2012


    While all the responses so far are good I don't think either of you fully what the OP said He is referring to the exact same quest i.e. Druid's deep on HE vs EH. I think these quests are a bit of an anomaly because the gap between the heroic and epic versions of the quests are fairly small. And then when you apply both your answers you get the fuller answer. Elite difficulty causes a large jump in difficulty, which in this case is actually larger than the difficulty gap between the heroic and epic versions.

    To be honest I don't think anything really needs to change though. As PB said, most people avoid the 17-19 quests because they are quite a lot tougher that the level 16 versions. Just bank your xp at level 18.

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