As title, prismatic strike used by +Steelstar in B-day dungeon inflicts daze for ~15 seconds.

It's tooltip says it is removed on damage, but is not, in multiple runs, my toon would get damaged repeatedly while dazed (once SS got over 1000 damage to him under dazed effect) but only way I got it to end early was via Harper Pin. unless daze only checks for physical damage (well it IS Steelstar, so that part might be WAI, he is a DEV after all)


all of these fight have their "what in Khyber" quirks (+SteelStar is save check, +Severlin is PRR check, as example)

also, what is with bear traps in that challenge? I run it at lvl 28 (best PF/min on my build) and barb with 60 STR (CON based barb) can't avoid/get free from it unless he rolls 20 (I had multiple failed getting free attempts on roll of 19).

Main reason I ask is because wiki page mentions it's "easy" challenge, but in my experience LE Sharn runs are easier than running this challenge at lvl 30+