So this multiclass is designed to be fun, not the ultimate anything, but follows the idea of TWF with a dash of undead and Eldritch Knight. It was initially a vampire, but came out a bit of a mess, and a veteran from my guild helped clean it up some, making a few changes, but maintaining the core ideas. It has 9 levels of Ninja Monk, to get the Enhanced Evasion and Wind Stance among other things. It is designed for longsword+shortsword or just two longswords. Offhand extra strike is at 96%, plus plenty of dodge, concealment, and have multiple displacement options to add. That's the core idea. Feedback is welcome.

Wraith Ninja Tempest
9/6/5 Monk/Wizard/Ranger
Lawful Neutral Human

Level Order

1. Ranger          6. Monk           11. Wizard         16. Monk
2. Ranger          7. Monk           12. Wizard         17. Monk
3. Ranger          8. Wizard         13. Wizard         18. Monk
4. Ranger          9. Wizard         14. Monk           19. Monk
5. Ranger         10. Wizard         15. Monk           20. Monk

               34pt     Tome     Level Up
               ----     ----     --------
Strength        13       +8       4: DEX
Dexterity       17       +8       8: DEX
Constitution    16       +8      12: DEX
Intelligence    14       +8      16: DEX
Wisdom           8       +8      20: DEX
Charisma         8       +8      24: DEX
                                 28: DEX


 1        : Dodge
 1 Human  : Weapon Focus: Slashing
 3        : Mobility
 6        : Knight's Training
 6 Monk   : Whirling Steel Strike
 7 Monk   : Precision
 8 Wizard : Extend Spell
 9        : Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12        : Improved Critical: Slashing
12 Wizard : Quicken Spell
15        : Greater Two Weapon Fighting
17 Monk   : Spring Attack
18        : Master of Forms
21 Epic   :
24 Epic   :
26 Destiny:
27 Epic   :
28 Destiny:
29 Destiny:
30 Epic   :
30 Legend :

14 Monk   : Path of Harmonious Balance

 1 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Undead
 5 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Construct

Enhancements (80 AP)

Tempest (37 AP)
    • Shield of Whirling Steel, Tempest
         1. Improved Reaction III, Improved Defense III, Whirling Blades
         2. Improved Parry I, Improved Dodge III, Whirling Blades, Haste Boost III
         3. Storm Dancer, Improved Mobility III, Whirling Blades
         4. Storm Tempest, Whirling Blades
         5. Dual Perfection, Whirling Blades, Dance of Death III

Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (18 AP)
    • Eldritch Strike, Spellsword, Imbue the Blade
         1. Improved Mage Armor III, Toughness II
         2. Improved Shield III, Spellpower Boost III
         3. Arcane Barrier, Synergetic Magic

Ninja Spy (11 AP)
    • Basic Ninja Training, Advanced Ninja Training, Shadow Veil
         1. Sneak Attack Training, Acrobatic III
         2. Agility III

Pale Master (11 AP)
    • Dark Reaping, Shroud of the Wraith, Ghost in the Wind
         1. Negative Energy Conduit III, Deathless Vigor II
         2. Cloak of Night

Shintao (3 AP)
    • Bastion of Purity
         1. Deft Strikes II