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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Abyss Pact Bugged In Terms Of BAB

    I confirmed this last night........ you can not have full BAB while using the Abyss pact even if you are using the Divine crusader epic destiny tree.

    Also, you can not get full BAB using celestial spirit while Channel The Abyss is active....... try any of these as a level 30 Abyss pact build and your BAB will be stuck as 20, not 20/30 and you will feel the negative impact of that while running a quest so I can definitely confirm that such is NOT a display bug but instead an actual bug!

  2. #2
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    So far the only way I have been able to achieve full BAB successfully has been from casting Tensor's Transformation from a scroll!

    I waited a bit and allowed it to expire, the full BAB fades on expiration as normally, was hoping to find that the casting of such corrected the bug somehow but the full BAB faded as well!

  3. #3
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I added the Tenser's Transformation to my warlock spellbook by exchanging a spell, it works when casted from warlock spellbook too!

    But still, upon expiring, the bug is still not corrected.........

    Logging out and back in has been tried multiple times, as has using a different race for Warlock build (Tiefling and Shadar-Kai have both been tried).

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