If you read my thread below, you'll know that I recently ER'd into a TA. I noticed that there was little to no info on what attacks work with strikethrough for acrobats on the wiki or in the forums. I did some testing and posted the following on the "Master list of what works with strikethrough thread" in the main discussion forum. As mentioned below, I've added this information to the ddowiki page for strikethrough.
I tested Quick Strikes and Sly Flourish from TA tree and both attacks carry over the +3W to all strikethrough targets. The +3 crit range from Sly Flourish applies as well. I've added them to the Strikethrough wiki page. Since Sweeping Strikes and Staff Lunge are aoe effects, I'm not sure how to reliably test them for strikethrough, if it even matters.

EDIT: Adding that Shiv also works with strikethrough. The AOE bluff effect makes it similar to Improved Feint, which is really nice!

Shiv is a really interesting find to me. It's like having a second Improved Feint, albeit with a 12 sec cooldown.