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  1. #1
    Community Member Wynder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Returning Player -- Guild Guidance?

    Greetings, folks!

    I've recently returned to DDO after about, oh, 10 years of not playing and I'm looking to get back a bit more into the swing of things. I've brought my wife along with me, so while we have some newbie characters, I'm trying to get my Level 13 Cleric Healer back up and running again.

    If there are any guilds out there that can accommodate this type of player, feel free to hit me up here or (even better) on Discord at Tealstone#7692.


  2. #2
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Wynder View Post
    Greetings, folks!

    I've recently returned to DDO after about, oh, 10 years of not playing and I'm looking to get back a bit more into the swing of things. I've brought my wife along with me, so while we have some newbie characters, I'm trying to get my Level 13 Cleric Healer back up and running again.

    If there are any guilds out there that can accommodate this type of player, feel free to hit me up here or (even better) on Discord at Tealstone#7692.

    I can recommend the Mature Adventures Club on Khyber.

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