One thing they have on us, torches. As broad, and deep as Minecraft can be, it doesn't hold a candle to DDO, imho. But for that fact, one of the most dramatic things about DDO(D&D) is seeing, or not be able to.
I am curious can the engine incorporate the use of Torches, more dramatic lighting(or use of it). It was very reminiscent to watch the player place the torches down(In Minecraft), in order too see better. The premise I feel holds true for D&D(O).
Is it possible to make dungeons that are dark, that require manual lighting, the use of lanterns, light spells? It would go a long way to immerse some players, for some dungeons that were more restrictive in the use of lighting. To my knowledge no quest has darkness where players must provide for it, or have infravision, ultravision, echolocation, etc...
Are there currently Quests, Modules, Missions, etc that specifically restrict light, or force players to provide some means of it. Even if were only the light of a weapon. That could be eerie, dramatic, suspenseful, and fun. Or tragic. Nonetheless, can anyone tell me what has been done in terms of lighting, or lack of, in Quests?