Goolan came back a few months ago. I notice that nobody uses voice chat any more. Why is that? Some of us live alone, and the chat helps to keep us sane during the shutdown.
Goolan came back a few months ago. I notice that nobody uses voice chat any more. Why is that? Some of us live alone, and the chat helps to keep us sane during the shutdown.
Well, at least there is one robo-voice on Khyber. And it's you!
The mic system for DDO really sucks. I have a few friends who have great mics super clear in discord, but when they talk in DDO, the sound is so quiet. So yeah, lots of people have just joined discord, and there are a lot more static groups as well. Since the game has a ton of power creep, lots of people have just found their own groups, and run with their own groups, doing very little pugging. Even going so far as soloing, instead of throwing up LFMs
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
hey goolan, it's been a bit but I remember you from the old days.
we indeed use discord for nearly all ddo related communication at this point.
I am the owner of the plague winds discord, and am a member of the crimson eagles and lava divers discord servers as well. whenever you join a group or raid with any of those people, we are in a discord server making fun of the puggiesI know homeboys and Raven nation have discord servers as well, and also the main ddo discord is for the whole community to communicate and even the devs like steelstar post there on a regular basis.
cool things about discord is that you can set permission by individual user so, anyone can join a general chat and main voice chat but keep the unwanted people out of guild chat and private voice channel. for this reason, most of the main endgame guilds discord servers are open for anyone to use, all you have to do is ask a guild member or sometimes officer and they will send you a link if it's available to anyone. most of the servers I mentioned have a user access level setup for "friends of guild" that I'm 100% you would fit right in to. its a great way to find people you didn't even know exist because of static grouping.
Khyber server: Plague Winds
Tank Gotta Go Fast-Shanayney - over 156 Reaper points
Survivable Healer-Sahanna