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  1. #1
    Community Member Ripjaw7's Avatar
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    Lightbulb The Barbarian Cleric: A Fast Durable Build for Fast Heroic TR's

    The Core Thoughts:

    I started this build on the Hardcore Server trying to max both strength and damage and the healing capabilities of one character to increase it's survivability and solo capabilities. Through the last several updates, Barbarian has made a swift comeback in durability and had a big overhaul in damage. Thanks to many of the enhancements found in both the Frenzied Berserker and the Ravager trees, this build is very hard to take down (unless you manage to get instakilled). The only reason to take Cleric is to get the healing and to not have to switch from your weapon to your scrolls and back within the midst of combat. Thanks to the higher durability of this build, healing others is not a huge problem once it becomes necessary in reaper mode. I am currently using this build during my TR grind and I am loving it. At higher levels, the gear really helps build the character and the propper equipment will help it stay alive. The core build is below. Enhancements will follow, then FEATS, then the GEAR. Please note that I do not plan on playing this this through epics but will return to the build later on to see how it handles.


    Starting Out:

    Half Orc


    Max Strength
    2nd Highest Constitution
    3rd Highest Wisdom
    Lower Dexterity

    Two Handed Fighting

    Jump. (Highest)
    Swim. (2nd Highest)
    Listen. (Lowest)


    LEVELING: 12 Barbarian/7 Cleric/1 Fighter

    Level 1: Barbarian 1
    Level 2: Barbarian 2
    Level 3: Cleric 1: Aureon
    Level 4: Cleric 2: Aureon
    Level 5: Cleric 3
    Level 6: Barbarian 3
    Level 7: Barbarian 4
    Level 8: Cleric 4
    Level 9: Cleric 5
    Level 10: Cleric 6
    Level 11: Barbarian 5
    Level 12: Barbarian 6
    Level 13: Barbarian 7
    Level 14: Barbarian 8
    Level 15: Cleric 7
    Level 16: Fighter 1
    Level 17: Barbarian 9
    Level 18: Barbarian 10
    Level 19: Barbarian 11
    Level 20: Barbarian 12

    Leveling and Increasing Abilities:
    Increase Strength only. By increasing strength, your strength based skills will increase and damage will increase as well

    Leveling and Increasing Skills:
    Increase Jump, Swim and Listen. Increasing jump is a priority, but you do not need to increase it for more than about eight (8) to ten (10) points. Listen is a wisdom based skill but comes in handy in reaper mode if it gets high enough to be able to spot invisible or sneaking creatures.


    Strength Domain: Since I am playing barbarian, I have gone into the strength domain to avoid stat damage as well have higher saves from
    traps and spells etc. All other effects that

    From other suggestions
    Destruction Domain: This domain is good if you are entirely focused on self heal even during rage, however, I have not
    found a reason to heal during raging because barbarians can self heal through their tier five enhancements, which heal them
    for kills they make. Also, buffing is usually done before a fight and not during, so I see no need to be able to cast during a

    Animal Domain: The only reason I would end up using this domain is for its extra hitpoints due to the fact that you must have mroe cleric
    levels to gain more powers from this domain.

    Overall, it is up to you which domain you wish to go into... I have put my thoughts and ideas down but I encourage you to
    test and play the way you want to!


    Note: Numbers next to enhancements are their point costs

    <Frenzied Berserker>: (36 Points)

    Die Hard (1)
    Frenzied Toughness (1)
    Frenzy (1) (+2 Strength)
    Frenzied Toughness (1)

    Extra Rage (3)
    Cracking Attack (3)
    Die Harder (1)
    Power Rage (4)

    Angry Arms (3)
    Blood Tribute (3)
    Body Blow (3)

    Mad Munitions (3)
    Blood Trail (3)
    Supreme Cleave (3)

    Exhausting Blow (3)

    <Ravager>: (40 Points)

    Furious Rage (1)
    Pain Touch (1)
    Demoralizing Success (1)
    Pain Tough (1)

    Hate (3)
    Do You Like Pain? (3)
    Barbarian Power Attack (3)

    Mutilate (3)
    I Like Pain (3)
    Cruel Cut (3)

    Aura of Fear (3)
    Slaughter (3)
    Festering Wound (3)

    Laughter (3)
    I Hit Back! (3)
    Dismember (3)

    Blood Strength (1)
    Bully (3)
    Uncanny Balance (1)
    Critical Rage (2)

    ALL FEATS: (7)

    Power Attack
    Increases two handed fighting Damage
    Two Handed Fighting
    Chosen combat style
    Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Improving combat style
    Mental Toughness
    Increases spell points for more heals
    Stunning Blow
    Helps pacify mobs and deal more helpless damage
    Great for big mob clusters
    Great Cleave
    Great for even bigger mob clusters

    When thinking about what melee and caster feats to take you have to realize the trade offs that you must make to make sure you get the feats you want/need. For example, I always recommend taking the weapon focus and specialization feats if you are a melee build because it gives you more damage and melee power. However, in this case, I had to sacrifice those for Stunning Blow and Mental Toughness because Stunning Blow helps stop mobs from attacking me so I can bring them down faster, and Mental Toughness allows me to get more spell points, as taking feats such as Extend or Quicken would only take up more SP to use, and I am in no need to extend my healing spells, as they are not a lingering spell. Cleave and Great Cleave has become very useful due to the recently added "Strikethrough Chance" that allows you to make more tactical and confirmed hits to targets near and around you even if you are not targeting them individually. In other words, they are more confirmed glancing blows. Taking Two Handed Fighting and Improved Fighting increases that strikethrough chance making me deal damage to a cluster of mobs than just one individually.



    Level 10 Gear Set:
    Armor: Coat of the Traveler (1)
    Head: Mask of the Vulkoorim
    Trinket: Cursebane Focus (1)
    Neck: Ward-Inscribed Pendant (1)
    Cloak: Shadowhail Cloak
    Belt: Vistani Fighter's Sash (2)
    Wrists: Axe Bane
    Hands: Knifepalm (2)
    Ring1: Deathwarden (2)
    Ring2: Skulled Ring (2)
    Feet: Flightfoot Greaves (2)
    Eyes: Random
    Weapon: Barovian's Greatsword

    (1) = Crypt Raider set:
    +2 Artifact Bonus to hit and damage vs. Evil creatures.
    +5 Artifact Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power
    -20% Artifact bonus to threat decrease with both melee and ranged attacks.

    (2) = Adherent of the Mists set:
    +5 Profane Bonus to Physical Resistance Rating.
    +10 Profane Bonus to Positive, Negative, and Repair Healing Amplification.
    +5 Profane Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power.
    +10 Profane Bonus to Universal Spell Power.

    Level 15 Gear Set:
    Armor: Enforcer's Coat (3)
    Head: Mask of the Vulkoorim
    Trinket: Cursebane Focus
    Neck: Recruit Family Sigil (3)
    Cloak: Shadowhail Cloak
    Belt: Dragonscale Belt
    Wrists: Hallowed Castigators
    Hands: Hammerfists (3)
    Ring1: Deathwarden
    Ring2: Celestial Ruby Ring (Upgraded Strength)
    Feet: Flightfoot Greaves
    Eyes: Precision Lenses
    Weapon: Tail of the Scorpion

    (3) = Part of the Family set:
    +10% Artifact bonus to Doublestrike
    +10 Artifact bonus to Melee Power
    +5% Artifact bonus to damage vs the Helpless
    +5% Artifact bonus to Fortification Bypass



    Level 1:
    Divine Favor
    Cure Light Wounds
    Remove Fear

    Level 2:
    Cure Moderate Wounds
    Lesser Restoration (clears rage fatigue)
    Bull's Strength

    Level 3:
    Cure Serious Wounds
    Remove Blindness

    Level 4:
    Cure Critical Wounds
    Death Ward
    Divine Power +6 Strength


    Reaper Ability:
    Starting off, low level reapers are easy on a barbarian, as they have the strength and the hit points to survive through the quests. However, if you are new to the game or returning and are just new to reaper mode, I would suggest holding off on reaper mode until you progress more into the game. This character, having the capabilities to heal others, is a very effective character in reaper groups. Since the build is durable and damage effective, its healing capabilities reflect perfectly for a party with spell casters and melee focused characters. Getting up into the higher level reapers, I found that it became more difficult to solo reaper quests due to the lack reaper points which I have. Taking the cleric levels for healing was to help groups in reaper mode, and to help you solo quests on elite. Since barbarians have Blood Tribute (+150 Temporary HP) this helps keep them alive for a long time (as long as they have a decent constitution score). Taking the enhancements in the trees help increase damage, durability, survivability and self healing. I would suggest joining reaper groups with this character and not soloing because the healing can only go so far until you really need a group to heal you.


    Solo Ability:
    This character's solo ability is decently high on elite difficulties because of its healing capabilities. Getting into higher levels will grant you more damage, better gear, and better survivability. Taking all of the enhancements listed above will ensure that getting from level 1-20 will be very straight forward and it should be fun as well. I have had a lot of fun playing this character over the last week and due to its capabilities, I have gone up 14 levels in the last 3 days while still focusing on real life tasks.


    Final Words:
    I would appreciate any feedback, positive or negative on things that you like or dislike about the build so I may go and revisit it later and see what kinks I can work out. Any recommendations or edits are welcome as this is my first build that I'm publishing! I have found it to be very durable and it brings monsters down quickly, so give it a try and have fun with it!

    Happy Adventuring!

    - Myraon



    Gear Sets:

    Spell List:

    Enhancements List:



    Last edited by Ripjaw7; 07-18-2020 at 06:35 PM. Reason: Edited overall post and organized.

  2. #2
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ripjaw7 View Post
    Starting Out:

    Two Weapon Fighting
    ? How is this supposed to help? It looks like a THF build esp with later feats.

    Listen (Lowest)
    Swim. (2nd Highest)
    Jump. (Highest)

    Increasing Skills: Increase Jump, Swim and Listen*
    Increasing jump is main priority, but swim comes second. Listen is a wisdom based skill but comes in handy in reaper mode if it gets high enough.
    Maybe re-order this so highest priority is at the top?

    Be aware Jump caps out at 40. IMO there's little value in taking more than ~10 points in it on a Str-based toon; it's pretty easy to get way overcap lol.

    LEVELING: 12 Barbarian/8 Cleric
    What does Cleric 8 give you over (say) 7/1 Cleric/Fighter, which gives Haste Boost, a feat, and PDK > Silvanus option while retaining 4th level spells. Or like FvS 1 for a trance option?

    I assume Destruction Domain? Might want to call that out somewhere :P

    Frenzied Berserker: (36 Points)

    Exhausting Blow (3)
    Have you considered saving a few AP here for like OS's 12 PRR/MRR or racial tree or something? Seems like a lot of points here, although it is a good tree.

    Do you find value in Exhausting Blow? Is it just the +5[w] or does the debuff help? Asking because I haven't used it

    ALL FEATS: (7)
    Mental Toughness
    Mental Toughness for SP? Wouldn't you save more via Extend?


    Looks like a fun build
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    I did not see a Domain recommendation in your build.

    From my experience I found the Destruction Domain works well for this type of concept as it allows for casting the Divine Spells while raged.

    However, the Animal Domain with its bonus HP, fort bypass and charge ability can add some defense and offense

  4. #4
    Community Member Ripjaw7's Avatar
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    Fixed corrections and added domain

  5. #5
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    From my experience I found the Destruction Domain works well for this type of concept as it allows for casting the Divine Spells while raged.

    However, the Animal Domain with its bonus HP, fort bypass and charge ability can add some defense and offense
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripjaw7 View Post
    Fixed corrections and added domain
    Feral Charge is Animal Domain's 14th level ability. Fort Bypass is 9th level. Neither is an option with Barbarian 12 lol. HP is fine, but make sure that's what you're picking it for. If you don't need the healing while raged, Animal for HP or maybe Luck for Displacement (take Extend, use it before important fights) seems like your best bet.

    I've run 14/6 Cleric/Fighter for Feral Charge, but that's an entirely different build
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ripjaw7 View Post
    LEVELING: 12 Barbarian/8 Cleric

    Strength Domain: Since I am playing barbarian, I have gone into the strength domain to avoid stat damage as well have higher saves from traps and spells etc. Also, at level 14, you also always save against stun effects.
    • Level 5: Your Reflex saving throws are now based on Strength instead of Dexterity, if it is higher.
    • Level 9: You become immune to knock down effects
    • Level 14: You always make your saving throw against Stun effects.

    Unless the wiki page is wrong, you're not getting the save vs Stuns effect with only 8 cleric levels. Unless you mean "if you switch to barb 6 / cleric 14 split," of course, but if so you should probably spell that out for anyone who is unaware.
    Destruction Domain: This domain is good if you are entirely focused on self heal even during rage, however, I have not
    found a reason to heal during raging because barbarians can self heal through their tier five enhancements, which heal them
    for kills they make. Also, buffing is usually done before a fight and not during, so I see no need to be able to cast during a
    Switching to Destruction domain and relying on spells to heal would let you switch to tier-5 Frenzied Berserker's Focused Wrath which would be better DPS than Critical Rage with falchions (15-20/x4). Focus Wide + Raging Blows would also be nice additions. Although IIRC Blood Strength isn't subject to the Reaper self-heal penalty? So that could be a factor too.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
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    Yeah agreed - FB is a much better tree top to bottom, especially if you have self-healing so you arent as reliant on Blood Strength. Rav's T3 and 4 are just so mediocre, it makes it wasteful having to spend the points to unlock those T5s.

    37 FB, 11 Ravager, 27 Warpriest for Amel+Striker+Divine Might, then 5 points for wherever. Wont be Favored weapon of course but nbd, you still apply Vuln with Smite and still can use Amel. Definitely should try to get DM in, and try to get STR>CON>CHA on gear.

    That'd give you two sources of passive healing while Raged (T5 FB, Amel), potentially letting you go STR domain, though Destruction for cast-while-raged is a sideways move at worst; STR is extra STR of course, and might help you avoid some damage from Reflex save-for-half against some damage, while Destruction would let you heal all damage mid-fight.

    Honestly, the "heal STR damage" effect in STR domain, I think, is a little can just chug Lesser Restore pots to heal STR damage. It only really helps when you reach STR 0 and are Helpless, and thus cannot chug pots - but any build that's using STR domain will likely be STR based, and thus should have enough STR that they're never getting zeroed out, at least not without really dropping the ball vs Shadows or something.

    Skills: UMD and 10 Jump. Most skills are incremental increases or convenience - UMD opens up lots of utility that otherwise is completely off the table. Plus if CHA is not a dump stat (because of DM) then your UMD can be pretty decent.

    Spells: swap Divine Power for FoM. The +6 STR doesnt stack with gear, and you're only gaining a few BAB. And dont slot what you can pot.

  8. #8
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    How are you casting spells while raged?

    Just go Barb 20 and take blood tribute. 99% of the time, pure builds are far easier to level 1-20. Mulitclass builds nearly always have dead zones where they work very poorly until they "turn on."

    Also, nearly every build is "fast and durable" for heroic TRs. Unless of course you believe Con is a dump stat.

  9. #9
    Community Member Draxis's Avatar
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    Wish I had the cash to grind out PLs with only one build.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draxis View Post
    Wish I had the cash to grind out PLs with only one build.

    Not commenting on the build specifically, but I would presume this was aimed at the *Racial* TR grind which would require no cash beyond what playing the game usually costs?

  11. #11
    Community Member Ripjaw7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    Feral Charge is Animal Domain's 14th level ability. Fort Bypass is 9th level. Neither is an option with Barbarian 12 lol. HP is fine, but make sure that's what you're picking it for. If you don't need the healing while raged, Animal for HP or maybe Luck for Displacement (take Extend, use it before important fights) seems like your best bet.

    I've run 14/6 Cleric/Fighter for Feral Charge, but that's an entirely different build
    Ah yes, looked into this and it is cleric levels and not total level . I will have to try out the Luck domain for this because displacement comes in really handy. However, I have the spell "Obscuring Mist" prepared and usually don't get hit by melee characters due to concealment. Since I have a higher strength score, I went into the Strength domain due to being able to add your Strength to your reflex save, since every character of mine always got carried through traps and fights with casters because my reflex was always bad.

    Again, I will have to look into this!

    Thanks for your input and advice!

  12. #12
    Community Member Ripjaw7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    ? How is this supposed to help? It looks like a THF build esp with later feats.

    Hehe, I meant Two Handed Weapon fighting and just forgot the hands part

    Maybe re-order this so highest priority is at the top?

    Be aware Jump caps out at 40. IMO there's little value in taking more than ~10 points in it on a Str-based toon; it's pretty easy to get way overcap lol.

    Fixed and added suggestion!

    What does Cleric 8 give you over (say) 7/1 Cleric/Fighter, which gives Haste Boost, a feat, and PDK > Silvanus option while retaining 4th level spells. Or like FvS 1 for a trance option?

    I actually switched the build up a little bit remembering that fighter does get that haste boost out of kensei. so I have Barb 12, Cleric 7, Fighter 1.
    I assume Destruction Domain? Might want to call that out somewhere :P

    I chose the Strength domain for the saves however, might look into different domains for future alterations.
    Have you considered saving a few AP here for like OS's 12 PRR/MRR or racial tree or something? Seems like a lot of points here, although it is a good tree.

    I mean, I have 2 points in my racial tree for Orcish strength, but I got a +2 tome for that

    Do you find value in Exhausting Blow? Is it just the +5[w] or does the debuff help? Asking because I haven't used it

    Exhausting blow is a good debuff and damage, however, I swapped it for the haste boost in Kensei. I mean, its OK if you can lower your enemies AC and damage against you (str and dex) however the damage is not the best and has a long cooldown. Its not as good as "Slaughter" which has a +10[W] according to wiki.
    Mental Toughness for SP? Wouldn't you save more via Extend?

    Extend just eats up more spell points, so Mental toughness gives me more spell points

    Looks like a fun build
    (Added responses in the quite per each comment )

    I appreciate the input and Advice, definitely took that into account when looking back at the build and changing some things! Thanks!

  13. #13
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ripjaw7 View Post
    Ah yes, looked into this and it is cleric levels and not total level . I will have to try out the Luck domain for this because displacement comes in really handy. However, I have the spell "Obscuring Mist" prepared and usually don't get hit by melee characters due to concealment.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ripjaw7 View Post
    I appreciate the input and Advice, definitely took that into account when looking back at the build and changing some things! Thanks!
    Glad to help! Yeah, if domains were per character level like every build would have a /2 Cleric dip just for domains XD

    If you go Luck Domain you'll want Extend :P Displacement is 6s per CL duration, so 48 seconds without Extend, or 96 with. Also as an SLA it's free to apply (right-click the hotbar icon, set to always on).

    Obscuring Mist equally applies to your attacks, AFAIK; it's also only 20% Concealment, vs Displacement's 50%. Still good, just be aware that Displacement is significantly more effective Of course there are occasional enemies with True Seeing that ignore Displacement.
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  14. #14
    Community Member Ripjaw7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    Glad to help! Yeah, if domains were per character level like every build would have a /2 Cleric dip just for domains XD

    If you go Luck Domain you'll want Extend :P Displacement is 6s per CL duration, so 48 seconds without Extend, or 96 with. Also as an SLA it's free to apply (right-click the hotbar icon, set to always on).

    Obscuring Mist equally applies to your attacks, AFAIK; it's also only 20% Concealment, vs Displacement's 50%. Still good, just be aware that Displacement is significantly more effective Of course there are occasional enemies with True Seeing that ignore Displacement.
    This is true that the effects and concealment of Obscuring Mist is lower... I will have to look at getting scrolls or spells maybe? I will have to look into this more!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ripjaw7 View Post
    Extend just eats up more spell points, so Mental toughness gives me more spell points
    It reduces the cost-per-second of buffs, though, because its cheaper to cast it once with Extend than twice without it.

    There's a breakeven point where the overall savings of Extend outweigh the extra SP of MT...but it depends on how much SP you already have, and how often you shrine in quests (basically, how often are you burning through your full amount of SP anyway?). But generally, the more SP you have (ie Wizardry items), the more it favors Extending buffs.

    Also, the convenience of not having to recast mid-fight is important for anyone, but especially for raging Barbs.

  16. #16
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Also, the convenience of not having to recast mid-fight is important for anyone, but especially for raging Barbs.
    With short-duration buffs this is what I was recommending Extend for, particularly for Luck Domain
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

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