Good day. My character Urvar Foewall on Cannith server is trying to Heroic Reincarnate.
I've gone through the process of acquiring and using up a Heart of Wood.
However back on the character selection menu, when I use the Reincarnate button and type in his name, I get the message:
"This character currently has enough XP to advance one or more levels. You must reenter the game and level up at a class trainer before you can reincarnate."
I'm level 23, and still 100k xp shy of 24 so there are no levels to gain. Edit: I've gained level 24 now, hoping that would trick the game into letting me reincarnate but it didn't work.
This is quite an old cleric (pure class) character, before domains were introduced and new deities added. And so those feats were missing. My friend is thinking that may be the problem. He offered a dragonshard to change a general feat to a deity lvl 1 one. But that didn't fix the problem.
My friend suggested Lesser reincarnating but because I already activated the Heart of Wood, I cannot.
I've sent two in-game tickets prior to this post. 5268129 & 5268219
I'd thought I'd give this post a shot if someone ran into this problem before.