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Thread: Epic Gianthold

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Epic Gianthold

    How can I know if a rare has spawned? Does it show a yellow dot like those in Kings Forest?

    Also, do dragons there drop scales?

  2. #2
    Founder Enkidu's Avatar
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    You just have to know where they can spawn and they don't show up on the map like the King's Forest. Any rare can spawn on any given spot which makes getting them all tricky. I've never gotten a scale off the rare dragon spawns, but on any given life I might come across one of them. The path in front of the troll lair seems to have three spawn points and it's easy to get to if you want to try and farm the rares, just kill the spawns there and recall/reset the instance.

  3. #3
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    Dragons in quest instances can drop scales. The only wilderness spawn that I have seen drop a flawless dragon scale is the encounter in King's Forest. He's soloable.

    The green dragon in Don't Drink the Water drops a flawless green scale fairly often. He's soloable.

    All of the dragons in Gianthold Tor can drop a flawless scale of their color (blue, white, black). They are soloable if you have a build that can reliably get them both down low and kill them within a few seconds of each other.

    The two Underdark Arena quests can drop a flawless red scale. Very soloable.

    I'm pretty sure that about wraps up the options.

    And of course the red dragon in Vault of Night. Not soloable unless you are a 12-fingered 4 boxed fanatic of whom I think there might be one or two out there.
    Last edited by KoobTheProud; 05-11-2020 at 03:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Hmm, this sounds time-consuming. I don't think it's possible for me to get the required amount of scales for armors before the free contents ends, then. But I might be giving it a try anyways...

    Btw, is Gianthold Tor and Crucible soloable?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waveclaw View Post
    Hmm, this sounds time-consuming. I don't think it's possible for me to get the required amount of scales for armors before the free contents ends, then. But I might be giving it a try anyways...

    Btw, is Gianthold Tor and Crucible soloable?
    Gianthold Tor is very soloable, though the dragons + giant handler duos are the toughest fights of the quest. If you can handle tougher fights and have elemental resists, it's not too bad (and you can choose the color you're after, or go for all 3).

    Crucible is soloable with a hireling, but it's a pain, has to be done carefully during the gates/levers portion, and there are a couple other rough spots for soloers. Certainly possible though (again, with a hireling). Just to confirm: you don't need to complete Crucible to access Gianthold Tor.

  6. #6
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    Gianthold Tor is soloable on specific builds or with lots of past lives and gear.

    The key is that the dragons and their handlers rez each other after a short delay of maybe 10 seconds.

    The dragons also do a ton of damage, particularly the white dragon Grundaussir who also CC's with a couple of his attacks, freezing or slowing if you fail to save.

    For a newer player you likely want a Warlock, Sorceror or Wizard Palemaster/Eldritch Knight. There are lots of other builds that can put out the DPS and have the survivability required once they start stacking PRR/MRR from past lives and get good gear. This is assuming that you are trying to solo it at or near level. If you have 4 or 5 levels on the content and are in full ED's everything becomes much much easier.

  7. #7
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    Hmm, sounds good. I think I’ll try out a scale run or two...

  8. #8
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    Oh, I forgot to ask. Are the scales a guaranteed drop or are they like named items, being rolled?

  9. #9
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Waveclaw View Post
    Oh, I forgot to ask. Are the scales a guaranteed drop or are they like named items, being rolled?
    Not sure on that one, I think you get between 1 and 3 per run with the higher difficulties dropping more on a more frequent basis but take that with a pinch of salt.

    Are you after epic or heroic ones and which server do you play on?


  10. #10
    Community Member kanordog's Avatar
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    Gianthold Tor is soloable and the dragons are optional after the quest ended so You don't have to do them at all.

    Crucible is soloable with a hireling or pet. But better to run it with groups for the first few times to know the quest a bit better. Here is the best video i found how to do the maze:

    The free access will last til end of August and a coupon code is incoming that makes the current adventure packs free for good.
    You nerfed my monks, throwers, dailies and alchemists.
    I hardly play anymore, found a better hobby.
    Thank You!

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