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  1. #1
    Community Member MarcusCleardawn's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default Sword of Shadows FVS Anyone? Anyone

    Just came back and trying to finish off my first completionist and managed to pull the Sword of Shadows. I really, really want to use the darned thing. But so much has changed I can't even figure out the character planner. Any help would be appreciated. In an ideal world, I'd smack things hard(ish) with the SOS, toss a heal now and again and maybe a blade barrier for giggles. I have all races and trees, but no clues.


  2. #2
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    A terrible unoptimized idea:

    You could go max CHA + levelups & 18 STR & rest CON, Warforged (or Bladeforged with +1 heart) 20 FvS for racial favoured greatsword, 41 points in AoV for caster capstone, 35 points for divine champion + t5 & core5 crit in warsoul, leaves 4 AP for racial tree and/or BoH. If you have enough racial AP you could pick up stuff in the racial tree like strikethrough, melee power, tactics.

    Feat starved, but if you include epic levels I think you can fit 11 feats, 2HFx3, Mithral Body, SF:Evo, iCrit:Slash, Quicken, Heighten, Completionist, Stunning Blow, Overwhelming Critical. Legendary feats might be PTWF, PTHF, Direcharge. Maybe Scion of air.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    I just posted this build. The premise is pretty simple, but feats are really tight, so you're either going all-in on melee with a side-order of support casting; or you play a caster build with sub-par melee DPS. I chose the former. I'm hoping my guinea pig - errr poster whom I aided I mean - has good results.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member MarcusCleardawn's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    I'm not sure I'm the best test subject but I really appreciate the build. It should be interesting if nothing else. Just another million xp to go and the experiment begins.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    You can make a SoS FVS several ways. I'd seriously consider one if I had an ESoS, but I've never pulled the shard.

    1) Be warforged or bladeforged. Has greatsword as a favored weapon natively. I don't like playing toasters most of the time though.

    2) Wait till epics to have the favored weapon. Take it through book of war in divine crusader. I believe there are some bugs in this right now but probably fixed in next patch. You could LR at 20 or wait till after your first ETR to try it.

    3) Splash 3+ levels of pally to get greatsword as a favored weapon.

  6. #6
    Community Member MarcusCleardawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ValariusK View Post

    1) Be warforged or bladeforged. Has greatsword as a favored weapon natively. I don't like playing toasters most of the time though.
    Just finished 1-5. The healing penalty is a drag and the melee seems a little crit dependent. Early Reaper seems like a very bad idea, few people will "waste" wand charges on a toaster. I'll check back in after 10 when I can start swinging the SoS, but I might have to change course and go casty.

  7. #7
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    A bit of a slight necro here...

    I am running the build listed here

    Will do updates as I go.

    Usually WF FVS is cake 1-20.

    In the Epics...that is where I am curious how this will play out.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

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