looking for a viable qstaff build, i dont mind multiclass, anthing out there?
looking for a viable qstaff build, i dont mind multiclass, anthing out there?
Last edited by huey9187; 05-08-2020 at 02:58 PM.
Before I get too deep into the weeds, are you looking to play at cap? TR right at 30? At 20?
Broadly speaking, pure monk is solid (and easy to remember) if you plan on playing past 20. If you're TRing at 20 go 18 Monk / 1 Rogue / 1 (Fighter or FvS) because while both Rogue and Monk get +15% attack speed with quarterstaves, Rogues can get it at T1 enhancements and Monk has to wait until capstone
If you're not set on a quarterstaff monk, consider going 18 Alchemist, Wizard or Barbarian. Any of those would pair well with 2 Rogue, or 1 Rogue / 1 Monk (except Barb), or add an FvS level, or a Fighter level, etc.
Henshin benefited from the U45 improvements to 2H weapons (Strikethrough + THF feat chain). If you have the Falconry tree, you can go fully WIS-based. If this is just for a heroic life, a rogue splash helps for trap skills and Acrobatics (+15% attack speed). OTOH if you're focused on epics, pure monk is probably better for the Henshin capstone.
I'm a little rusty when it comes to staff builds but it seems like it should be straight-forward.
You can take Protector bond instead of Fallen if you'd rather have +5% HPs than +10 Melee Power. Obviously if you don't have the extra racial APs you'll have to drop points from either Aasimar or Falconry.Code:Henshin Falconer Monk 20 Lawful Neutral Aasimar Stats 36pt Tome Level Up ---- ---- -------- Strength 14 +3 4: WIS Dexterity 10 +3 8: WIS Constitution 16 +3 12: WIS Intelligence 10 +3 16: WIS Wisdom 20 +3 20: WIS Charisma 8 +3 24: WIS 28: WIS Feats 1 : Cleave 1 Monk : Power Attack 2 Monk : Two Handed Fighting 3 : Completionist OR Combat Expertise 6 : Swords to Plowshares 6 Monk : Precision 9 : Improved Two Handed Fighting 12 : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning 15 : Greater Two Handed Fighting 18 : Great Cleave OR Improved Trip 21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical 24 Epic : Improved Martial Arts 26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting 27 Epic : Epic Damage Reduction 28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting 29 Destiny: Dire Charge 30 Epic : Epic Reflexes OR Epic Will OR Epic Fortitude 30 Legend : Scion of: Astral Plane OR Ethereal Plane 1 Aasimar: Bond of the Fallen 3 Monk : Path of Inevitable Dominion Enhancements (80+5 AP) Henshin Mystic (41 AP)Falconry (28 AP)
- Riddle of Fire, Ki Bolt, Sounding Staff, Incinerating Wave, Cauldron of Flame, Serenity
- All-Consuming Flame, Henshin Staff Training, Way of the: Elegant Crane
- Porous Soul, Henshin Staff Training, Quick Strike III, Eagle Claw Attack
- Winter's Touch, Henshin Staff Training, Lighting the Candle III, Embrace the Void III
- Static Charge, Henshin Staff Training, Focus
- Void Strike, Henshin Staff Training, Staff Specialization, Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light
Aasimar (16 AP)
- Summon Avian Companion: Falcon
- Hunter's Knowledge, Out in Nature III
- Killer Instinct I, Diving Attack: Diving Attack Strike III, Action Boost: Sprint I
- Killer Instinct II, Strike for the Eyes: Strike III, Conditioning, Eyes of the Eagle
- Deadly Instinct III, No Mercy III, Coordinated Strikes: Coordinated Strike, Expose Weakness
Leveling Guide
- Stronger Bonds, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds II, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds III
- Improved Recovery
- Divine Purpose
- Divine Charge III, Improved Recovery
- Divine Form
Destiny (24 AP) Legendary Dreadnought
- Aas0 Stronger Bonds; Aas1 Improved Recovery; Hen0 Riddle of Fire; Hen1 Henshin Staff Training
- Hen1 Way of the: Elegant Crane; Hen2 Quick Strike I, II, III
- Fal0 Summon Avian Companion: Falcon; Fal1 Out in Nature I, II, III
- Aas0 Wisdom; Fal1 Hunter's Knowledge; Fal2 Killer Instinct I; Fal2 Diving Attack: Diving Attack Strike I
- Fal2 Diving Attack: Diving Attack Strike II, III; Fal3 Killer Instinct II
- Hen0 Ki Bolt; Hen1 All-Consuming Flame; Hen0 Sounding Staff; Hen3 Lighting the Candle I
- Hen3 Lighting the Candle II, III; Hen2 Henshin Staff Training
- Hen2 Eagle Claw Attack; Hen2 Porous Soul; Hen3 Embrace the Void I
- Hen4 Focus; Hen3 Embrace the Void II, III
- Hen3 Winter's Touch; Hen4 Static Charge; Hen3 Henshin Staff Training
- Hen4 Henshin Staff Training; Fal2 Action Boost: Sprint I; (Bank 1 AP)
- Hen0 Incinerating Wave; Hen5 Void Strike; Hen5 Staff Specialization
- Hen5 Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light; Hen5 Henshin Staff Training
- Fal3 Conditioning; Fal3 Strike for the Eyes: Strike I, II
- Fal3 Strike for the Eyes: Strike III; Aas0 Stronger Bonds II; Aas0 Wisdom
- Aas0 Stronger Bonds III; Fal3 Eyes of the Eagle; Fal4 Deadly Instinct I
- Fal4 Deadly Instinct II, III; Fal4 Expose Weakness; Fal4 Coordinated Strikes: Coordinated Strike
- Hen0 Cauldron of Flame; Fal4 No Mercy I, II, III
- Aas2 Divine Purpose; Aas3 Divine Charge I, II, III
- Hen0 Serenity; Aas3 Improved Recovery; Aas4 Divine Form
- Legendary Tactics III, Extra Action Boost III
- Momentum Swing III, Imp. Power Attack
- Lay Waste, Haste Boost III
- (none)
- Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
- Master's Blitz, Pulverizer
Last edited by unbongwah; 05-08-2020 at 04:59 PM.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Start 16 Strength and Wisdom, Level ups in Strength for Stunning blow. Using Frozen Tunic and Elemental Bloom for heroic at least til 15.
7 FVS for Ameliorating Strike (self healing), Tier 6 War Soul, Stout of Heart
1 Rogue for lvl 1 15% attack speed for heroics
12 Monk for Abundant Step
18-20 Points in Aasimar Tree for +10% Melee Determination Damage and +60% heal amp
4-6 points in Thief Acrobat for 15% attack speed
2 points in FVS healing tree for buff Sla. More can give Close Wounds SLA
Choose if Tier 6 is Warsoul or Henshin Mystic. Henshin mystic has +1 Crit Range and a healing Strike with Cooldown 6 seconds (Dark path), but Warsoul also has some viable choices, + the war soul tree is a lot better imo than Henshin, wc is mostly garbage imo.
I choose to use Light Monk Healing Curse leveling up. Then switch to dark monk path when i have enough ability points to get the tier 6 ability to heal. Healing Curse gives 2-4 HP per hit which kind of sucks but is better than nothing and works in reaper.
Healing Ki is complete garbage for me. Hard to use.
With 5 FVS (or 7), you have Ameliorating Strike, and Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light, 2 healing strikes, one is 6 sec cooldown. one is 12 sec. Ameliorating strike works with devotion. Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light can use healing amp.
Feats are P.attack, Cleave, Stunning Blow, Thf x 3, Improved crit. Empower healing or Maximize optional for Close wounds SLA.
Community Member
Given the way strikethrough works and the fairly high attack speed of staves: How important are the cleaves anyway? I saw a comment saying that cleaving usually was a loss of dps for a THFing barbarian. If that's true, wouldn't that be even more so for q-staff builds with their higher attack speed? Or are cleave animations for staves faster?
For the pure monk Henshin Falconer:
How should I build for a first life character? What skills should I be taking?
Yes, tomes count towards feat pre-reqs.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Was looking for something like this
Beware the Sleepeater
Note that the cited build is almost two years old and (to quote Carpone) builds have a shelf life. In particular, it predates the Epic Destiny revamp so Dreadnought is quite different than it used to be. A few things I would definitely change:
- Drop the Cleave feats. Momentum Swing no longer has its cooldown reset by Cleaving attacks which was the main incentive for keeping them after Strikethrough got added. Now they're basically irrelevant unless you need more buttons to push.
- You can probably drop Power Attack too. But I'll let someone argue the "Precision vs Power Attack" debate.
- What to do with these now-free feat slots? ...I dunno, Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack, maybe?
- Dreadnought no longer has Haste Boost, instead it has "Carry On: When you activate an Action Boost, you gain a 10% Action Boost bonus to attack speed for 20 seconds." Which doesn't stack with Haste Boost but is also inferior to Haste Boost's +30% attack speed. So if possible you'll want Haste Boost from another source, most likely Vistani Knife Fighter.
New AP split would be something like:
- 41 Henshin for capstone + tier-5s
- 28 Falconry for tier-4s
- 11 Ninja or Vistani: Ninja gives Melee Power Boost and Shadow Veil (and doesn't require an extra P2P tree); Vistani gives Haste Boost and +5% doublestrike.
But hey, it's technically doable on a first-life with only one +2 tome. Something like this:
Weapon Focus is just a filler feat. I delayed Improved THF until level 15 on the presumption it would take that long to farm a +2 STR tome (either loot or Favor). If you acquire it sooner than that, you can swap Weapon Focus for ITHF and take GTHF at level 15.Code:Henshin Falconer Mk III Monk 20 Lawful Neutral Aasimar Stats 32pt Tome Level Up ---- ---- -------- Strength 15 +2 4: WIS Dexterity 13 8: WIS Constitution 14 12: WIS Intelligence 8 16: WIS Wisdom 19 20: WIS Charisma 8 24: WIS 28: WIS Feats 1 : Dodge 1 Monk : Two Handed Fighting 2 Monk : Precision 3 : Mobility 6 : Spring Attack 6 Monk : Swords to Plowshares 9 : Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning 12 : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning 15 : Improved Two Handed Fighting 18 : Greater Two Handed Fighting 21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical 22 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting 24 Epic : Improved Martial Arts 25 Destiny: Crush Weakness 27 Epic : Epic Damage Reduction 28 Destiny: Embodiment of Law 30 Epic : 30 Legend : Scion of: Astral Plane 1 Aasimar: Bond: Bond of the Fallen 3 Monk : Path of Inevitable Dominion Enhancements (Spent: 80 +0r +0u / Max: 80 +0r +0u AP) Henshin Mystic (41 AP)Falconry (28 AP)
- Riddle of Fire, Ki Bolt, Sounding Staff, Incinerating Wave, Cauldron of Flame, Serenity
- Elemental Words: All-Consuming Flame, Henshin Staff Training, Way of the: Elegant Crane
- Elemental Words: Porous Soul, Henshin Staff Training, Quick Strike III, Elemental Ki Strikes: Eagle Claw Attack
- Elemental Words: Static Charge, Henshin Staff Training, Lighting the Candle III, Embrace the Void III
- Elemental Words: Winter's Touch, Henshin Staff Training, Focus
- Void Strike, Henshin Staff Training, Staff Specialization, Balance in Dawn: Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light
Vistani Knife Fighter (11 AP)
- Summon Avian Companion: Raven, Ability Score: Wisdom, Well Rounded
- Hunter's Knowledge, Out in Nature III
- Killer Instinct I, Watch the Center III, Diving Attack: Diving Attack Strike I, Action Boost - Sprint I
- Killer Instinct II, Strike for the Eyes: Strike I, Conditioning
- Deadly Instinct III, No Mercy III, Coordinated Strikes: Coordinated Strike, Expose Weakness
Leveling Guide
- Knife Expertise, Knife Juggler, Quick Reflexes
- Undead Hunter, Mist Stalker, Acrobatic II
- Haste Boost III
- Hen0 Riddle of Fire; Hen1 Way of the: Elegant Crane
- Hen1 Henshin Staff Training; Hen2 Quick Strike I, II, III
- Hen0 Ki Bolt; Hen1 All-Consuming Flame; Hen2 Eagle Claw Attack
- Fal0 Summon Avian Companion: Raven; Fal1 Out in Nature I, II, III
- Fal1 Hunter's Knowledge; Fal2 Killer Instinct I; Fal2 Diving Attack: Diving Attack Strike I
- Fal2 Action Boost - Sprint I; Fal2 Watch the Center I; Fal3 Killer Instinct II
- Hen0 Sounding Staff; Fal3 Conditioning; Hen3 Lighting the Candle I
- Hen3 Lighting the Candle II, III; Hen2 Porous Soul; Hen3 Static Charge
- Hen2 Henshin Staff Training; Hen4 Winter's Touch; Hen3 Embrace the Void I
- Hen4 Focus; Hen3 Henshin Staff Training
- Hen4 Henshin Staff Training; Hen3 Embrace the Void II; (Bank 1 AP)
- Hen0 Incinerating Wave; Hen5 Staff Specialization; Hen5 Void Strike
- Hen5 Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light; Hen5 Henshin Staff Training
- Hen3 Embrace the Void III; Vis0 Knife Expertise; Vis1 Mist Stalker
- Vis1 Undead Hunter; Vis1 Acrobatic I; Vis2 Haste Boost I, II
- Vis2 Haste Boost III; Vis1 Acrobatic II; Vis0 Knife Juggler; Vis0 Quick Reflexes
- Fal3 Strike for the Eyes: Strike I; Fal0 Ability Score: Wisdom; Fal0 Well Rounded
- Hen0 Cauldron of Flame; Fal2 Watch the Center II, III; Fal4 Deadly Instinct I
- Fal4 Deadly Instinct II, III; Fal4 Coordinated Strikes: Coordinated Strike; Fal4 Expose Weakness
- Hen0 Serenity; Fal4 No Mercy I, II, III
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Epic_Luminous_Truth is what my cleric uses .
there are some nice staffs here as well
several levels of game play builds for them.
The Cauldron of Sora Katra is the Crafting device for items with the Fusible, Malleable, Fragmented or Battle-Scarred attributes. These items come from quests found in Lordsmarch Plaza. The Cauldron is located in the southwest corner of Lordsmarch Plaza, to the south of the palace entrance.
Tomes do raise base ability scores for purposes of Feats (as do the +1 stat/4 level increases). (And, just to be perfectly clear, Racial stat dis/advantages do also, of course. Starting stat values are starting stat values.)
(Not sure where you got this mis-understanding, but you might want to go back and correct that source. )
Anything "temporary" does not, including (but not limited to) Enhancements, Gear, Spells, Potions, Guild Buffs, Class Abilities (Rage), etc etc.
Any tome can be applied "mid-life" and count toward Feats that are taken after that Tome is applied. So, if you only need +2, a Premium account (that has access to most of the older content) can easily earn 1,750 Favor before Level 9*, and have that +2 Stat boost applied in time for their Level 9 Feat.
(* Actually, it's technically possible before Level 6!)
(Also note that, for an Int tome, Skill Points are not applied retroactively. Increased Int only changes Skill Points for future level gains.)
For anything more than a +2, be aware that there are delays for later bonuses (e.g. the full +5 bonus will not appear until character level 11, etc.):
o https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Abilit...#Minimum_level
Note also that for your next life/lives, it does not matter when the tome had been applied in an earlier life, only that it was applied. Later lives enjoy the full progression shown in the wiki link above.
Update 56 just dropped the Combat Expertise and Spring Attack pre-reqs for Whirlwind Attack, so it's possible to take WWA instead of (or in addition to) Spring Attack at level 6. Maybe it'll be worthwhile after SSG un-bugs it.
Downside is U56 also heavily nerfed Healing Hands:
- Aasimar and Scourge Core 3 no longer provides a bonus to Healing Hands charges.
- Aasimar and Scourge Core 5 no longer provides a recharge ability to Healing Hands charges, and also now provides +2 healing hands charges.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.