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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMTrojan View Post
    While using this program, I Equipped and unequipped an item, possibly tried to move it from Shard bank to a character's inventory and back and now I get this error when I try to adjust anything that was equipped, regardless of the item:

    = DataGridView Default Error Dialog
    =The following exception occurred in the DataGridView:
    =SystemArguement Exception: DataGridViewComboBoxCell
    =value is not valid.
    =To replace this default dialog please handle the DataError

    Please excuse my horrible text version of the error message. I can't post pictures. Does this mean that I will have to delete and recreate my original file? I put a few hours into it, but if I can salvage it, that would be wonderful...

    Thank you again for this wonderful program that we all have been needing!
    Hi, no worries your collection is safe.

    Worst case scenario you lost one item move.

    Please open the about page (the Soul Stone icon) and tell me what version you have.
    Also open the Settings page and activate check for updates.

    I will try to find your bug and correct it tomorrow!


  2. #62
    Community Member GMTrojan's Avatar
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    I did what you said. V1.0.0.3

    Quote Originally Posted by Igognito View Post
    Hi, no worries your collection is safe.

    Worst case scenario you lost one item move.

    Please open the about page (the Soul Stone icon) and tell me what version you have.
    Also open the Settings page and activate check for updates.

    I will try to find your bug and correct it tomorrow!


  3. #63
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    Default Sneak Peak

    Didn't managed to recreate the bug :/.
    I will keep looking for it...

    In the meanwhile have a sneak peak of what is coming this Weekend...


  4. #64
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    Nice work! I have many alts and inventory management takes up most of my time in game.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlmGhandi View Post
    I have like 13 bank toons on one account on one Server.
    It would be great to have a way to see what toon has what items in their inventory…
    That would greatly reduce the time taken logging in and out trying to find out where I left my charged gauntlets for the next TR...

    Cool Utility!
    I think the Charged Gauntlets are still bugged? I have not seen Shocking Blow proc with the Gauntlets or Cove Trinket for a long, long time.

  5. #65
    Community Member GMTrojan's Avatar
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    If you want, I can send you a copy of the .collection file. Then you can play with it and see what I might have done... I know that the Golden Guile is one of the items that causes the error. Also, essentially anything that is on one specific toon drops the same error when I try to copy any of that toons items and put them on a different toon...

    Quote Originally Posted by Igognito View Post
    Didn't managed to recreate the bug :/.
    I will keep looking for it...

    In the meanwhile have a sneak peak of what is coming this Weekend...


  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMTrojan View Post
    If you want, I can send you a copy of the .collection file. Then you can play with it and see what I might have done... I know that the Golden Guile is one of the items that causes the error. Also, essentially anything that is on one specific toon drops the same error when I try to copy any of that toons items and put them on a different toon...
    So you are able to consistently recreate the bug?

    sure you can send me the file. Upload it on a google drive and send me the link on a pm.
    Normally, the bug should not be related with the .collection file.

    But what might cause the problem is the name of the Character! (How I didnt though that before!!!!)
    Please type me EXACTLY all the character names! and if possible send a screen shot of the bug (printscreen)

    If you use some special character in the name it might actually cause a problem! I should test it my self and fix if that is the case!
    (nice that is something to try...)

    I name most of my characters with a simple letter... so it might be easy something to have slipped away!


  7. #67
    Community Member rsking's Avatar
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    Thumbs up additional features to add?

    Quote Originally Posted by Igognito View Post
    Dear all,

    these days I developed a simple & fast to use tool for managing the endless Hoard I gather.

    For a screenshot:

    And a brief Manual in PDF

    Please give it a try and post feedback here.
    If the tool gets enough attention and demand I will devote more time to cover your requests.

    The main usage for this tool is to replace any Excel like files we all might be keeping for our items :-D
    A second usage is to help you choose items that their abilities do not conflict. This is under construction though...

    Notable Features:
    Version includes AUTO Update for the database.
    Keep track your character inventory with Drag & Drop!
    Import your items using text. Or images and an OCR. (Check the manual)

    Next updates will be on the database.
    Upcoming new feature: Progress the Equip Report further.

    Cheerios and Enjoy
    Suggestions for addition features:
    Legacy option: as I have several of the old bows from Tor but all I see in the app is the new versions of the Torchered Live wood bow
    *items that were either updated to the a new item it self (example Giant hold Items) or were just revamped and given a new level and augment (example: silver flame bow)
    Mythic: does it have a mythic bonus
    *+1 through +4
    Reaper bonus: does it have one
    Cosmetic: is it a cosmetic item
    Multiple: is there multiple versions of it?
    *add a duplicate option button and clone base item and clear if its "legacy", mythic, reaper, cometic exclusive
    Exlucsive: yes or no if its and exlusive item

    I think these will be a good addition to your project overall I love it been trying to figure out who has what on my 30+ toons and trying to sort mythic,standard, reaper, exclusive, and cosmetic(with or without clickies, legacy items out from each other so I can keep the legacy and the Reaper+mythic bonus items
    and its slow going
    tepidus flamma of amicitia mos usquequaque persevero ustulo in nostrum pectus pectoris pro totus infinitio

  8. #68
    The Hatchery Roland_D'Arabel's Avatar
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    Default Confused

    I have read the pdf manual and I still don't understand how to use this software. How do I bring up a database of items to select and assign to my various character storage bank, inventory etc.

    I have created a character but that is as far as I can figure things out. Do I have to screenshot lists of items from the game and import them. I see mention of a master database. How do I find that?

    It's ok to laugh but please be kind. I just don't get how to use this utility.
    A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roland_D'Arabel View Post
    I have read the pdf manual and I still don't understand how to use this software. How do I bring up a database of items to select and assign to my various character storage bank, inventory etc.

    I have created a character but that is as far as I can figure things out. Do I have to screenshot lists of items from the game and import them. I see mention of a master database. How do I find that?

    It's ok to laugh but please be kind. I just don't get how to use this utility.
    Dear Roland, no laugh at all...

    First a question: you want to import your items from within DDO? or you have your items selected in The Hoarder and want to assign them to a character?

    For importing check the manual... It is not a simple neither a perfect solution but does the work.
    1) Take a screen shot of each of your Shared banks pages
    2) take a screen shot of each of your TR Cache pages
    3) Link all your inventory items to chat and take a screen shot of their names
    4) Crop the images to only have the item names
    5) feed the images to a free online OCR and get the text back...
    6) In The Hoarder use the Search & Import function (binoculars) to do massive similarity search of the text
    7) Check as Owned the results you want, manually import the rest...

    That was the best I could do for importing :/
    After you make your first database it is easy to maintain it if you just collect 1 Shared bank page per time!
    Crafted items and Random loot you want to import you need to manual add them with the Add Item function.

    For moving around the items just DRAG and DROP them to the correct list.

    For example your characters inventory...

    Tell me up to what point you have reached and I will provide further help if needed :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by rsking View Post
    Suggestions for addition features:
    Legacy option: as I have several of the old bows from Tor but all I see in the app is the new versions of the Torchered Live wood bow
    *items that were either updated to the a new item it self (example Giant hold Items) or were just revamped and given a new level and augment (example: silver flame bow)
    Mythic: does it have a mythic bonus
    *+1 through +4
    Reaper bonus: does it have one
    Cosmetic: is it a cosmetic item
    Multiple: is there multiple versions of it?
    *add a duplicate option button and clone base item and clear if its "legacy", mythic, reaper, cometic exclusive
    Exlucsive: yes or no if its and exlusive item
    You can manually add Mythic "whatever" Boost +1..+4 and any Reaper and any Augment and any other modification at Added Effects.
    While I havent progressed much there all added mythic bonus will be taken in account at the equipped set report.

    Further: you can Craft your own items... There is an Add Item button (has a trinket with a +) or press ctrl+a to add an item.
    Have in mind it first duplicates the selected item but you can clear that and start from a craftable trinket.

    I have not placed enough cosmetics... there is only 1 cosmetic armor... Perhaps I should make Cosmetic as a category. Or add more cosmetics at some point.

    Exclusive will go in my todo list... The items that are exclusive will include it. You for now can add it at notes or added effects where you prefer. Or even at Binding information.


  10. #70
    The Hatchery Roland_D'Arabel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igognito View Post

    Tell me up to what point you have reached and I will provide further help if needed :-)

    Thank you for the reply.

    I haven't reached any point at all. That's the problem.

    Your screen shots show lists of items etc. Where do I find these lists? Do I have to create every single item I own or is there a database you have created that I cannot figure out how to access?

    A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roland_D'Arabel View Post
    Thank you for the reply.

    I haven't reached any point at all. That's the problem.

    Your screen shots show lists of items etc. Where do I find these lists? Do I have to create every single item I own or is there a database you have created that I cannot figure out how to access?

    Wait... when you open the program you dont see the grid full of items?
    please post a screen shot

  12. #72
    Community Member GMTrojan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igognito View Post
    So you are able to consistently recreate the bug?

    sure you can send me the file. Upload it on a google drive and send me the link on a pm.
    Normally, the bug should not be related with the .collection file.

    But what might cause the problem is the name of the Character! (How I didnt though that before!!!!)
    Please type me EXACTLY all the character names! and if possible send a screen shot of the bug (printscreen)

    If you use some special character in the name it might actually cause a problem! I should test it my self and fix if that is the case!
    (nice that is something to try...)

    I name most of my characters with a simple letter... so it might be easy something to have slipped away!

    Done, and done :-)

  13. #73
    The Hatchery Roland_D'Arabel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igognito View Post
    Wait... when you open the program you dont see the grid full of items?
    please post a screen shot
    No I wasn't seeing anything except a blank UI.

    I figured out what was wrong though. My antivirus software flagged the zip file and auto removed it. I told it that the file was safe and to restore everything, however it didn't restore the extracted files. Once I stopped the antivirus software from doing this, everything extracted and I see lists of items.
    A wise man once said that if you don't know the answer to something there is no shame in simply saying "I don't know."

  14. #74
    Hero Noir's Avatar
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    Default Wow

    WOW!! Just WOW!!

    Words will not be able to express the elation i will feel once I have all 45 of My Main Account Alts
    Inventories inputed into this God send of an Application.

    The time this is going to save me where instead of me looking through 45 Character banks and Inventories and 10 TR Caches for that "one copy of a specific BTA named Item I know I have somewhere" is probably immeasurable.
    No Lie, I have spent at least 2 hours on multiple occasions trying to locate something. Also I can see that I truly do have a surplus of "Cloaks of Night"

    It will also allow be to see every augment I have ever slotted that i might have forgotten where i actually left the darned thing.

    Example Below - Meteoric Star Rubys

    I have inputted the inventories of 19 of my alts thus far ( Named "BTA" and Special ( EXAMPLE: level 1 Shield Clickys ) items only )

    Thank you , Thank you, Thank YOU!!
    Originally Posted by grodon9999
    "I'm beginning to think a lot of people play this game because it's cheaper than paying for a Dominatrix."
    Disciplines Disciples - 54 Alts on Khyber and counting

  15. #75
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    Exclamation New Version -- Corrects a bug

    Just released the correction to the bug found by: GMTrojan

    It was related with character naming and spaces. Now spaces are properly handled.
    Still my personal advice is for you guys to put only the FIRST name of your character.

    I also now handle character names that contain terms like Bank, Inventory etc... before it would confuse the program.

    This version contains some experimental code:
    * You can now filter your character inventories! Play around a bit there and if you get a bug please report it...

    A new version will be released at Sunday with an incomplete optional DDO Look and Feel skin.
    Believe it or not... but it is tougher than it sounds to alter how controls look :-/.
    There has been a lot of work to get you a DDO Look and Feel app without increasing libraries and dependencies.
    Some things will improve later but the end goal will be to have a Normal (Windows look and feel mode that supports your desktop settings) and a DDO look and feel mode that you get the visual feeling you are in the game (Especially nice when you have the app open at a second screen and playing in parallel).

    The second mode is also Dark, so it doubles as dark settings...


  16. #76
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    Dear all,

    A short update... Everyday life got demanding fast lately and had to stop developing the app for a while.
    The DDO themed version is still under construction and will happen :-)
    So a bit of patience please.


  17. #77
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    It looks very nice. I have not yet downloaded it, but the thread deserves a bump.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  18. #78
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igognito View Post
    Dear Roland, no laugh at all...
    First a question: you want to import your items from within DDO? or you have your items selected in The Hoarder and want to assign them to a character?
    For importing check the manual... It is not a simple neither a perfect solution but does the work.
    1) Take a screen shot of each of your Shared banks pages
    2) take a screen shot of each of your TR Cache pages
    3) Link all your inventory items to chat and take a screen shot of their names
    4) Crop the images to only have the item names
    5) feed the images to a free online OCR and get the text back...
    6) In The Hoarder use the Search & Import function (binoculars) to do massive similarity search of the text
    7) Check as Owned the results you want, manually import the rest...
    Ahh didnt click in my head that this was for TR and Shared bank which wont link in chat......

    Last edited by Cambo; 06-11-2020 at 07:21 PM.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
    Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
    Woot: Hall of Fame Post - Eldritch Device Recipes

  19. #79
    Community Member Arayot's Avatar
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    Amazing utility! Thanks for creating this!

    (Also, a well-deserved bump!)

  20. #80
    Community Member Barbosao's Avatar
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    Great program, helped a lot in organizing all my loot !!
    Looking forward for new updates ^^

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