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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Raven's Bane logic still borked

    U46 Release Notes: Fixed a logic issue in "Raven's Bane" that may have prevented Baba Lysaga's hut from opening correctly in some cases.
    Posting on behalf of a guildy that doesn't use the forums: Raven's Bane can still bug out after the U46.1 patch. His group couldn't complete it, with the same issue of the hut not opening after the ravens have been freed.

    @SSG: In the future if we encounter a Raven's Bane instance that won't complete, what specific information can players capture and submit to help you nail this bug down?
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Still An Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    Posting on behalf of a guildy that doesn't use the forums: Raven's Bane can still bug out after the U46.1 patch. His group couldn't complete it, with the same issue of the hut not opening after the ravens have been freed.

    @SSG: In the future if we encounter a Raven's Bane instance that won't complete, what specific information can players capture and submit to help you nail this bug down?
    Still borked - freed all ravens but access baba's hut objective not complete. Interestingly, you can work you way into the hut from behind through the branches, around to the front of the hut behind the barrier which is still up, enter the hut, speak to that raven, kill baba, loot chest, and still won't complete. Ran around some more killing everything. Solo so this is not an issue with someone interacting with the barrier prematurely.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by h46av8r View Post
    Still borked - freed all ravens but access baba's hut objective not complete. Interestingly, you can work you way into the hut from behind through the branches, around to the front of the hut behind the barrier which is still up, enter the hut, speak to that raven, kill baba, loot chest, and still won't complete. Ran around some more killing everything. Solo so this is not an issue with someone interacting with the barrier prematurely.
    In my experience this happens when you zerg the raven cages too quickly and the objective fails to trigger.

    When clicking on the cages, take your time. Same type of issue with the Alchemist in Soul Survivor.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006


    For the sake of thoroughness...make sure you're clicking on the actual door and not the "phantom" door object that appears above the hut. If you click on the wrong door, the quest gets irreparably broken.

  5. #5
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    Dec 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    @SSG: In the future if we encounter a Raven's Bane instance that won't complete, what specific information can players capture and submit to help you nail this bug down?
    There are several issues I know in Raven's Bane.

    1. If multiple people click any cage at the same time it can fail to advance (permanently)
    2. If different people click cages it can fail to advance (permanently)
    3. There are two "doors" to Baba's hut. A misclick can close the invisible one to make it look broken.

    The 1st issue is easiest to replicate on the final cage. It's pretty easy to bork the quest if several all dogpile the last cage. The 2nd issue might actually be a case of the 1st issue where I wasn't watching and there was a multi-click on the same one that didn't look doubled up due to lag.

    The last issue is weird. Baba's hut has a giant invisible door around the outside of it. Once you "unlock" the hut, the door automatically opens. BUT! A misclick (or troll) can target the door and close it again. This makes it look like the quest is broken, since most people don't think to click to open an invisible door of air. All you need to do is target the big invisible door and click it to open it again.

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