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Thread: Rutting Season?

  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Default Rutting Season?

    Why are all the Deer in DDO so utterly fearless around wolf packs, bears, fire beetles, Giant Spiders, Owlbears, Griffons etc.!?!

    OK so they run away from Player Characters - Eventually!

    But they seem utterly unconcerned at the bear, giant spider, wolf pack etc. just a few feet away from where they're grazing!?!

    Why not remove the arbitrary no xp for killing deer, give them a decent amount of Hit Die for their level and make it Rutting season DDO - Most of them seem to be Stags anyway so why not have them be proper mobs in Borderlands, King's Forest and Storm Horns?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Why are all the Deer in DDO so utterly fearless around wolf packs, bears, fire beetles, Giant Spiders, Owlbears, Griffons etc.!?!

    OK so they run away from Player Characters - Eventually!

    But they seem utterly unconcerned at the bear, giant spider, wolf pack etc. just a few feet away from where they're grazing!?!

    Why not remove the arbitrary no xp for killing deer, give them a decent amount of Hit Die for their level and make it Rutting season DDO - Most of them seem to be Stags anyway so why not have them be proper mobs in Borderlands, King's Forest and Storm Horns?
    When I noticed that the King's Forest had deer and squirrels of CR1 and wolves of CR20+, I told my static group "This is non a sustainable ecosystem".

    What I'd find interesting is if the predators and prey really did encounter each other like in the real wilderness. We could stand by and watch a wolfpack chase a deer, with the deer having a decent chance of outrunning it.

    Seriously, are there any games in which the NPC wildlife behaves this way, whether or not the PCs interfere?
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