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  1. #21
    Sneaky community member MalarKan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    You could add Spring Attack, but you already have Vault+Lunge so I don't see much advantage to adding a third for a 3-feat tax.
    well last life i splashed 2 fighter levels to test the new Spring att, and noticed it is a lil bit longer than Vault and it does not share cooldown nor sets Vault on a timer. It was fun to use Vault+SpringAtt and reach unreachable spots before both . It was also a nice way to jump away and far from a reaper... but they tend to teleport right next to you, so it just prolongs your agony by 4-15 secs if soloing a high reaper hehe

    And when it comes to dodge bonuses, i havent taken the time to do the math and see how high standing dosge you could get with all bonuses available without taking dodge+mobility. Im guessing they are not needed once you hit lvl30 at least, im betting you can get easy the 45-50 dosge cap with exceptionals, quality, reaper and filigree bonuses

    Im sure you are better off using those 2 feat spots in Toughness, a class past life (barb? Rogue?) or a dragonmark (Halfling for self heal? Human for loot farm?)
    Last edited by MalarKan; 05-04-2020 at 11:02 AM.
    Cisko from Argonessen: Prodigious Lord of Shadows, Master Locksmith and Deadly Firedancer
    (6th pure rogue life and counting)
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  2. #22
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalarKan View Post
    Human for loot farm?)
    DM of Finding?

    All that does in 99.99% of the cases is raise the ML of the trashloot. So that gives a very slightly higher return in plat for selling, or in essences for melting for Cannith Crafting.

    In that remaining .01% (1 in 10,000* chests), it gives a better Tome, assuming one drops. But only when the difference is a chest that would drop a +# Tome vs. that higher level chest that then drops a +#+1 Tome - it doesn't raise the chance to get the Tome itself.

    (* This is a rough guess. Don't know what the droprate of Tomes is, then that times the % of chests that are 1 Level below a cutpoint. Could be less.)

  3. #23
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalarKan View Post
    well last life i splashed 2 fighter levels to test the new Spring att, and noticed it is a lil bit longer than Vault and it does not share cooldown nor sets Vault on a timer.
    Disclaimer: I have no idea where Acrobat stands in the current 2H meta and frankly I don't care. I play staff builds because I like staff builds, not because I think they're max DPS at cap or whatever.

    But the next time I play an Acrobat, I will probably stick with pure rogue, because the last two Acrobat cores are pretty strong: +20% doublestrike, +5% attack speed, and "After tumbling, for 6 seconds gain +50% strikethrough chance and gain On Vorpal: Your target is knocked down." Which combined with Sweeping Strikes should result in a lot of prone enemies.

    YMMV but since Cleaves can doublestrike now, I'd rather squeeze in more Cleave feats if I could rather than D/M/SA. Which would probably encourage human for the extra feat.

    EDIT: I've experimented with the new Spring Attack and where I think it makes most sense is a fighter or ranger who (A) has the feats to spare for the chain and (B) doesn't get a Charge attack so could use it for the added mobility etc. [Excluding Vanguard: I presume we're talking DPS fighter builds.] An unarmed monk will take it as a pre-req for Whirlwind Attack. OTOH rogues and barbs are feat-starved so they can't afford it IMO; and paladins just got Lead the Charge in KotC.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 05-04-2020 at 01:47 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    If you end up on the Dodge/Mobility line, consider Spring Attack it's very fun and gives you a bunch extra mobility. I'd definitely recommend rolling up a test toon (like a Fighter, get to level 4 with like Vet I or favor farming a new server etc) to see how you like it, but I don't expect I'll be able to play a melee without it for a while now that I've tried it out XD

    Or if you have any Iconic, roll one up with Spring Attack, Vault, and Staff Lunge and test them all out in one go - see what you like or don't

    Mobility options are IMO more valuable for getting places, but they also work for escaping; there's a lot of times where a bit of extra speed/mobility is useful (especially for Mario quests lol) and it's also pretty nice for chasing down a spellcaster or something.
    Thanks for this and the rest of the feedback from everyone. I've decided that I'm not going to go for Dodge/Mobility/Spring, simply not enough feats. As another posted, I prob won't really need the extra MDB/Dodge at cap on this build anyway. Thanks for idea of rolling up an iconic, I actually already have one that I used to test out some assassin enhancements before I got there, so I may use him.

    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    No Mercy should stack with Sense Weakness just fine; and yeah, Overwhelming Force is amazing for champs/priority targets/etc. The knockdown is basically long enough to eat a sandwich during though, so you might be a little overkill XD

    FotW is really hard to pass up as any THF build.
    Thanks for confirming. I'm pretty excited about this! It sounds great. If strikethrough has been successful at bringing THF back into balance , then maybe I picked the right time to take the plunge

    I am sticking with TA-heavy assassin-light build for now. There are just too many goodies that I've never used before in TA to pass up. I can easily re-spec enhancements as needed, so there's no risk really. I've got one open feat at Level 6, I'll probably just go with Dodge or Toughness at this point. Re-specing low level feats is basically free, so no worries there. I've got the big sagas queued up (RL, 2x Sharn, & the big Eveningstar one) along with being very close to big slayer XP in Thunderholme, Orchard, and smaller XP in a few other wildernesses. I'll be at Level 22 right off the bat, which will allow me to put on the Level 21 gearset I made for my DEX assassin early this year. Level 21 was really my goal to wear the gear, but looks like I'll blow past that.

    I think I'm just about ready for my first reincarnation! I'll be back for specific advice about that when the time comes. I have no plans for legendary gearset yet, but something about those new artifact boots with all the Dodge and the extra 5% incorp is calling me. I may have to farm those first

    Thanks everyone!
    Zamsil - L30 VKF Assassin - Cannith: Hand of Death
    Zanthiss - L30 Acrobat
    Zaldraan - L30 PDK Icebreaker SwashBard
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  5. #25
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0ldschool View Post
    Thanks for this and the rest of the feedback from everyone. I've decided that I'm not going to go for Dodge/Mobility/Spring, simply not enough feats. As another posted, I prob won't really need the extra MDB/Dodge at cap on this build anyway. Thanks for idea of rolling up an iconic, I actually already have one that I used to test out some assassin enhancements before I got there, so I may use him.
    Yeah, feat squeeze gets hard once you have a large tax (style x3, IC, and StPlowshares).

    I've got the big sagas queued up (RL, 2x Sharn, & the big Eveningstar one) along with being very close to big slayer XP in Thunderholme, Orchard, and smaller XP in a few other wildernesses. I'll be at Level 22 right off the bat, which will allow me to put on the Level 21 gearset I made for my DEX assassin early this year. Level 21 was really my goal to wear the gear, but looks like I'll blow past that.
    Make sure you take 21 before cashing in the rest of the stuff; otherwise it's definitely possible to overshoot 22 and waste a bunch of XP.
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    Yeah, feat squeeze gets hard once you have a large tax (style x3, IC, and StPlowshares).

    Make sure you take 21 before cashing in the rest of the stuff; otherwise it's definitely possible to overshoot 22 and waste a bunch of XP.
    Thanks! I would have probably forgotten about that
    Zamsil - L30 VKF Assassin - Cannith: Hand of Death
    Zanthiss - L30 Acrobat
    Zaldraan - L30 PDK Icebreaker SwashBard
    I've got a Dungeon Master's Guide... I've got 12 sided die...

  7. #27
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    Free from Acrobat core 2, hence why I didn't mention it.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #28
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    Default ER done!

    Epic reincarnation complete! I was pretty nervous about messing it up, or losing gear to the reincarnation reaper, but it seems as though all went well. I went ahead and sprung for a 50% XP pot, something that I never really do. I'm not a big hurry to level, I was more curious just how much XP I could get from sagas and slayers alone. I knocked out a few Eveningstar quests before I did it, to rack up a few additional smaller sagas. FYI, I took Primal past life, since I'd probably be in FotW for my acrobat life, the THF attack/damage past life. Starting STR of 11 worked out perfectly with my delay of the THF feats. Oh, I did take Dodge feat at L6.

    After reincarnation, I had a careful dance of ED switches and saga / slayer planned, along with taking epic levels when appropriate, mainly to fill some of my off destinies. When my Epic Tome of Learning 10% didn't apply to sagas, I had to adjust a bit on the fly, but it all worked out. I got more XP than expected for slayers, still haven't gone back and figured out what happened there yet. The end result was 2.68 M xp! I grabbed a little extra XP with one 20 second run of Impossible Demands and took Level 24. Starting at Level 24 feels very much like cheating. But I was able to take another point of DEX, take Improved SA feat, slot my ML21 bracers that I had stuck a ML24 topaz of SP into, and use my ML24 Crystal Cove gear, all are swaps including the Broken Oar, Spyglass,and Buccaneer Ring.

    So now I'm a Level 24 acrobat who's going to start learning how to play acrobat! crazy thanks again for the advice.

    EDIT: being my first reincarnation, this is the first time that I haven't had to step through and fill each ED to get to other EDs as I play through epics, as I did on my two current toons. It is unbelievably freeing to only have to worry about filling one sphere, and playing in the ED you want with whatever twists you want right off the bat. Once I learn to sequence my Acrobat attacks and when to use Adreneline, I'm curious to see if I can solo Elite through mid and upper epics. I haven't been able to do this in the past since I was always stepping through EDs to get the twists that I wanted, and thus often gimped as I was missing out on what my 'home' ED provides. And I'll have zero concerns about ED feat prerequisites as well. I actually feel a bit lost since I can basically do whatever I want
    Last edited by 0ldschool; 05-13-2020 at 02:53 PM.
    Zamsil - L30 VKF Assassin - Cannith: Hand of Death
    Zanthiss - L30 Acrobat
    Zaldraan - L30 PDK Icebreaker SwashBard
    I've got a Dungeon Master's Guide... I've got 12 sided die...

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