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  1. #1
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Default Bardic Ballad overlap

    I have been running with a guild mate and we are both Bards with the Warchanter core 4 "Fighting Spirit" enhancement.

    We are of different levels (24 and 30) and obviously have different Cha scores. I see the temporary HPs for my 2xCha show up in my HP bar but then his ballad 'refreshes' and it is replaced by his 2xCha score.

    I have not checked if other parts of the ballad are replaced as well yet, but it is easy to see the temporary HPs change.

    I did a search on the forums and did not find any reported issues so I wanted to see if others have seen this or if my search-fu is just weak.

    I have submitted a bug for it but wanted to check the forums as well.
    Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the Elder
    Iryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, Vis
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  2. #2
    Community Member clashjunky's Avatar
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    I do not know about 2 bards in a the party since I play on Wayfinder where we are lucky to find anyone to group with.

    This life, I am a bard(so much better after running EPL for more defenses!). I took the tier 4 healing enhancement from Spellsinger. I noticed that ballad overwrites the "Eat Jerky" effect from Pouch of Jerky from the ADQ preraid. Not a big deal since the bard effect heals for more.
    Wayfinder: Densetsu No Samurai. Karisan

  3. #3
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baahb3 View Post
    We are of different levels (24 and 30) and obviously have different Cha scores. I see the temporary HPs for my 2xCha show up in my HP bar but then his ballad 'refreshes' and it is replaced by his 2xCha score.
    I'm sorry, which part of this are you saying is non-WAI? Are you saying it should stack? Typically identical effects don't, similar to how a lower CL version of Aid will be overwritten by a higher CL version thereof. Usually it's the larger of identical effects, although sometimes it's the most recently applied.

    If you have 6 Bards in a party, are you saying all should get 2x each of their Cha scores in temp HP? 12x 80 Cha score = nearly 1k refreshing temps? Seems pretty unbalanced lol.

    What am I missing?
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  4. #4
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    Typically the rule is "highest buff applies" if his is better than yours, his will overwrite yours when his ticks...but yours wont overwrite his when it ticks, unless you've lost some temp HP and yours is now better.

  5. #5
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpartanKiller13 View Post
    I'm sorry, which part of this are you saying is non-WAI? Are you saying it should stack? Typically identical effects don't, similar to how a lower CL version of Aid will be overwritten by a higher CL version thereof. Usually it's the larger of identical effects, although sometimes it's the most recently applied.

    If you have 6 Bards in a party, are you saying all should get 2x each of their Cha scores in temp HP? 12x 80 Cha score = nearly 1k refreshing temps? Seems pretty unbalanced lol.

    What am I missing?
    Should have been more detailed.

    I was getting 164 temp HPs from my 2xCha and after about a second, it would get refreshed with 80 temp HPs, my buddies 2xCha. So it was getting overwritten with the lower value.

    I would expect in this situation that the higher of the two values would be used.

    We were just standing there, not in combat so it was easy to see what was happening.
    Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the Elder
    Iryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, Vis
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  6. #6
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Just did another test after a reincarnate

    --My Cha: 54
    --Other Cha: 31

    Fighting Spirit:
    Initial load into Cogs Wilderness
    -- +108 Temp HPs
    After a couple seconds of other bard near me
    -- +62 Temp HPs

    Ironskin Chant
    I had all 3 ranks, he had 1 rank:
    --DR seems to be working, both are listed, 2/- and 6/- but when attacked I get the 6/-
    --PRR is lowered by 4 however

    I had all 3 ranks, he had 1 rank:
    --Doublestrike and Doubleshot seem to stay at my value
    --Spell Power is reduced by 6 however

    Chant of Power
    I had all 3 ranks, he had 1 rank
    --Tough to test the bonus to damage
    --Spell Critical seemed to remain at the higher value

    Inspire Courage
    Damage seemed to remain the same but To Hit was lowered with his refresh

    Expeditious Chant
    --Movement speed on the + character sheet remained the same
    Last edited by Baahb3; 04-10-2020 at 04:21 PM.
    Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the Elder
    Iryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, Vis
    Ubique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.

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