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  1. #61
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    Age of Rage Chain - full group R7-R10. No lag in first 2 quests.

    Madness of Crowds R10 lagged really badly after we found Brawnpits and 7 or 8 reapers spawned. At the same time, other people in the guild were complaining of lag too.

    Age of Rage R8 endfight lagged just before the Beholder spawned and continued to the end of the quest.

    Also, regarding Orchard explorer area - guildies have told me that they have had no lag in there later on in the day after I did it so it doesn't seem to be related to the dungeon or instance. I had no lag in A Study in Sable but have heard others complaining. Not sure what to make of all of this.

    It's almost time for raids - I'll let you know how they go.

  2. 04-11-2020, 03:20 PM

  3. #62
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    On Orient doing PN and complete lock down halfway through the run. The monsters could move around hitting players but the players couldn't respond so eventually we wiped.

    (Standard): You are on server 25 at r1 lx472 ly40 i134 cInside ox219.55 oy73.44 oz-179.55 h180.0. Game timestamp 331187417.675.

  4. #63
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    Orien needs a reboot. House K is totally frozen. Some accounts can't log in due to 'cleaning up old connection'. It is a mess

  5. #64
    Community Member Grandern_Marn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The game worlds have reopened. Please use this thread to let us know how your game experience goes once you log in post-patch. The state of the game world prior to today's update is not as relevant, unless today's patch doesn't do what we think it will.
    After playing a couple days on Orien and gathering feedback from people in Titan chat it seems like there has been an improvement with the lag but people are still experiencing instances that are locking up pretty good. I'm playing quite regularly these days and I may have one instance a day that freezes up to a point where play is not possible and we all have to step back for a minute or two. Talking to people on the server-wide chat channel people will have the same experiences while most other instances are perfectly fine. The 2 times of intense lag that stand out in my mind since the last fix were in quests but people have had the same experience in public areas as well.
    Start cross server trading and profit!
    Characters: Grandern Marn / Yazmirr Grezztl / Vexir Bristleblade / Zappinaizah Subatrumpf Server: Orien Guild: Faca na Caveira
    New to the Orien server? Type "/joinchannel Titan" into the chat window and join some lively DDO discussion! Happy to help out with any questions.

  6. #65
    Community Member AlmGhandi's Avatar
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    Noticed less "freezing" (at least subjective) in the last two days but other problems are standing out more.
    Borderlands wilderniss... L4 FVS solo with hireling (gold seal Elieri)….
    rubber band lag.
    Closing the client and restarting did not help....
    Logged back in and was still rubber banding.

    That's it for me for this Hardcore... going back to SWTOR for a while.
    kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
    It is okay to be "merry":
    I just Keep quiet and think....

  7. #66
    Community Member Thunder-Monkey's Avatar
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    Ghallanda - Sunday 11 Apr - 8.30pm UTC

    So, for me, lag was a lot better after the patch, game was enjoyable again. Raiding went smooth last night, no major issues.

    Today, lag is back. Running sharn quests, recalling/resetting to get a different server showing in /loc has shown that different server clusters vary in performance, but none are lag-free. Constant micro-hitching on some, constant stop-start on others, but no overly long screen-freezes yet.

    I'm gona stay logged in to chat with friends but I can't enjoy the game like this.


  8. #67
    Community Member Asmodean778's Avatar
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    The overall issue here is also a misconception that there is lag or latency issues. From what I've seen, the latency from the client to server and vice-versa is well within the average and hasn't been causing any issues.

    The issue appears to be the network stability from server-side and connection drops. If you have the network status icon enabled in-game or a general tcp/net monitor open. When the server drops connection with the client or stalls, etc. then comes back, you will notice a large burst of packets / traffic spike that is trying to compensate for the previous drop in connection between C<->S

    Unless there was some regression in an update which is causing this, it looks like the servers simply cannot handle the traffic.

    But I could be completely wrong, of course. This is just my observation.
    Last edited by Asmodean778; 04-11-2020 at 05:07 PM.

  9. #68
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    Ghallanda Raid Night feedback

    Tempest Spine - no lag

    Too Hot To Handle - awful lag throughout. Two wipes due to lag, generally laggy but exacerbated by skulls which wouldn't take damage. Completed on 3rd attempt but don't know how. We were fighting lag when we should be fighting mobs.

    Project Nemesis - this went ok. A few lag spikes but nothing too bad.

    Shroud - Ok for the most part but terrible lag in part 4 prior to fighting Arraetrikos.

    Also did Ravenloft chain 1 on R7 - went fine with no lag to speak of.

  10. #69
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    Default Continued lag

    Off and on lag for the last few days, sometimes none, sometimes its mild and still playable, sometimes I have to just walk away from the computer and give it 5 minutes or just log out because its too bad to complete anything. Just got out of a Killing time raid - 9:15 PM EST, the lag was so bad we all just quit.

  11. #70
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    Orien, just exited the game about 7:45pm PT. Was running The Prisoner , a Carnage reaper and 4 Xorian hounds showed up in the maze by the water bridge and the lag fest started and continued for about 5 party wipes at least. Got to the red named fire giant and another Carnage, lagging went bonkers then the mephits showed up and it was another wipe. Raised all and wiped again. We released went to airship with more lag on the ship and logged off.

  12. #71
    Community Member Arjen's Avatar
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    R5/R6 Sharn all the way through was not too bad tonight - couple sticky spots but otherwise good.

    R1 Strahd had doors that would not turn green. An old bug returned? Not good times.
    Eidur / Ellsi / Essien

  13. #72
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    The last few days on Orien have been terrible, far worse than usual. Only in public instances for me though. In quests, even mulitboxing 6 accounts I am (mostly) fine. But Sharn Clifftop/Marketplace/Kundarak/Lordsmarch Bank? With just one account running I'm frequently unable to do anything until I manage to teleport away.

  14. #73
    Miss Stabby Stabby Zavina's Avatar
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    Server: Orien

    It's been complete lag fest for me. I've tried on my main and the #2 character, and it's just been rubber banding, and similar occurrences that dozens of others have described on this subject. Trying to run forward and I'm a ping pong.. tried going into Gianthold yesterday and that took about 2 minutes from tping in, to get to the slayer area.

    Ironically slightly less lag (just a bit), but had to be careful i didn't lag over the side of the mountain when going to Prison of the Planes.
    Orien: Level 400 Cannith Crafter
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    "The 'forever' rogue"

  15. #74
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    Server: Khyber
    Location: Orchard of the Macabre (heroic)
    What?: This place is completely broken. The past 3 days it has been a lagfest. 2 second movement, 2 second lag ALL the time. Monsters from epic orchard appearing with CR 14. I've fought Lich Avengers, Werewolves, Emerald Claw lackeys, Riftborn elementals, Vampiric archers. We are afraid to leave any monster alive. If a ranger is shooting at us and we drop down at a waterfall (while on the way to vol), we get stuck for minutes as the monster is trying to find us. Stuck in loading screen from Necropolis to Orchard, closed client, stuck offline for 5-10 minutes while the character is trying to log off (getting "Cleaning up old connection..."). Stuck in loading screen from Orchard to Ghosts or Orchard to Inferno.

    Thankfully, the quests themselves appear to be fine. Sure, a bit of lag here and there (Inferno when monsters in inferno side aggro while we are in eberron side, raising red alert, lag ensues, cleric mashes the turn button, some minutes later all is good), but overall acceptable performance.

    Location #2: Eveningstar
    When?: Yesterday
    What?: I didn't stay long. I had just made an iconic morninglord and was heading to the paladin trainer to get 4 paladin levels. As soon as I entered eveningstar, lag hit me like a truck. Could barely move. After 10 minutes of trying, I made it to the trainer. I clicked on him to level up and had to wait 30 seconds before his dialogue came up. Thankfully, the leveling process was lag-free. I assumed that choosing feats/skills/spells had to be on my client side. After choosing "Accept", it took 30 seconds to actually level up. And then again for the next levels. After I was done, I ran like a cheetah (no, it was actually slower than a tortoise) for the exit to eveningstar cavern. I was relieved when I finally loaded in the cavern. The rest of the places I visited were fine.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  16. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
    Server: Khyber
    Location: Orchard of the Macabre (heroic)
    What?: This place is completely broken. The past 3 days it has been a lagfest. 2 second movement, 2 second lag ALL the time. Monsters from epic orchard appearing with CR 14. I've fought Lich Avengers, Werewolves, Emerald Claw lackeys, Riftborn elementals, Vampiric archers. We are afraid to leave any monster alive. If a ranger is shooting at us and we drop down at a waterfall (while on the way to vol), we get stuck for minutes as the monster is trying to find us. Stuck in loading screen from Necropolis to Orchard, closed client, stuck offline for 5-10 minutes while the character is trying to log off (getting "Cleaning up old connection..."). Stuck in loading screen from Orchard to Ghosts or Orchard to Inferno.

    Thankfully, the quests themselves appear to be fine. Sure, a bit of lag here and there (Inferno when monsters in inferno side aggro while we are in eberron side, raising red alert, lag ensues, cleric mashes the turn button, some minutes later all is good), but overall acceptable performance.

    Location #2: Eveningstar
    When?: Yesterday
    What?: I didn't stay long. I had just made an iconic morninglord and was heading to the paladin trainer to get 4 paladin levels. As soon as I entered eveningstar, lag hit me like a truck. Could barely move. After 10 minutes of trying, I made it to the trainer. I clicked on him to level up and had to wait 30 seconds before his dialogue came up. Thankfully, the leveling process was lag-free. I assumed that choosing feats/skills/spells had to be on my client side. After choosing "Accept", it took 30 seconds to actually level up. And then again for the next levels. After I was done, I ran like a cheetah (no, it was actually slower than a tortoise) for the exit to eveningstar cavern. I was relieved when I finally loaded in the cavern. The rest of the places I visited were fine.
    Wiped on a Raid on Khyber today. Tried to play Ravenloft quests today, all lag. Lagged in Wiz King, lagged even when I favor ran. Its not just the quests you are in.

  17. #76
    Community Member Merfyn's Avatar
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    Orien, time out failure to complete Ruins of Threnal's "Hold for Reinforcements" after completion.

    After logging on today (4/12/20) I received the chain completion. However, "The Rescue" (Ruins of Threnal) had MASSIVE "Rubber-banding" and difficulty controlling Derward.

    I had a hireling & the Scarecrow in my party. After completion, I don't recall noticing significant lag.

  18. #77
    Community Member Merfyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asmodean778 View Post
    The overall issue here is also a misconception that there is lag or latency issues. From what I've seen, the latency from the client to server and vice-versa is well within the average and hasn't been causing any issues.
    I'm unsure how this would affect an existing, established connection that was happily performing within tolerance limits previously.
    Quote Originally Posted by Asmodean778 View Post
    But I could be completely wrong, of course. This is just my observation.
    Not saying you are. More input & information is always better.

    Why would a session performing within tolerances suddenly take a dive into the latrine when a quest involving a non-NPC entity from a long-running program subroutine was invoked (Derward the Engineer, Ruins of Threnal)?

  19. #78
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    While I have yet to see any mass hold party wipes like we had before, the lag has been persistent. I was even lagging in a public area the other day. Eveningstar I think it was.

    I can clearly see a difference in the kind of lag but have yet to have it wipe the party so, I guess that's a good thing.

    Movement in the right direction at least.

  20. #79
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    Doing Slavers when Mass Hold Player was cast on us causing a whole freeze where the monsters could easily destroy us while we were rendered HelpLagLess.

    (Standard): You are on server 47 at r2 lx1816 ly2008 i223 cInside ox-28.89 oy-306.53 oz-238.37 h1.4. Game timestamp 331300181.006.

  21. #80
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    Been playing solo on Khyber (LH and LE) and had some really terrible lag/latency the last two days in quests. Some quests would go well, then others would be a stutter-fest. Never led to any deaths because it seemed in my cases, the stutter happened to both monsters and PC. So, although slow and frustrating, it was at least 'fair'. But made spellcasting and such very tough.

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