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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default Wayfinder Auction House

    Is Pathetic!

    Yes we all know Wayfinder has a VERY SMALL Population so wouldn't it be an idea for the Devs to add stock to the Wayfinder AH to stimulate its use?

    I'm not talking uber named items here or perfect random gen gear either.

    But the Devs could stock it up with the little things - Such as....
    - Rarer Collectables
    - Greensteel mats
    - Death Ward, DDoor and FoM scrolls!
    - +1 Stat Tomes so people can actually use those +1 to +2 upgrade tomes that keep dropping from Daily Dice without having to go to the DDOStore!
    STAT TOMES go to +8 now - It's certainly not a big thing to make +1 Tomes more widely available in game which is a whole other issue as it should be done across all servers not just Wayfinder.

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    IMHO, it's not a Dev problem to fix. Rant and rail against that all you like, but I just can't justify the kind of actions you want to see happen. I'm sure it sucks. But it's not, in my opinion, a Dev problem to fix.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    IMHO, it's not a Dev problem to fix. Rant and rail against that all you like, but I just can't justify the kind of actions you want to see happen. I'm sure it sucks. But it's not, in my opinion, a Dev problem to fix.
    Why not?

    Wayfinder has a population 1/10th the size of other servers - There just aren't enough players on the server to keep the AH useful.

    So why not add a bunch of stuff once a week to the AH for Wayfinder players - There's always plenty of new blood on Wayfinder btw - I've recruited 80 guildies myself this past month alone.
    I'm just looking at ways to get players to STAY on Wayfinder

  4. #4


    maybe have anything sold to a broker appear in the AH there?
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  5. #5
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Why not?
    Because for better or worse - those are Player economies. If Wayfinder's population isn't robust enough for a robust player-run economy... that's just the way it works. And you can't tell me how low the population is that you feel the need for Dev intervention in the player-run economies and then say that you see plenty of new blood on the server. That is contradictory, and kinda proves my point. Talk to those 80 Guildies to put more stuff on the AH instead of selling it to barkeeps. Post a rallying cry on the here Wayfinder forum to boost the AH. But to plead with the Devs to stock the AH just because... IMHO, that's just laughable.

    If SSG wants to sell those things in the Store - Wayfinder Only even - fine. I'm okay with that. That's SSG's marketplace. But to ask for Devs to load up the AH is just patently ridiculous. Comical even.

    I will save you the trouble of posting a rebuttal Fran. I already can read it in my head. I also know that you will post it anyways. But, I have stated my case as requested - feel free to disagree to your heart's content. Since I won't ever agree with you or be convinced your point has a lick of merit, I won't be reading this thread from this point forward.

    Good luck tilting at this current windmill.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  6. #6
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    very low pop ---> very low trade. totally normal, nothing the devs should look into.

    start yourself solving, you can start putting every single loot from every single quest into ah and try to call the players to do the same if it is such a problem.
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

    omni-cosmetic system suggestion: Arbiter d'Phiarlan, the Weaver of Guises

  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    And you can't tell me how low the population is that you feel the need for Dev intervention in the player-run economies and then say that you see plenty of new blood on the server. That is contradictory,
    No - It's not contradictory at all!

    I see you conveniently ignored the context of my point about how Wayfinder isn't short of new blood yet cannot maintain a decent sized population!?!

    It's the same problem DDO has overall - NEW PLAYERS AREN'T STICKING AROUND!

    Wayfinder has plenty of new blood yet the who list remains the same low population year after year - We have to get more new players to stay with the game long enough to get hooked!

    I've had an incredible success rate with new guildies so far - the vast majority of them ARE ACTIVE and ARE Still playing regularly DAILY but how long for once this worldwide lock-in goes away I wonder?

    It's been 4 weeks now since I recruited my first new guildmember and there's only 3 who look like they were just one day players {which is ludicrously good compared to the success rate I've had in the past recruiting for my guilds on other servers {or should I say failure rate}.

    The question is WHY don't they stick around? DDO is a GREAT Game!

    Now I understand that you are one of those players who hankers after the pre F2P era and disparages anything that could result in better retention of new players but come on - HOW is this going to BREAK the GAME?

    I'm talking about a small Quality of Life fix here!

    - Shroud isn't run the way it was 6 years ago on any server now - On Wayfinder it's in the same state as Twilight Forge! - What's wrong with the Devs putting a handful of different mats on the AH every week? {For decent not insane prices obviously}?

    - Farming in DDO got out of hand a long time ago - Gear farming in new quests is one thing but why can't the devs put say 10 stacks of 20 of each of the rarer collectables on the AH weekly {again for decent prices}? {they could put different ones on each week even}.

    - I know and you know why Death Ward, DDoor and FoM scrolls aren't sold by the vendors that SHOULD sell them and that's a problem in its own right BUT is it going to break the game if the Devs put a few stacks of 25 of each on the AH once a week?

    I already gave my reasons for +1 tomes being added to it - They're a complete waste of DDOPoints even if you have a +1-2 Upgrade from Daily Dice as you know you're going to want to save up points for a much better tome anyway - In fact I'd go as far as to say that these upgrade tomes being in Daily Dice is a straight up TRAP to get players to spend DDOPoints considering how rare +1 tomes dropping in game is!

    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    maybe have anything sold to a broker appear in the AH there?
    I don't see how adding a whole bunch of vendor trash is going to stimulate the AH?

    Yes sometimes something actually decent does get sold to a vendor by a naive newbie OR by a jaded vet who has no need for it and can't be bothered with the AH.


    90% + of stuff that gets vendored is not going to sell on the AH and will just clog it up - making it hard to search through for the good stuff - Oh how I wish we could go back to the OLD RNG set up where stuff was easily searched for!

    Quote Originally Posted by Valerianus View Post
    start yourself solving, you can start putting every single loot from every single quest into ah and try to call the players to do the same if it is such a problem.
    Again - The Wayfinder AH has vendor trash in it already - adding more isn't going to help!

    Not to mention that I'm currently deconning everything I get that I can't use or isn't worth sticking in the guildchest for new guildies so as to get a decent Crafting level {I'm at 51 on Wayfinder right now}.
    QUESTION - What the heck happened to deconning loot giving equal plat back to what vendors would give? The character I'm crafting on is Lvl 20 and still has less than 90k plat having not spent any large amounts - The only plat she's getting is from selling gems and stacks of throwing weapons/arrows/bolts! {Scrolls are going in the guild chest for wizards and artis in guild to take and inscribe}.

    Players get fed up quickly of putting stuff on the AH that just gets mailed back to them 3 days later! And I'm not looking to MAKE PLAT from selling stuff! I'm looking to have some stuff that's actually worthy buying on there!

    Yes VETERAN players could help things by putting good items on the AH for low prices NOT superhigh prices as too many do looking for that desperate or naive player to give them a load of plat BUT newbies are just gonna fill it full of vendor trash!

    Getting the Player Base to all face the same way on something is a fools errand as these forums amply show!

    The Devs are the ones with the Power to actually do something useful here NOT ME!

  8. #8
    Community Member MichaelKindrhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Not to mention that I'm currently deconning everything I get that I can't use or isn't worth sticking in the guildchest for new guildies so as to get a decent Crafting level {I'm at 51 on Wayfinder right now}.
    QUESTION - What the heck happened to deconning loot giving equal plat back to what vendors would give? The character I'm crafting on is Lvl 20 and still has less than 90k plat having not spent any large amounts - The only plat she's getting is from selling gems and stacks of throwing weapons/arrows/bolts! {Scrolls are going in the guild chest for wizards and artis in guild to take and inscribe}.

    If the red dissolvers are in your shared bank then no plat, if they are in your green bag then you get essences & plat..
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  9. #9
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelKindrhead View Post
    If the red dissolvers are in your shared bank then no plat, if they are in your green bag then you get essences & plat..
    Well that's a bug surely?

    It can't be WAI?

    Thanks for the heads up

  10. #10
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    QUESTION - What the heck happened to deconning loot giving equal plat back to what vendors would give? !
    I've never seen it be that much. Some, but not that. Also, you only get $ from weapons, armor and shields - "jewelry" and "clothing" items give no plat, never have.

  11. #11
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    I have seen some posts where folks think the low pop there is a GOOD thing for their chosen playstyle - minimal economics, working with what you scrape up yourself.

    I do look in on the Wayf AH when I stop by there on my DD rolling circuit. When the "All Items" list is only a few pages long, it is indeed barren.


    I do not seeing SSG stocking the AH with stuff, especially when a lot of the things suggested are items which can be bought from the DDO Store. (I don't agree that buying it from there is smart, but the stuff is there.) So not only would there be no reason for them to do it, it would potentially undermine their own profitable sales.


    So, twisting the concept a bit. What if they posted rarer equipment items on the ASAH? Say maybe older raid items that would BtC on purchase or at least BtCoE? I can see the forum torches & pitchforks if they actually did this, but just as a concept to ponder... No cost to the company, and minor profit through the AS monetary system. Players profit with gear that is increasingly difficult to get raid groups for. And yes, a little self-serving in that some of us who don't raid at all might gain access to that older raid gear.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  12. #12
    Community Member mun-ney's Avatar
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    Default Understand both points

    I understand both ideas here
    However it is silly my wife and I play as a 2 man team and not truly able to do some of the raids or get some of the merchandise available to us on other worlds on this world and it is just dumb.
    We completed 1 life maxed out 30 with all the destinies complete. Now all the way back from level 1 to 27 on this world and still have not been able to get the items our other players on Thelanis picked up in the mid 20s of a first life
    Has us seriously debating abandoning this server and trying another
    Seldom see rare Augments on the auction
    Seldom if ever see Dwarven Ingots
    Never have seen a single Shadow Scale
    Some of the only Epic weapons you see are the ones the wife and I post from TOEE
    Are so few of people playing no one is questing or is everyone refusing to sale anything of decent value

    I dont think the game managers should ''salt'' the market however they should combine and close worlds if they have more than one like this because honestly it pulls some of the fun from playing

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