----------All classes and builds combos for Cannith crafting combination recipes are from level 10+ but the best are levels are 15 and 23 Between these sets you will reach level 29 easily. I even calculated Sharn sets along with cannith to fill in what is missing in the sets.
----------From Mavrickblade this took a few weeks to calculate the combination possibilities which are in 20,000s for a friend Zorrr to help him build the best equip possible since his characters couldn’t survive anything. Now that I finished it I figured I would share it with the rest of the world to help everyone out there. This is combo that mathematically has the most bonuses possible to make all equipment strong as possible in every way, and since bound to account you can use on any character. There is 3 combos Melee, Ranged, and Magic. Most equipment can work for any build except for the belt, boots, helmet, goggles, and gloves. Those 5 you will need to build 2 or 3 of them so you can be prepared for any build any character. The belt is either ranged or melee, boots is melee or magic, helmet is either int or wis magic, goggles cover both melee and ranged or magic, gloves you need all 3. A few named items included for combination as well.
----------First I did the full cannith sets for level 23 and 15 sets then I decided to see what I could do with the best sets out there which are the lvl 15 Sharns. I picked family for melee, and Esoteric Initiate for magic, and the Wall Watch for ranged. Down below I did the math to figure out what would be the most beneficial for filling in the missing pieces the sets don’t include.
----------This shows the bonuses you get from the level 23 cannith set combo.
Stats = (+16 STR, DEX, CON, CHA, +18 INT, WIS)
Defense = (resistance =9), (Dodge =11), (spell saves =9), (natural armor =11), (spell resist =36), (shelter =27), (heal amp =43), (Parry =5), (luck 3), (striding 30%)
Abilities = (double strike, or double shot =12/7), (combat mastery or, spellsight =14/27), (melee, ranged alacrity, or spell penetration, =15/15/8), (Armor piercing or, spell lore =17/9), (Insightful accuracy or, spell penetration =8/3), (spell focus mastery =4), (devotion magic power =122), (potency =90), (1 magic power type =186 ), (1 magic power type critical 16), (247 mana,) (concentration =18), (deadly =9), (seeker =16), (sneak hit +11 and sneak dmg +19), (+evocation or whatever school you pick, =8) (ghostly)
Augment slot bonuses lvl 20 = Elemental resist +30 for Acid- Cold- Fire- Electric- Sonic, Death Block, Mana 150, Protection 6, Vitality +20, False life 30, Fear Immunity, proof against poison 10, resist disease +10, fortification 100%
Level 23 and 15 are the best levels and bound to account. All Cannith set, just follow the same recipe for any level you choose if you want something different
----------Instructions on how to make the items.
First thing is to find each item with a yellow augment slot for Topazes except the armor and necklace which requires a blue for Sapphires. Now to go the crafting hall and use the item deconstruction machine and select the disconjuction shard on the equipment. Now that the equip is handled go to the crafting device bound shards machine in crafting hall and follow the recipes for each item below. (note the shards go in the ingredients bag) Once you got all the shards made for a item go to the crafting device bound items. Put the item in the slot and select the apply minimum level 15 or 23 item you prefer. Hit the craft button. Now select the extra effect slot item (requires a Mark of House Cannith which is bought from Visgard d'Cannith vendor guy once you get the 50 favor from Xaros d'Cannith the patron) now hit craft. The item will have a Cannith Crafting Prefix slot, Suffix slot, Extra slot, and a (colored) augment slot. You can put in the augment in first if you want. Now with the crafting device bond items machine you can drag the bound shards in the slot one at a time, but put the items from extra first then the suffix and last prefix. (if you do it other way the order appears backwards.)
The 3 challenges for making the items: #1 Is you need to level up your crafting skill which https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...ing-experience will show you a lot of tricks. #2 Requires a lot of collectables which you can figure out which quests to go to by going to https://ddowiki.com/page/Collectable_farming . #3 The other challenge is finding 5 Purified Ebberon Dragonshard Fragments for the extra slots. Go to the north or south side of the crafting hall and talk to a Craftman and Vendor. Select the “I would like to trade essences”. Now put in a stat tome or skill tome you don’t need (like what you get form Nyx Durandimion in the harbor, or the skill tomes you get from sagas) in the slot and trade.
----------I will start with the level 23 set. Below the level 15 has a few suggested changes.
Bracers with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with resistance.
Suffix slot = Make a bound shard with Constitution.
Extra slot = Make a Insightful Strength shard.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Fear immunity. find it in the 12 with Lahar, lava elemental for 20 tokens of the 12.
Neck with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with spell saves.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with natural armor =11.
Extra slot = Make a Insightful cha =5.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Electric resist +30. found in Gianthold level 20 vendor
Cloak with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with Cha =11.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with Dodge =11.
Extra slot = Make a Insightful, spell resist =12.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of proof against poison +10 found in Gianthold level 20 vendor
Ring 1 with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with spell resist =24.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with Dex =11.
Extra slot = Make a Insightful, dex =5.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Fire resist +30. found in Gianthold level 20 vendor
Belt melee or ranged with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with double strike, or double shot =12/7.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with Str =11.
Extra slot = Make a insightful, con =5
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Proof against disease +10. found in Gianthold level 20 vendor
Boots melee or magic with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with combat mastery or, spellsight =9/18.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with shelter =27.
Extra slot = Make a Insightful combat mastery or, spellsight =5/9.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of acid resist 30. found in Gianthold level 20 vendor
Glove melee, or ranged, or magic with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with melee alacrity, ranged alacrity, or spell penetration, 15/15/5.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with Armor piercing or, spell lore =17/9.
Extra slot = Make a Insightful accuracy or, spell penetration =8/3.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Sonic resist +30. found in Gianthold level 20 vendor
Helmet Int or wis with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with Int or, wis =11.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with spell focus mastery =4.
Extra slot = Make a Insightful Int or, wis =5.
Augment slot = Any color Diamond of Mabar/Halloween event +2 festive diamond of wisdom or int.
Armor with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with devotion magic power =122.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with heal amp =43.
Extra slot = Make a Parry =5.
Augment slot = Blue Sapphire of +30 false life. found in Gianthold level 20 vendor
Goggles melee and range with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with concentration.
Suffix slot Make a bound shard with deadly =9.
Extra slot = Make a Insightful, seeker =5.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Cold resist +30. found in Gianthold level 20 vendor
Goggles dusk lenses lvl 15 which give 60 potency, 30 insightful potency, maximize + enlarge mana saver
Trinket = Epic voice of master level 20 +30% striding, +5% experience+, 3 luck
Augment slot = Blue Sapphire of Heavy Fortification find it in the 12 with Lahar, lava elemental for 20 tokens of the 12. Yellow Topaz of power +150, found in Gianthold lvl 20 vendor. Yellow Topaz of Deathblock found in DDO store.
Ring 2 = ring of the stalker level 20 seeker 11, sneak hit +11 and sneak dmg +19 Ghostly
Augment slot = Colorless Diamond of vitality +20 hard to find but you can use jewelers kit to get one out of Minos Legens. Blue Sapphire of protection +6 find it in Gianthold lvl 20 vendor
Orb 23 = with a Miminum level 23 shard
Prefix = evocation or whatever school you need, =5
Suffix = Insightful evocation or whatever school you need, =3
Extra = insightful deadly
Weapon 20 = melee/ ranged you choose, for magic I would do borderlands epic scepter =186 magic power type, 16 critical, 97 insight wizardry.
-----------The differences for the level 15 vs 23 I put a -*- by the differences because the epic voice of master held 3 augments so have to change augments for the striding, fortification, death block, and mana on the lvl 15 set and the gloves to level 16 if you want faster striding.
Bracers with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with resistance =6.
Suffix = Make a bound shard with Constitution =8.
Extra = Make a Insightful Strength shard =3.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Fear immunity. find it in the 12 with Lahar, lava elemental for 20 tokens of the 12.
Neck with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with spell saves =6.
Suffix = Make a bound shard with natural armor =8.
Extra = Make a Insightful cha =3.
-*-. Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Electric resist +20 found in Gianthold level 12 vendor
Cloak with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with Cha =8.
Suffix = Make a bound shard with Dodge =8.
Extra = Make a Insightful, spell resist =9.
-*- Augment slot = Blue Sapphire of Heavy Fortification. find it in the 12 with Lahar, lava elemental for 20 tokens of the 12.
Ring 1 with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with spell resist =17.
Suffix = Make a bound shard with Dex =8.
Extra = Make a Insightful, Dex =3.
-*- Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Deathblock found in DDO store.
Belt melee or ranged with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with double strike, or double shot =9/5.
Suffix = Make a bound shard with Str =8..
Extra = Make a insightful, con =3
-*- Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Sonic resist +20. found in Gianthold level 12 vendor
Boots melee or magic with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with combat mastery or, spellsight =6/16.
Suffix = Make a bound shard with shelter =19..
Extra = Make a Insightful combat mastery or, spellsight =3/8.
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of acid resist 20. found in Gianthold level 12 vendor
-*-Glove melee, or ranged, or magic with a Miminum level 15 or 16 shard
-*- Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with melee alacrity, ranged alacrity, or spell penetration, (level 15 gives 11/11/3) (level 16 gives 12/12/3).
Suffix = Make a bound shard with Armor piercing or, spell lore =12/7.
Extra = Make a Insightful accuracy or, spell penetration =5/2.
-*- Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Swiftness 5% or 10% (level 15 = +30% move and 5% attack speed)(Level 16 = +30% move and 10% attack speed). found DDO store
Helmet Int or wis with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with Int or, wis =8..
Suffix = Make a bound shard with spell focus mastery =3.
Extra = Make a Insightful Int or, wis =3.
-*-. Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Fire resist +20 found in Gianthold level 12 vendor
Armor with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with devotion magic power =94.
Suffix = Make a bound shard with heal amp =30.
Extra = Make a Parry =3.
Augment Slot = Blue Sapphire of +20 false life. ound in Gianthold level 12 vendor
Goggles melee and range with a Miminum level 15 shard
Prefix slot = Make a Bound shard with concentration =16.
Suffix = Make a bound shard with deadly =6.
Extra = Make a Insightful, seeker =3.
Augment Slot = Yellow Topaz of Cold resist +20. found in Gianthold level 12 vendor
Goggles magic = dusk lenses level 15 which give 60 potency, 30 insightful potency, maximize + enlarge mana saver
Trinket = Voice of Master, Symbol of Slave Lords since true seeing and dusk, or your choice
Ring 2 = Ring of The Stalker level 15 tier 3 = seeker 9, sneak hit +3 and sneak dmg +5 Etherial
Augment slot = Blue Sapphire of protection +4 find it in Gianthold lvl 12 vendor
Weapon, orb, shield your choice
----------Pros and Cons of level 15 (full cannith) VS (cannith and sharn family set combo). You decide which one to pick.
Tied section is spell save, protect, resist, luck, parry, combat mastery, Stats, dodge, PRR, heal amp, melee alacrity, Etherial, fortification, seeker
Full Cannith advantage section is mrr 19 of 13, natural armor 8 of 4, spell resist 26 of 0, spell focus mastery 3 of 0, devotion magic 94 of 0, concentration 16 of 0, sneak hit 3 of 0, sneak damage 5 of 0, accuracy 5 of 0
Sharn advantage section is deadly 8 of 6, double strike 22 of 9, melee power 10 of 0, armor piercing 17 of 12, heroism+2, false life 29 of 20
----------Sharn Part of the Family Melee and the rest Lvl15 cannith crafting to fill in missing parts for full benefits.
Stats = all stats +11
Defense = Spell saves 6, Dodge 8%, Protect 6, HP +39, Resist 6, PRR 19, MRR 13, Parry 3, Heal amp 30, fortification 94%, heroism +2,
Abilities = Ethereal, combat mastery 9, Deadly 8, Seeker +8, Armor piercing +17%, Double strike 19%, melee power 10%, melee alacrity 11, True seeing
Lvl 12 augments needed natural armor 4, wizardry 75, fear immune, death block, elemental resist + 20 fire, ice, acid, electric, sonic, proof against disease, striding 25%
Note goggles make level 16 so the augment striding will be 25% and increase alacrity by 1%
Helmet = Prefix = intelligence =8
Suffix = Resistance =6
Extra = Insightful intelligence =3
Augment = acid resist 20
Belt = Prefix = Double strike =9
Suffix = Str =8
Extra = Insightful str =3
Augment = +75 mana
Ring 1 = Prefix = Cha 8
Suffix = Dexterity =8
Extra = Insightful dexterity =3
Augment = Ice resist 20
Ring 2 = Prefix = Constitution =8
Suffix = protect =6
Extra = Insightful constitution =3
Augment = fire resist 20
Boots = Prefix = combat mastery =6
Suffix = parry =3
Extra = Insightful combat mastery =3
Augment = Electric resist 20
Cloak = Prefix = spell saves 6
Suffix = Dodge =8
Extra = Insightful Cha =3
Augment = Death block
Goggles 15/16 = Prefix = wisdom =8
Suffix = melee alacrity =11/12
Extra = Insightful wisdom =3
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Swiftness 5% or 10% (level 15 = +30% move and 5% attack speed)(Level 16 = +30% move and 10% attack speed). found DDO store
Trinket = voice of master or symbol of slave lords since true seeing and dusk
Bracers = Black opal bracers = Heroism, MRR +13, will save +4, Ethereal
Augment = Fear immunity
Gloves = Hammerfist = Insightful double strike, 3%, seeker +8, Insightful deadly +2
Set/Artifact bonus = double strike +10%, melee power 10% dmg vs helpless +5%, fortitude bypass +5%
Augment = Proof against disease
Necklace = Family recruit sigil = True seeing, armor piercing +12, deadly +6
Set/Artifact bonus = double strike +10%, melee power 10% dmg vs helpless +5%, fortitude bypass +5%
Augment = Sonic resist +20
Armor = Family armor = Fortification 94%, PRR +19, Heal amp +30, False life +29
Set/Artifact bonus = double strike +10%, melee power 10% dmg vs helpless +5%, fortitude bypass +5%
Augment = Natural armor +4, Note - get from gianthold lvl 12 trader easy to get so you can get one for all 5 armors if you want
----------Sharn Esoteric Initiate Magic and the rest Lvl15 cannith crafting to fill in missing parts for full benefits.
Stats = Str 0, - Dex + Con 11, - Wis + Int + Cha 13
Spell dc 5, spell penetrate 5, potency 147, spell lore 10%
Defense = Spell saves 6, Spell resist 17, Dodge 11%, Protect 4, natural armor 4, Resist 6, Parry 3, PRR 19, fortification 94%, false life 29
Lvl 12 augments needed natural armor 4, protection 4, all 5 element resist 20, wizardry 75, death block proof against poison, proof against disease
Helmet Prefix = wisdom =8
Suffix = resist =6
Extra = Insightful wisdom =3
Augment = resist sonic 20
Necklace Prefix = spell saves =6
Suffix = Charisma =8
Extra = Insightful charisma =3
Augment = resist acid 20
Cloak = Prefix = intelligence =8
Suffix = Dodge =8
Extra = Insightful intelligence =3
Augment = resist electric 20
Belt = Prefix = spell resist =17
Suffix = parry =3
Extra = Insightful Constitution =3
Augment = resist ice 20
Ring 1 = Prefix = Constitution =8
Suffix = false life =29
Extra = Insightful PRR =9
Augment = resist fire 20
Gloves = Prefix = dex =8
Suffix = spell lore =7%
Extra = Insightful dexterity =3
Augment = proof against disease 6
Boots = Prefix = spellsight =16
Suffix = Shelter =19
Extra = Insightful spellsight =8
Augment = proof against poison =6
Trinket = voice of master or symbol of slave lords since true seeing and dusk
Ring 2 = Brazenband = speed 30% enchantment 3 insight evocation 2 insightful dodge 3
Augment = deathblock
Bracers = Aetherband = spell penetration 3, insightful spell penetration 2, spell cost -5%, shield bonus +8
Set/Artifact bonus = +25% universal spell power, +2 int, wis, cha, +2 spell dcs, +10% MRR cap
Augment = Protection 4
Goggles = Dusk Lenses = +60 potency, +30 insightful potency, empower 2, maximize 1
Set/Artifact bonus = +25% universal spell power, +2 int, wis, cha, +2 spell dcs, +10% MRR cap
Augment = +75 mana
Armor = Order’s Garb = +5 cloth, fortification 94%, physical sheltering 19, exceptional universal spell power 8, esceptional spell lore 3%
Set/Artifact bonus = +25% universal spell power, +2 int, wis, cha, +2 spell dcs, +10% MRR cap
Augment = Natural armor 4
Orb = Prefix = evocation or whatever school you need =3
Suffix = Insightful evocation or whatever school you need =2
Extra = Parry =3
Weapon = Macabre Scepter or your choice = spell focus mastery 2, insightful spell focus mastery 1 spell penetrate 3 insightful spell penetrate 2
Weapon and orb your choice if want something different
---------Sharn Wallwatch Ranged and the rest Lvl15 cannith crafting to fill in missing parts for full benefits.
Stats = all +11
Defense = Spell saves 6, Spell resist 26, Dodge 8%, natural armor 8, Resist 6, PRR 19, MRR 19, fortification 94%, false life 29, heal amp 30%, distant diversion 12%, blurry, Shelter 19
Offence = tendon slice 6%, accuracy +12, double shot 15%, armor piercing 15% Ranged power 10% sneak hit, Seeker 8, +4 Hit and +4 Sneak dmg, Etherial, spellsight +24, Ranged alacrity +11% True seeing
Lvl 12 augments = protection 4, all element resists +20, wizardry 75, death block, proof against poison 6, proof against disease 6, diplomacy 7
Belt = Prefix = spell resist 17
Suffix = insightful spell resist 9
Extra = insightful, con 3
Augment = Sonic resist +20
Boots = Prefix = Dex
Suffix = Str
Extra = Insightful spellsight
Augment = Acid resist 20
Cloak = Prefix = Int
Suffix = spellsight
Extra = Insightful int
Augment = Fire resist +20
Goggles level 15 or 16 = Prefix = , wis
Suffix = ranged alacrity level (15=11 ranged alacrity), (16= 12 ranged alacrity)
Extra = Insightful wis
Augment slot = Yellow Topaz of Swiftness 5% or 10% (level 15 = +30% move and 5% attack speed)(Level 16 = +30% move and 10% attack speed). found DDO store
Bracers = Prefix = resistance
Suffix = Con
Extra = Insightful str
Augment = Ice resist 20
Necklace = Prefix = spell saves
Suffix = Cha
Extra = Insightful Cha
Augment = Electric resist +20
Ring 1 = Prefix = striding
Suffix = shelter
Extra = Insightful Dex
Augment = death block
Ring 2 = Ring of the Stalker lvl 15 = Seeker 8, +3 Hit and +5 Sneak dmg, Etherial
Augment = Protection +4 if tier 3,
Armor = Wildwood Vest = wallwatch fortification 94% prr 19, healing 30%, 29false life
set bonus = 1 sneak attack die, 15% armor piercing, 10% double shot, 10% ranged power
Augment = proof against poison 6
Helmet = Wallwatch Circlet = tendon slice 6, accuracy 12, reflex save 6, double shot 5%,
set bonus = 1 sneak attack die, 15% armor piercing, 10% double shot, 10% ranged power
Augment = diplomacy+7
Gloves = Wildwood Gauntlets = blurry, dodge 8%, natural armor +8, distant diversion 12%
set bonus = 1 sneak attack die, 15% armor piercing, 10% double shot, 10% ranged power
Augment = proof against disease 6
Trinket = voice of master or symbol of slave lords since true seeing and dusk