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  1. #1
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    Default First Life Dwarven Earth Savant???

    So my friend and I have started playing the game again. We haven't really played for about 10 or 11 years though and even back then we never got past level 8-12. Well he is playing a Dwarven Barbarian and I am wanting to play a Dwarven caster to partner up with him. So we are both playing as a 1st lifer and I am VIP.

    I know its not optimal but I think it would be fun to play a Dwarf Earth Savant Sorcerer. My problem is I do not know what feats to pick. Or what the best enhancements. Not to worried about those as I can respec but I do not want to make an error on feats. What meta feats are needed? I want to dip into EK and Dwarf tree also.

    Thanks for any tips you can give.

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    It's doable but there's less than zero synergy: -2 CHA, no caster bonuses in dwarf racials. Yes, Earthgrab is based on CON, but it's not enough to justify a build IMO. If you want a melee/caster EK then wizard+Harper is better than sorcerer. Maybe you can make some sort of battletank?

    OTOH considering sorcerer DPS is outperforming other casters AFAICT maybe playing a dwarf Earth Savant is a necessary handicap so you don't outperform your friend so much they end up feeling useless.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seayn View Post
    Thanks for any tips you can give.
    Every caster in the game can be built with maximize, empower, quicken, spell focus, spell pen, greater spell focus, greater spell pen to good effect. The spell focus will depend on the type of caster. For earth savant it is conjuration. Even though dwarf is not optimal for a sorc, sorcs are so much more powerful than other classes while leveling that it is appropriate for you to pick such a race to play with a melee friend, then tie one hand behind your back, and hop on one leg while playing.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 03-24-2020 at 01:58 AM.

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Kundarak Earth Savant
    Sorcerer 20
    True Neutral Dwarf
                   28pt     Level Up
                   ----     --------
    Strength         8       4: CHA
    Dexterity        8       8: CHA
    Constitution    18      12: CHA
    Intelligence    10      16: CHA
    Wisdom           8      20: CHA
    Charisma        16      24: CHA
                            28: CHA
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Concent   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Spellcr   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
              8  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
     1        : Maximize Spell
     3        : Empower Spell
     6        : Quicken Spell
     9        : Heighten Spell
    12        : Spell Focus: Conjuration
    15        : Spell Focus: Evocation OR Extend Spell
    18        : Spell Penetration OR Extend Spell
    21 Epic   : Wellspring of Power
    24 Epic   : Burst of Glacial Wrath OR Master of: Earth
    26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Acid
    27 Epic   : Ruin OR Intensify Spell
    28 Destiny: Hellball
    29 Destiny: Arcane Pulse
    30 Epic   : Greater Ruin OR Embolden Spell
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Earth OR Plane of Fire
    Enhancements (80 AP)
    Earth Savant (41 AP)
    • Earth Savant, Earth Affinity, Greater Earth Affinity, Crumbling, One With Stone, Elemental Apotheosis
      1. Acid Spray III, Spell Critical, Erosion III
      2. Spell Critical, Devouring Earth III
      3. Spell Critical, Charisma
      4. Acid Arrow III, Earthen Armor II, Spell Critical, Charisma
      5. Acid Blast III, Awaken Elemental Weakness, Conjuration Focus, Power of Flame
    Fire Savant (26 AP)
    • Fire Savant, Fire Affinity, Greater Fire Affinity, Immolation
      1. Burning Hands III, Spell Critical, Conflagration III
      2. Spell Critical, Fanning the Flames III
      3. Spell Critical, Charisma
      4. Scorch III, Spell Critical
    Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) (13 AP)
    • Eldritch Strike, Spellsword, Imbue the Blade
      1. Improved Mage Armor III, Item Defense I
      2. Improved Shield III, Mystic Wards I
      3. Arcane Barrier
    Leveling Guide
    1. Ear0 Earth Savant; Ear1 Acid Spray I, II, III
    2. Fir0 Fire Savant; Fir1 Burning Hands I, II, III
    3. Ear1 Spell Critical; Ear0 Earth Affinity; Ear1 Erosion I
    4. Ear1 Erosion II, III; Ear2 Spell Critical
    5. Ear3 Spell Critical; Ear3 Charisma
    6. Reset Fire Savant
      • Earth Savant: Greater Earth Affinity
        1. (none)
        2. Devouring Earth III
        3. (none)
        4. Acid Arrow III
      • Fire Savant: Fire Savant
    7. Fir1 Burning Hands I, II, III
    8. Fir1 Spell Critical; Fir0 Fire Affinity; Fir2 Spell Critical
    9. Fir1 Conflagration I; Fir0 Greater Fire Affinity; Fir3 Spell Critical
    10. Ear4 Spell Critical; Ear4 Charisma
    11. Ear4 Earthen Armor I, II; (Bank 2 AP)
    12. Ear0 Crumbling; Ear5 Acid Blast I, II, III; Ear5 Awaken Elemental Weakness
    13. Ear5 Power of Flame; Ear5 Conjuration Focus
    14. Fir2 Fanning the Flames I; Fir1 Conflagration II; Fir2 Fanning the Flames II; Fir1 Conflagration III
    15. Fir2 Fanning the Flames III; Fir3 Charisma; Fir0 Immolation
    16. Fir4 Spell Critical; Fir4 Scorch I, II
    17. Fir4 Scorch III; EKs0 Eldritch Strike; EKs1 Item Defense I; EKs1 Improved Mage Armor I
    18. Ear0 One With Stone; EKs1 Improved Mage Armor II, III; EKs0 Spellsword
    19. EKs2 Improved Shield I, II, III; EKs2 Mystic Wards I
    20. Ear0 Elemental Apotheosis; EKs0 Imbue the Blade; EKs3 Arcane Barrier
    Earth + Fire is a good combo IMO; if/when you get to Ravenloft, try to farm yourself a Burnscar Sash.

    This isn't a melee build; I invest in EK for the various survivability perks - light armor for extra PRR/MRR vs robes, Arcane Barrier, etc. - but you could just go all-in on caster DPS instead.

    I haven't played an epic caster in years, but I'm guessing Draconic Incarnation is still the go-to Epic Destiny (ED) for arcane caster DPS. The Spell Focus / Penetration feats are there to unlock the ED bonuses.

    Spells: I got lazy but obviously you want all the acid+fire spells you can grab. Leftover slots can go towards Force spells (Magic/Chain/Force Missiles) and buffs like Displacement.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 03-24-2020 at 09:13 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Kundarak Earth Savant
    Sorcerer 20
    True Neutral Dwarf
                   28pt     Level Up
                   ----     --------
    Strength         8       4: CHA
    Dexterity        8       8: CHA
    Constitution    18      12: CHA
    Intelligence    10      16: CHA
    Wisdom           8      20: CHA
    Charisma        16      24: CHA
                            28: CHA
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Concent   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
    Spellcr   4  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  23
              8  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
     1        : Maximize Spell
     3        : Empower Spell
     6        : Quicken Spell
     9        : Heighten Spell
    12        : Spell Focus: Conjuration
    15        : Spell Focus: Evocation OR Extend Spell
    18        : Spell Penetration OR Extend Spell
    21 Epic   : Wellspring of Power
    24 Epic   : Burst of Glacial Wrath OR Master of: Earth
    26 Destiny: Epic Spell Power: Acid
    27 Epic   : Ruin OR Intensify Spell
    28 Destiny: Hellball
    29 Destiny: Arcane Pulse
    30 Epic   : Greater Ruin OR Embolden Spell
    30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Earth OR Plane of Fire
    Enhancements (80 AP)
    Earth Savant (41 AP)
    • Earth Savant, Earth Affinity, Greater Earth Affinity, Crumbling, One With Stone, Elemental Apotheosis
      1. Acid Spray III, Spell Critical, Erosion III
      2. Spell Critical, Devouring Earth III
      3. Spell Critical, Charisma
      4. Acid Arrow III, Earthen Armor II, Spell Critical, Charisma
      5. Acid Blast III, Awaken Elemental Weakness, Conjuration Focus, Power of Flame
    Fire Savant (26 AP)
    • Fire Savant, Fire Affinity, Greater Fire Affinity, Immolation
      1. Burning Hands III, Spell Critical, Conflagration III
      2. Spell Critical, Fanning the Flames III
      3. Spell Critical, Charisma
      4. Scorch III, Spell Critical
    Eldritch Knight (Sorcerer) (13 AP)
    • Eldritch Strike, Spellsword, Imbue the Blade
      1. Improved Mage Armor III, Item Defense I
      2. Improved Shield III, Mystic Wards I
      3. Arcane Barrier
    Leveling Guide
    1. Ear0 Earth Savant; Ear1 Acid Spray I, II, III
    2. Fir0 Fire Savant; Fir1 Burning Hands I, II, III
    3. Ear1 Spell Critical; Ear0 Earth Affinity; Ear1 Erosion I
    4. Ear1 Erosion II, III; Ear2 Spell Critical
    5. Ear3 Spell Critical; Ear3 Charisma
    6. Reset Fire Savant
      • Earth Savant: Greater Earth Affinity
        1. (none)
        2. Devouring Earth III
        3. (none)
        4. Acid Arrow III
      • Fire Savant: Fire Savant
    7. Fir1 Burning Hands I, II, III
    8. Fir1 Spell Critical; Fir0 Fire Affinity; Fir2 Spell Critical
    9. Fir1 Conflagration I; Fir0 Greater Fire Affinity; Fir3 Spell Critical
    10. Ear4 Spell Critical; Ear4 Charisma
    11. Ear4 Earthen Armor I, II; (Bank 2 AP)
    12. Ear0 Crumbling; Ear5 Acid Blast I, II, III; Ear5 Awaken Elemental Weakness
    13. Ear5 Power of Flame; Ear5 Conjuration Focus
    14. Fir2 Fanning the Flames I; Fir1 Conflagration II; Fir2 Fanning the Flames II; Fir1 Conflagration III
    15. Fir2 Fanning the Flames III; Fir3 Charisma; Fir0 Immolation
    16. Fir4 Spell Critical; Fir4 Scorch I, II
    17. Fir4 Scorch III; EKs0 Eldritch Strike; EKs1 Item Defense I; EKs1 Improved Mage Armor I
    18. Ear0 One With Stone; EKs1 Improved Mage Armor II, III; EKs0 Spellsword
    19. EKs2 Improved Shield I, II, III; EKs2 Mystic Wards I
    20. Ear0 Elemental Apotheosis; EKs0 Imbue the Blade; EKs3 Arcane Barrier
    Earth + Fire is a good combo IMO; if/when you get to Ravenloft, try to farm yourself a Burnscar Sash.

    This isn't a melee build; I invest in EK for the various survivability perks - light armor for extra PRR/MRR vs robes, Arcane Barrier, etc. - but you could just go all-in on caster DPS instead.

    I haven't played an epic caster in years, but I'm guessing Draconic Incarnation is still the go-to Epic Destiny (ED) for arcane caster DPS. The Spell Focus / Penetration feats are there to unlock the ED bonuses.

    Spells: I got lazy but obviously you want all the acid+fire spells you can grab. Leftover slots can go towards Force spells (Magic/Chain/Force Missiles) and buffs like Displacement.
    Thank you kind Sir this is perfect!

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Forgot to mention: one of the downsides to Earth Savant is most acid spells are Conjuration, but most other DPS spells (including fire) are Evocation. So your spell school focus is split into two, whereas an Air + <Fire|Water> Savant build can focus on just Evocation. The silver lining is acid spells are less frequently resisted than other elemental damage.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
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    I am up to level 10 now but I have a question on weapons. Is there any reason not to duel wield weapons for stats? Specifically a Flaming Forum Post and a Necrotic Post from the Anniversary event? A second club gives be better stats than an orb in offhand right now.

  8. #8
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    Default Self healing on Sorc?

    I have played 1 sorcerer (actually 9 levels in multiclass) to get slot in heroic completionist. Long ago. What is the self-healing capability now? I bowsed through wiki, found only false life and repair. Necromancy didn't seem to have a feed-back mechanic like wizard. What am I missing?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonoma View Post
    I have played 1 sorcerer (actually 9 levels in multiclass) to get slot in heroic completionist. Long ago. What is the self-healing capability now? I bowsed through wiki, found only false life and repair. Necromancy didn't seem to have a feed-back mechanic like wizard. What am I missing?

    Unless you are playing a race you're able to self-Repair cast on, you'll be limited to generic healing forms - although Sorcs do benefit from Charisma main stat to UMD making that a little easier

    So potions, Cure Wands/Heal Scrolls, Epic Destiny abilities like Rejuvenation Cocoon etc

    They do not get the same Undead abilities of a wizard

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