I have a warlock with Epic Completionist from a while of grinding, and I freely admit her gear is middling at best:
Flawless White Dragonscale Armor, incredibly old Heroic Greensteel of Concordant Opposition, an Epic Sceptre of Radiance, random drop boots of Speed 10 and 25 PRR/MRR, that sort of thing. +10 ability score items.
I recognize she's not ready for the endgame raids that drop +22 ability score items seen on the wiki. So my question is:
Where should I look for the medium-late game items?
The sort of thing that will make a warlock raid-ready. I imagine +14 ability score or thereabouts, though I don't know all the items very well.
What are the moderately good items I should run for? Are they from quests, easy raids, cannith crafting?
I'm asking because most of the guides I find seem to be oriented either towards fast heroic leveling, or legendary endgame raiding. I'm past the former and I don't want to be a burden on groups doing the latter.
My current setup is Great Old One/Enlightened Spirit, though I'm willing to switch.
I'm looking to improve my warlock as a whole, not tweak a particular build.
Trait highlights, with current gear and standard buffs, to give an idea of where I'm improving from:
570 light spellpower
470 acid spellpower
205% fortification
50 energy resistances
+47/+36/+58 saves