Looking for some tomes to trade, if you have any from the list and/or want any from my list send a PM to Davlos or comment below with your offer =D
Ability tomes
+7/8 or +8 CON
+7/8 or +8 INT
+7/8 or +8 WIS
+4/5 or +5 CON
+4 WIS
Skill Tomes
+4/5 Balance
+4/5 UMD
Ability tomes
+5 Upgrade Tome of Strength (+4 to +5)
+5 Upgrade Tome of Intelligence (+4 to +5)
+6 Upgrade Tome of Intelligence (+5 to +6)
+8 Tome of Strenght
Skill Tomes
+4 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Balance +3 to +4)
+4 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Diplomacy +3 to +4)
+5 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Diplomacy +4 to +5)
+5 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Heal +4 to +5)
+5 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Search +4 to +5)
+2 Tome of Skill (Use Magic Device +2)