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  1. #81
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    New quests
    contributing to the Megaserver fund
    new content
    scaling to let us run content when we are too high level for it.
    I would pay cash money to sort my TR cache alphabetically.
    season pass to the HC sever for premiums via DDO points seems good even though it isn’t really my thing
    additional quest packs
    more content/quests
    some good cosmetics
    No one in the world ever gets what they want
    And that is beautiful
    Everybody dies frustrated and sad
    And that is beautiful

  2. #82
    Community Member rvrtrnce's Avatar
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    Default Anything and Everything

    I mostly spend money on astral shards, toolkits and augments. I buy ability tomes and learning tomes. I pay for 2 subscriptions, one for me and one for my son who rarely ever plays. I left the game for 4 years and I left my sub running for the 1st 2 years I was away.

    Why? Because I love this game and don't want to see it go away.

    As I often joke while re-rolling a chest for the 3rd time ... "someones gotta keep this game alive"
    Khyber - Mahlii, Guyutee, Onumniwa

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvrtrnce View Post
    As I often joke while re-rolling a chest for the 3rd time ... "someones gotta keep this game alive"
    And we salute you for it :P

    I think what it all comes down to for me is consumables vs. durable goods. I don't like spending money on things that go away as I use them. Part of what drew me to DDO was the prospect of buying the parts of the game I wanted as I wanted them, and getting to keep them.

    So while I've been subbed a few times and have bought nearly all content, I shy heavily away from any sort of consumable.

    I keep a very small stack of store-bought mana potions on my casters in case things go pair-shaped, but have never had to use more than 1 or 2. I've never bought store healing potions. I have a stack of airship beacons from when they were on an insanely good sale but have never used even 1. I'll never buy a rod of teleport or pay shards to use a teleport NPC.

    BUT! If all these things were "buy once use forever" I'd say...


  4. #84
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    I’d gladly buy a permanent gold seal level 9 cleric hireling with Raise Dead.

    want me to throw $30 at the game? Let me buy that permanent gold seal hireling.
    No one in the world ever gets what they want
    And that is beautiful
    Everybody dies frustrated and sad
    And that is beautiful

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    I’d gladly buy a permanent gold seal level 9 cleric hireling with Raise Dead.

    want me to throw $30 at the game? Let me buy that permanent gold seal hireling.
    They have a permanent level 4, but he doesn't raise dead...

    So, yeah, I wouldn't mind one of those. Honestly I bet they'd make more selling permanent hirelings than they do selling the gold seals as they are now. My buddy who had my account before me says he bought a total of 4, in 9ish years of playing, and that he regretted ever even buying one. I don't hardly ever even buy the plat hires. Typically if I realize I need a hire its easier to restart the dungeon than shell out points. But if they were permanent...

    Of course a lot of this is dependent on fixing the hierling AI so they are more than just a bag of butt cracks.

  6. #86
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    cash? Planescape
    coins? Sharn (don't have it yet but on my to do list)

    that is about it.

  7. #87
    Master Rogue of Argonnessen Equatis's Avatar
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    First, I am retired and on a limited budget, having said that, I do buy DDO Points when I feel I need them for store purchases, I buy Astral Shards as needed, most of my in game store purchases as a premium player have been related to quest packs as they come out with purchased points or in-game earned points, I have subbed when I felt it would benefit me the most. I currently own all quest packs & xpacs, I own a guild and fully stocked guild ship. I think more/better storage options are needed.

    Now for what I would pay for that hasn't yet been mentioned, a teleport item like the Key to E'star, the Bottle of Mist, the Sharn Boarding Pass, and the Anniversary D12 That would be able to be fed these items and assume their duties, i.e. after consuming them be able to then teleport you to their destinations from then on. And be able to consume future teleport items as well to what ever value it can possibly be set like 8-12 hopefully. I leave the points pricing up to SSG, but this is an item I would gladly begin purchasing for my characters.

    I see this as becoming a necessity since with each expansion we gain another item and they take up space in our inventories since they are so convenient to have and use. Currently on my 2 mains and several of my alts I carry all 4, that's 4 inventory spaces I would like to consolidate into one. I would purchase the points to buy such an item.
    The Rogues of Argonnessen, picking pockets for a better Stormreach, relieving you of your clutter so you don't have to. Need something? Tell us where you saw it, how well it's guarded and when the current owners aren't going to be home. We will get you the exact same make, model and color, For a fee.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Equatis View Post
    Currently on my 2 mains and several of my alts I carry all 4, that's 4 inventory spaces I would like to consolidate into one. I would purchase the points to buy such an item.
    5 if you are also UMDing teleport scrolls.

  9. #89
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    An Epic Reincarnation heart variant that resets all slayer areas would make a killing for SSG.

    I'd buy another 40 inventory slots and another 40 bank slots, and I'm already maxed on each.

    I'm not holding my breath for containers that hold scrolls, potions, spell components or cosmetics. Those requests have been brought up time and again (and again) and SSG has taken no action. Someone at SSG has run the numbers and figured out the juice is not worth the squeeze. If it was, it would have been implemented within the past 14 years.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    I’d gladly buy a permanent gold seal level 9 cleric hireling with Raise Dead.

    want me to throw $30 at the game? Let me buy that permanent gold seal hireling.
    I wouldn't for $30, but if they offered one for about $10 or $12, I'd probably go for it. Possibly on my alt account as well.

  11. #91
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    Wish for Memories: Iconic version.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokejumper89 View Post
    Add in "harried" from red alert. Triple slow-effects are no fun. I have died multiple times on a melee because I was fighting a ranged mob and literally could not close the distance because of so many slow-effects.
    Only in DDO(?) can you be slowed while running away from combat with no enemies in the immediate vicinity. I was under the impression that fear-induced adrenaline ("the flight instinct") increased one's metabolism.

    The "harried" mechanic is definitely poorly designed and implemented, in my educated opinion.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    Wish for Memories: Iconic version.
    I would definitely like to earn racial PLs while on iconics. Going from 15-30 is just as hard as going from 1-20; the difference is for 20-30 there's ALWAYS groups up. I've actually given up entirely on the racial PLs because I just cant take any more of early heroics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andu_Indorin View Post
    Only in DDO(?) can you be slowed while running away from combat with no enemies in the immediate vicinity. I was under the impression that fear-induced adrenaline ("the flight instinct") increased one's metabolism.

    The "harried" mechanic is definitely poorly designed and implemented, in my educated opinion.
    Yeah its insanely frustrating as implemented. However, I don't think selling an item to fix it is necessarily a good approach...

  14. #94
    Community Member TheGuyYouKnow's Avatar
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    One of the biggest annoyances I have right now is having several characters I enjoy playing each in their own way but I've stopped playing them completely because they wont ever catch up to my main so I feel like any progress I make with my alts is wasted.

    I would pay good money for past lives and reaper xp to become server wide or shared and unlocked on my other characters in some way.
    Also a massive BTA collectable and ingrediant bag.

    As for what i currently purchace: any adventure pack, expansion, race, class, universal tree, +8 supreme tome recently, inventory space, the odd cake if we wipe near the end of a long quest
    Elemo - Patorikku - Happyfruit - Wookiee ~Ghallanda~

  15. #95
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    XP potions that are a flat amount, not timed. I frankly think the timed thing is way outdated and encourages only one kind of playstyle. Long quests, explorer areas, etc., are all "wasted" time. Run some numbers on how much xp people get at various levels with XP pots, aim to the middle upper bound, and call it a day.

    Slower builds or those which are simply built more for fun/flavor essentially get less for their money when using xp potions. Longer quests (looking at you TOEE) are prime to be skipped and ignored. Timed potions encourage nothing but rushing.

    More cosmetics would be great - especially if particle effects worked on stuff like handwraps, always thought that was a missed opportunity.

    Not a lot I'd really like otherwise - but I'm the sort that just subs and prefers to not spend money and points constantly.

  16. #96
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    as a premium player...I have purchased....
    Adventure Packs when they are on sale
    Augments Heavy fort , Evocation, enchantment ...., immunity's
    Grog for a reincarnation biscuit
    Harper tree
    Craftable trinkets
    tool kits to salvage gems augments rare un-purchasable
    shards for the shard exchange

    I would buy weapons with double or triple augment slots that are craftable

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by losian2 View Post
    XP potions that are a flat amount, not timed. I frankly think the timed thing is way outdated and encourages only one kind of playstyle. Long quests, explorer areas, etc., are all "wasted" time. Run some numbers on how much xp people get at various levels with XP pots, aim to the middle upper bound, and call it a day.

    Slower builds or those which are simply built more for fun/flavor essentially get less for their money when using xp potions. Longer quests (looking at you TOEE) are prime to be skipped and ignored. Timed potions encourage nothing but rushing.

    More cosmetics would be great - especially if particle effects worked on stuff like handwraps, always thought that was a missed opportunity.

    Not a lot I'd really like otherwise - but I'm the sort that just subs and prefers to not spend money and points constantly.
    Well they have XP tomes for that but then people stack the tomes with the potions. Perhaps the tomes and potions should not stack.

    Edit: Or perhaps potions that are for a single run with no time limit, but the time for that is less than the current potions so the cost would be less.
    Last edited by Sylvado; 03-06-2020 at 09:26 AM.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by losian2 View Post
    XP potions that are a flat amount, not timed.
    Do you mean, for example, once they grant 50,000xp they expire instead of after an hour they expire?

  19. #99
    ([ ]'.')>-{===> <( ;..; <)
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    Can't really think of anything specific right now, but generally stuff that upgrades your account with quality of life things.
    There's already a lot of items in the store that I'd spend money on, but it's simply too expensive in my opinion. I'm not going to pay more than 3-4 months of subscription for a simple +1 to all stats or the ability to skip a life. If items were cheaper I'd probably be spending a lot more.

  20. #100
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    Ship enhancements:

    Test Dojo Kobold (just like Lamannia)
    Test Dojo Kobold Red-Named (just like Lamannia)
    Test Dojo Kobold Purple-Named (doesn't existing on Lam -- high AC and high fort similar to a Project Nemesis raid boss)

    The existing ship cannon is not sufficient.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

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