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  1. #1
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Default Alternatives, New Ideas and the challenge to raising the lvl cap discussion.

    When MotU was released it invalidated all the greensteel items we farmed for. OK, adapt and overcome. We have had to do that 5 times now, where gear becomes less than optimal with the release of new content, gear AND set bonuses.

    I have no problemo with the game evolving. Or that some items get fed to a sentient jewel for xp because it has been made worthless.

    If we go to level 40 cap, even in small steps it will once again create this scenario all over again. That WILL cost us active players. We as a community can't afford that to happen anymore.
    SO............................................. let's talk about ideas that can help the game progress, keep the marketing people happy, keep the players happy, and provide everyone with thoughtful constructive systems and content that accomplishes all of the aforementioned.

    1) New difficulty settings that aren't hp & saves bloats.

    2) Create new set bonuses that can overlap and enhance existing sets.

    3) Content challenges that provide specific rewards, ( eg, increased % chest rolls, temp stat bonuses, items for new crafting systems). These challenges are unlimited in concept.

    4) Environmental changes & magic, riddles, puzzles, traps, new rare monsters etc

    5) Hidden series and quest objectives. While running series/ quests, have clues and objectives attainable that will unlock other quests. In other words, there is no public quest giver or portal to walk up to. It can only be unlocked via finding these objectives. This is only limited by developer's imagination. Put timers in place to restrict how & when these clues appear. These would need to be somewhat randomized, as it would prohibit people from posting on wiki etc.... And place these clues/objectives in different content. By doing so it promotes players to run more content.

    6) Guild quests (briefly mentioned by Severlin at meet-up interview) I'll take Epic 3BC as an example. Have the guild actually board and capture the airship! Then reward the guild accordingly.

    7) Not all quests should have a nice reward at the end, we are so accustomed to the dangling carrot that players stay away from quests w/ inconsequential rewards. This concept also ties in with my hidden quest suggestion.

    8) Using a quest mechanic to change how to finish the same quest. Enter quest, find npc objective, npc gives several options for how the quest needs to be finished. Choose 1, exit quest, re-enter with a new set of parameters to complete. eg, Ravenloft, take the bones and keep them vs placing in designated spot, which would change the quest objective. Players would have to re-enter with new objective in-place and reward players accordingly.

    9) Create visual designations for players accomplishing certain tasks, eg, This idea is for individual goals, like we have wings & floaty name icons for TR's. We could have icons for puzzle solvers, hidden objective finders, etc...

    10) Have other players finish objectives you've started. eg, LFM panel post "player needed to take my item and go finish objective in another quest".  In other words, you can't take said item from the quest, someone else has to do it not in your party. They would have to join, take item, go into related quest, finish objective and either re-enter (no penalty) your party and quest or it would automatically grant objective completion.

    I have a lot of ideas, all stemming from years of PnP and customized campaigns. I'm hoping some of these ideas get traction w/ you all AND SSG.

    We as players need to change how we approach this game in the sense that it's not all about xp@ minute or reaper wings. It's about having fun and being challenged.

    For the critics of my ideas, PLEASE DON'T. Try adding your own CONSTRUCTIVE ideas of your own or additional ideas based on my post. I'd like to see constructive discussion and not the standard "I don't like your idea so I'm going to flame you" nonsense.

    SSG as you move into 2020 and needing things to expand and broaden our playing experience, I highly suggest you start to challenge the player base with new and exciting game concepts vs the get quest/ kill mobs & boss/ get reward, rinse & repeat.
    Last edited by Lagin; 03-03-2020 at 12:04 PM.

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