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  1. #1
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    Default which do you prefer? Melee Power or Debuffs?

    Hi all, I have been debating on which would provide more raw power to the toon as well as the party. For example, would you trade a 5 piece Prowess set that has 10 sustained MP and 50 for ten seconds on AB for say a 4 piece shattered device set which has +4 Attack/Damage, 3% doublestrike, and debuffs a mob (sometimes) by 10 PRR and 10MRR. I have read that mosters can go negative for PRR, and this looks to be a 9.09% increase in damage taken (if you look at the PRR curve)

    At any rate, I have been talking to somebody and this switch was suggested, and I kinda like it, but would like to get some other points of view.


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickodeamous View Post
    Hi all, I have been debating on which would provide more raw power to the toon as well as the party. For example, would you trade a 5 piece Prowess set that has 10 sustained MP and 50 for ten seconds on AB for say a 4 piece shattered device set which has +4 Attack/Damage, 3% doublestrike, and debuffs a mob (sometimes) by 10 PRR and 10MRR. I have read that mosters can go negative for PRR, and this looks to be a 9.09% increase in damage taken (if you look at the PRR curve)

    At any rate, I have been talking to somebody and this switch was suggested, and I kinda like it, but would like to get some other points of view.

    What's stopping you from having both? You get 11 slots. Anyways, if your group doesn't have a shattered device in its layout it is the better option.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    What's stopping you from having both? You get 11 slots. Anyways, if your group doesn't have a shattered device in its layout it is the better option.
    The rest of my slots are filled with raid filigree sets, so i am kinda stuck there.

  4. #4
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    well for the party, shattered device debuff is always handy, but it depends somewhat on your character too as eg. for a barbarian that chunk of extra melee power doesn't just boost your attack power but also your healing effects
    Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 02-26-2020 at 03:06 PM.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  5. #5
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickodeamous View Post
    Hi all, I have been debating on which would provide more raw power to the toon as well as the party. For example, would you trade a 5 piece Prowess set that has 10 sustained MP and 50 for ten seconds on AB for say a 4 piece shattered device set which has +4 Attack/Damage, 3% doublestrike, and debuffs a mob (sometimes) by 10 PRR and 10MRR. I have read that mosters can go negative for PRR, and this looks to be a 9.09% increase in damage taken (if you look at the PRR curve)

    At any rate, I have been talking to somebody and this switch was suggested, and I kinda like it, but would like to get some other points of view.


    If the party cares for team play then debuffs. Not sure if they get a stack when more then a single player applies those at the same npc.

    If the party doesnt care for team play then anything that will keep you alive longer. (I humbly think that is not you are asking for)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickodeamous View Post
    Hi all, I have been debating on which would provide more raw power to the toon as well as the party. For example, would you trade a 5 piece Prowess set that has 10 sustained MP and 50 for ten seconds on AB for say a 4 piece shattered device set which has +4 Attack/Damage, 3% doublestrike, and debuffs a mob (sometimes) by 10 PRR and 10MRR. I have read that mosters can go negative for PRR, and this looks to be a 9.09% increase in damage taken (if you look at the PRR curve)

    At any rate, I have been talking to somebody and this switch was suggested, and I kinda like it, but would like to get some other points of view.

    You always want a multiplicative bonus over an additive one. Adding more MP if you already have a lot of MP isnt going to be a substantial increase. But reducing enemy PRR/MRR multiplies everything you do. Unless they have just a buttload of PRR/MRR and you have very little MP, you're going to get a lot more mileage out of the debuff. Plus, as you say, it benefits all the people in the party (unless they also have the same debuff, then of course its wasted )

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    You always want a multiplicative bonus over an additive one. Adding more MP if you already have a lot of MP isnt going to be a substantial increase. But reducing enemy PRR/MRR multiplies everything you do. Unless they have just a buttload of PRR/MRR and you have very little MP, you're going to get a lot more mileage out of the debuff. Plus, as you say, it benefits all the people in the party (unless they also have the same debuff, then of course its wasted )
    This makes sense to me. I just don't know who is running that set and who is not. Plus I guess it would be hard to test this on a ship dummy. I guess I am just trying to just help the party move along faster, so that's kinda where I was looking at shattered device. BUt man, I would hate to waste 4 slots if most people use it anyway.

  8. #8
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    Has anyone figured out/guesstimated the melee proc rate for the Shattered Device PRR debuff?
    Stratis on Khyber

    Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.

  9. #9
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickodeamous View Post
    4 piece shattered device set which has +4 Attack/Damage, 3% doublestrike, and debuffs a mob (sometimes) by 10 PRR and 10MRR. I have read that monsters can go negative for PRR, and this looks to be a 9.09% increase in damage taken (if you look at the PRR curve)
    Negative PRR/MRR stop following the curve and translate 1:1 into a % damage buff; so -30 PRR = all incoming physical damage is dealing 130% of base (otherwise negative PRR/MRR has an exponential gain on the curve, which gets OP too quickly).

    Optimal case for MP, you can fit 29 MP in 4 slots (Sucker Punch/One against Many raid +3x 5 rare MP). If you have ~200 MP, that's ~9.7% DPS gain. -10 PRR would be a 7-10% DPS gain (depending on what other PRR debuffs are being thrown), and it's party-wide.

    If you have more slots open, it's even narrower; 4 slots is ~20 MP (plus two random filigree), and now it's only a ~6.7% DPS gain at 200 MP (and if you have 250 MP it's only a 5.7% gain).

    Assuming the Shattered Device proc rate is solid, it seems like a clear winner for long-term base damage (and competitive even when soloing). That said, if you have a lot of loaded-MP-scaling damage (like Sneak Attack) then MP gains an advantage, and if you have a lot of non-MP-scaling damage (Spellsword, Law Dice, etc) then Shattered Device pulls further ahead.

    I don't know the proc rate though, and MP will help with initial hits which is strong for up-front burst damage (like Adrenaline or Eldritch Tempest) whereas Shattered Device only matters for continued hitting. Like if you're 3-shotting enemies, it's only (at best) 2/3 as effective as listed above. Whaling bosses it definitely looks to pull ahead though.

    TL;DR: as far as my quick math can tell, Shattered Device looks really good as a DPS filigree, even when solo. It's not as good for burst builds.
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  10. #10
    Community Member Draxis's Avatar
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    Shattered Device is better overall, but that being the case, a lot of people use it. And as others have stated, the MRR/PRR debuff does not stack. Since it's so popular (Non-rare filigrees go for ~150 AS on the ASAH), more than likely someone in your party, if not multiple people, are going to be using shattered device.

  11. #11
    Community Member DrawingGuy's Avatar
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    Shattered Device is best for TWF/unarmed and throwers. Fast attack rates that not only are better applying the debuff, but benefit more from the attack/damage and double strike/shot the set provides. If someone else is applying the debuff, then there are better options, but as you are not running in an organized static, might as well be you. Off chances of overlap loss is trivial to general gains.

    If you are truly concerned about always being min maxed, have a weapon with and without to coordinate with the party to see if it is covered or not. Personally I plan on it being my main set... though still need to farm a proper set as I'm just coming back to the game. *cough*tradesometopinconthelanis*cough*
    Last edited by DrawingGuy; 02-26-2020 at 06:21 PM.
    Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)

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