Hi Everyone - So this is my second time running a big guild on the HCL - great to see everyone there by the way - and again I am confronted by DDO's lack of tools for Guild Masters and how Guild's as coded are woefully inadequate for the HCL server. Below are my suggestions for additions that would make my life, and the life of GMs, officers, members, and etc much more enjoyable and easier.
1. GMs need an account ban feature to deal with players who are toxic/trolls. We presently can ban a single character, but the toxic player can just roll up a new toon, guild them, and continue trolling. In other words beyond reporting someone being toxic or bullying or being racist or sexist through a ticket in-game, guild masters and officers cannot do anything. Please give guild masters the ability to ban accounts, squelch accounts, etc. That's number one.
2. The 'Recent Departure' system works on the live servers where membership is static and slow, the 2-week timer makes sense on a normal server. This needs to be removed for HCL. It makes no sense first because of the volume of players rolling, questing, dying, deleting, rolling again, etc, repeat. For a guild to suffer membership max numbers due to this departure system, it's frustrating for the guild master, officers, members, and recruits. It should be removed. The guild should cap at 1000 accounts, and not count alts.
3. Guild donations should be allowed on the ship, not just in the harbor at the NPC in the ship vendor. The kobold on the top deck of the ship and the hobgoblin in the cargo hold should be able to accept both Plat/Shard donations. The donations too should be viewable by the guild and the guild master should be able to add and remove funds from this. in HCL 1 my ship went down with plat and shards I could not recover.
4. Guild Master should have the option to turn on a guild tithe that automatically donates quest platinum to the guild funds for use to purchase guild amenities.
5. The Guild Master needs - NEEDS - the ability to lock decorations in particular spots on the ship. Officers should not be able to redecorate the ship every 15 minutes because they are ****ed off they died in HCL, or they disagree one deco should go there not here. Guild master makes the call and locks it down, period.
6. Guild Master needs an audit system for the guild bank to see who is putting items and plat in and who is taking items and plat out. Weekly limits should be allowed to be set - for example, members can withdraw X number of items and XX amount of platinum /week.
7. Guild master needs to be able to create custom ranks - such as a recruiter rank that can add members to the guild but is not an officer. It would be suggested to give guild masters the ability to create 10 ranks including Guild Master, Officer, recruiter, member, recruit - etc.
8. The guild master needs to be able to tag toons as a players 'main' toon so it is easy to keep track of main toons and alt toons.
9. Guild master should be able to move the ship from port to port - instead of flying over some endless sea - I would very much like to park my ship at Sharn for example, or in the Stormreach Harbor, that way, if someone logs in and falls off the ship with no feather fall they do no die. This is a thing on HCL that needs to be addressed.
10. A new ship decoration 'Shrine to the Fallen' to commemorate the dead from all the HCL events. What the buffs are that is up to the community. So many people have suffered and died, so many times while trying very hard not to on a toon they put much love into - this needs to be observed and commemorated with a shrine of honor. Please do this.
11. Cargo Hold needs something - not sure what, but with the removal of the old buffs and NPCs there is no reason to go down there. I am sure the community has some wonderful suggestions for the cargo hold. The existing certificates should have their level restrictions removed so level 1 guilds can set up a vendor in the cargo hold asap, along with mail, a bank, an auctioneer - you know, things that would be on a ship (especially a giant ship.) Personally I would like to see certificates to pin the House K vendors in the cargo hold, guild potions, reagents, wands, scrolls, and hirelings vendors.
12. Please change the message a player sees when they are removed from a guild; it presently reads a very belligerent and hostile, 'YOU HAVE BEEN EXPELLED FROM YOUR GUILD!' Exclamation Point! This is way too hostile - and really doesn't help people who are already upset chain dying over and over to see a message if they were removed due to inactivity or whatever. It instead should say nothing, or if a message must be displayed, it could read something neutral, such as 'You are no longer in a guild' - please, again, please change this, the hostile tone is unnecessary.
Words matter.
These suggestions if implemented would greatly make the guild master's job much easier, and also allow for guilds to give members a much smoother and enjoyable experience.