One of my guildies has been tallying up the deaths
1. Traps - traps kill more than anything else, for every 4 death 3 are traps. Be careful around traps! lol.
2. Reapers - Famine show up the most - they are the casters who spam magic missles. Plague next, then Carnage, though Fear are no joke either. We haven't seen any of the other reapers - guess no one is doing high skull on HCLIIlol
3. Kobold Shaman - these little kobolds are armed with lightning and they still hate us. They've killed so many people, bring resist pots and be sure to move, jump, and try to evade those lightning bolts.
4. Queen Hera - she is the optional Medusa in Total Chaos - you do not need to release her from her cell, but people have been and she has been slaying people all over the server. Usually, we do not fight Medusa until we are around LVL 12 so tangling with one at lvl 2 is risky business.
Many other things are killing people: wolves, lava, lag, but at least you can be prepared when you deal with these top murderers of HCLII!