So, I've been looking everywhere I can. Patch notes, DDO Wiki, even here. I've seen a few people talking like they know what the frell Contaminated does. But I can't find any information on what this status's effect is. So... Venom Vial and Greater Venom Vial both say they cause Contaminated status. But what does this actually do? As near as I can tell, it does nothing. Well, maybe nothing. Greater Venom Vial is an aoe. And it appears that Contaminated is causing it to spawn a new aoe on every enemy caught within a previous one, even if just barely. This naturally causes the aoe to go from "kind of small" to "ridiculous" right fast.
One person talked as if it is suppose to strip poison immunity from the enemy. Yet that clearly doesn't happen. While it's true that zombies are taking damage from poison when they should be immune (like all undead), they are taking damage regardless of the source of the poison. Traps, venomous weapon, drow poison damage toggle, it doesn't matter. Nor does it matter if the source applies "contaminated". Side note, no other undead takes poison damage. Not even after being hit by Venom Vial or Greater Venom Vial. Oozes also don't take poison damage after being hit with these two spells. So I'm doubting it's a case of immunity removal.
But that brings the question back around. Just what does Contaminated do?