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  1. #1
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    Default update on much needed advice for end game DPS

    So I took the advice from others but I still cant get this toon to be viable in melee encounters. Details are as follows, 12F/6P/2M H-Elf, I run in LD w/ twists in Sense weakness, dragonhide, running with wind and cocoon. Enhancements are in Kensai(36pts), KoC(35) and point each in stalwart defender and Inquisitive. My Str68, Dex31, CON56, Int21, Wis23 and CHA53. AC92. DBL STK 66% with Melee power at 121. I'm a 2HF w/ Nightmothers GA with prowess and sucker punch filigree slotted. I also have item sets slotted for family and Mists. Thinking I can do better here but not really sure.

    How can I better this toon so it matters in melee situations. Its quite comical when I hack away for like 20 secs and others are already onto the next MOB especially in reap. I have other weapons like torn, tail, blackrazor and tremor but cant fit in the filigree.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Open for any suggestions.

  2. #2
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    Whatcha got for tomes and build points and past lives? And did you want R10, or an EPL framework. What's end game to you? I'm looking at the 92 AC, which means not many past lives, which means you need a ton of CC for trash to not wreck you. Which is hard, because CC on melee is tactical DC based, which comes from past lives...

    Honestly, a charisma-based pure 20 pdk fighter with Confront any Foe and Bane of Undeath twisted should get you to the tactics to work with a great sword, and do good damage. Grab CKT + KTA and tactical fighter feats, and dire charge in and chop stuff up.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 02-21-2020 at 03:00 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joecro View Post
    So I took the advice from others but I still cant get this toon to be viable in melee encounters. Details are as follows, 12F/6P/2M H-Elf, I run in LD w/ twists in Sense weakness, dragonhide, running with wind and cocoon. Enhancements are in Kensai(36pts), KoC(35) and point each in stalwart defender and Inquisitive.
    Your AP choices sound strange.
    Kensei should be 35 ap (30 + all of T5), try to shave off a point.
    35 points in KotC sounds too many, considering you have T5 in Kensei and only 6 pally levels.
    Stalwart Defender - 6 AP. 2 cores for stance, 3 durable defense, 1 defense boost (for Prowess).
    Vistani 12 AP: 3 cores (Deflect Arrows, Quick Draw and 5% doublestrike), 2 Mist Stalker tiers, and Haste Boost (so you can free 3 points in Kensei for stuff like extra boosts or tactics)
    Monk Hensin: core 1 for 3 melee power/prr
    Monk Shintao: core 1 for 10% HAmp (if you don't have Vistani tree for some reason, consider spending AP on Iron Skin (Shintao T2) instead)
    This leaves 25 AP for KotC.

    Edit: There seems to be too much good stuff in KotC now, so you have to choose between your 35 KotC or (12 Vistani + 25 KotC).
    Divine sacrifice and Lead the Charge seem to add little benefit beyond 1st AP spent.
    If you ditch the to-hit/to-damage line, you can manage with only 20 AP before T4. This depends on what you value more, +6 to-hit/to-damage or +5% doublestrike (and the other Vistani stuff).

    Twist in Confront any Foe (t2 DC), it's a good way to turn your Turn Undead charges into damage.

    Edit3: just realized that you are using Nightmothers GA for weapon. Greataxe means you are not using a favored weapon, so to-hit/to-damage line only gives you +2/+2 for 8 AP, not worth the investment.
    Last edited by magaiti; 02-21-2020 at 06:41 AM.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the responses. I took every available tome increase for my abilities. I have 81 APs. I really want to just make a difference with melee DPS. I'm not gonna push for R-10 but I'd like to be viable somewhere in the middle (R4-5) and with a good group higher. I sometimes struggle with EE quests which I would love to solo with pocket healr. I only have 17 Reaper points so far. Just want to cover all the bases to have a decent toon. then I'd focus on PL's. Thanks again for the much needed advice.

  5. #5
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    Seems like your build is ok for building up dps so think there are a few things that could spruce you up.

    Your str at 68 seems a bit low for end game especially on a ftr type build. Should be aiming for somewhere in the 90's. Sharn gear helps alot with this and i assume you have it since you said you have the family set.

    Second since you are a thf try to get your strike thru up as hight as possible. The higher you get it the more targets you will hit around you when you are swinging. 200% i would think would be achievable on your build. Means you will hit 2 more targets besides the one you are hitting.

    The first two lead to the third which is tactics. Try to get your dire charge and stunning blow dc as high as you can. Both of these give you xtra dmg when pounding on mobs as well as not getting hit while you are doing it. THere are so many bonuses available for it that getting it high enough to work in r4-5 shouldnt be that hard.

    Get a blitz going and keep it. Very important and huge dps bonus.

    Use a good death when you get the mob down around 30% hp left. Basically kills em from that point in one blow. Very VEry useful enhancement. Also spam divine sacrifice and fists of iron repeatdly . SHould alternating these as these give you higher crit range and multiplier and their cooldowns are short. Your thumb should be sore when you done playing from hammering it.

    Hope this helps and good luck.
    Khyber IN BAD COMPANY Longand Drunkmage Sexyheals Fullforce

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by count_spicoli View Post
    Seems like your build is ok for building up dps so think there are a few things that could spruce you up.

    Your str at 68 seems a bit low for end game especially on a ftr type build. Should be aiming for somewhere in the 90's. Sharn gear helps alot with this and i assume you have it since you said you have the family set.

    Second since you are a thf try to get your strike thru up as hight as possible. The higher you get it the more targets you will hit around you when you are swinging. 200% i would think would be achievable on your build. Means you will hit 2 more targets besides the one you are hitting.

    The first two lead to the third which is tactics. Try to get your dire charge and stunning blow dc as high as you can. Both of these give you xtra dmg when pounding on mobs as well as not getting hit while you are doing it. THere are so many bonuses available for it that getting it high enough to work in r4-5 shouldnt be that hard.

    Get a blitz going and keep it. Very important and huge dps bonus.

    Use a good death when you get the mob down around 30% hp left. Basically kills em from that point in one blow. Very VEry useful enhancement. Also spam divine sacrifice and fists of iron repeatdly . SHould alternating these as these give you higher crit range and multiplier and their cooldowns are short. Your thumb should be sore when you done playing from hammering it.

    Hope this helps and good luck.
    thanks for the response!!! So str is the only ability I need to focus on? Anyway can you give me details to get this in the 90s? Also strikethrough is 190%. When you say blitz going im assuming I need to be in FoW destiny? Maybe I should be changing my feats around? Thx again

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Whatcha got for tomes and build points and past lives? And did you want R10, or an EPL framework. What's end game to you? I'm looking at the 92 AC, which means not many past lives, which means you need a ton of CC for trash to not wreck you. Which is hard, because CC on melee is tactical DC based, which comes from past lives...

    Honestly, a charisma-based pure 20 pdk fighter with Confront any Foe and Bane of Undeath twisted should get you to the tactics to work with a great sword, and do good damage. Grab CKT + KTA and tactical fighter feats, and dire charge in and chop stuff up.
    Thx for the response. I am at max with tomes in each ability. I looked at charisma based but my strength is higher so not sure how your suggestion works with CKT+KTA? but please enlighten me.

  8. #8
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joecro View Post
    thanks for the response!!! So str is the only ability I need to focus on? Anyway can you give me details to get this in the 90s? Also strikethrough is 190%. When you say blitz going im assuming I need to be in FoW destiny? Maybe I should be changing my feats around? Thx again
    You should focus on Str first, Charisma second. "Blitz going" definitely implies LD destiny.

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