Surprise !
Starts tomorrow.
basically same rules
I am curious is some of the heavy hitters from last HCL are going to drop
a bunch of money on a maxed out guild ship this time.
More power to them, not my thing.
If they want to earn more money they should allow a choice between the HCL1 and HCL2 rewards for each milestone on any character. That way those that missed HCL1 and like the first rewards will play (and pay) this time.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
I hear ya, but I have the feeling each years awards will be exclusive to that year.
But it would not hurt my feelings if you could choose which one you want.
not holding my breath though
So I guess you can't get the season 1 rewards anymore? Bummer.. I wanted to get the red sash/cloak thingy![]()
I would also like to be able to choose which rewards to get. I only got to play the last week of HCL1 due to work commitments (try combining teaching an AP science with having to write dozens of letters of recommendation, all due by Nov 1). I can actually put in good time this league, since I've got two vacations (this week and April), and my classes entering review mode after that. I would much rather have the eyes and footprints over the helmet and mount.
I'm underwhelmed. I might simply finish the current tr projects I have and take a break. Just in time for the fishing to pick up.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
Considering all the vast artwork and possibilities that exist in Dungeons and Dragons I find the season 2 hardcore league loot very uninspired. I know many agree with me.
If HCLII were the beginning of a new devil invasion - perhaps we on HCL were the first sent to stop Harry and a new raid occurred because of it - but its instead some sort of cosmic wager Harry is having with Mortality - and the rewards are very lame in the 'who cares its ****' category of loot
- I originally freaked out thinking the mount was a bone mount - you know, an undead skeleton mount - a must-have! But no, it was a lame regular horse wearing lame bone armor. Who cares? A bone helmet? lol - gross. Something else to delete when I make a new character.
A dretch? Who wants that? They are disgusting.
Literally could have made us a Tarrasque pet but no, its a dretch
they could have given us the ability to choose the HCLI rewards if we missed them the first time.
Who do the devs think plays this game?
Drow are consistently the most popular race - known by people who do not even play dungeons and dragons - elves in general due to lord of the rings, are super popular - and instead of giving us something fantabulous like some Underdark drow armor cosmetic - you know - a must-have - they give us meh stuff no one I talk to really wants. What about Feywild stuff considering we are being drawn there by some storyline?
Get inspired please Devs, have a larger plan - pay some writers to come up with a compelling storyline
So, I am on HCL running Death Smile 0- my toon is LVL 8 - I'm having lots of fun with the community running the guild, questing, playing DDO - but I likely will not get a toon even to 20 because as I said, who really cares about those ugly, lame rewards? Huge letdown, a huge disappointment, especially considering how talented and creative the devs are.
Last edited by Dark_Lord_Mary; 02-27-2020 at 01:58 PM.