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  1. #1
    Community Member DareDelvis's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Launcher asks if I want to download high res files every time

    Since update, when I play on my laptop, after initiating launcher, I get the pop up asking if I want to download 3GB of high res files.
    Even if I hit yes, nothing downloads.
    Edit: I also get the pop up telling me that I can run Direct X 11
    When the launcher gets to the log in, my account is not memorized.
    When I log in, my previous game world is not on top, nor does it say when I last played.
    Once the game starts, I have to go through the two user agreements and then that original cinematic from 2006 plays
    All of this is every time.

    Looking forward to some help.

    Edit: I did try running as administrator twice, back to back and nothing changed.

    Update/solved: Of course it was user error. Based on Buddha5440 suggestion, I looked at those files and realized that they were cloud based and I was not logging into the cloud storage, hence, the program had no previous user files to read...once I logged in, the issue went away.
    Last edited by DareDelvis; 02-18-2020 at 12:01 PM.
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