Necromancer's Bracers (Void Lore 15%) bug:
With nothing in bracer slot, my Poison % crit is reported as 27.
With Necromancer's Bracer in bracer slot, my Poison % crit is reported as 24.
(My highest other void lore item is Burnscar Sash at 11%).
Necromancer's Bracers (Void Lore 15%) bug:
With nothing in bracer slot, my Poison % crit is reported as 27.
With Necromancer's Bracer in bracer slot, my Poison % crit is reported as 24.
(My highest other void lore item is Burnscar Sash at 11%).
Sanctified Vial not working. Our Alch/FvS tries to cast it, it says "wrong class".
The Orb, Stygian Wrath has an ability called Sinister Chill that says it gives temporary spell points when you cast a Cold, Negative or Poison spell.
It doesn't work for Poison spells.
If I'm facing a wall (or structure) Its impossible to heal myself.
If I'm falling (with FF) its impossible to heal myself.
Occasionally vials will hit the target and have no effect. I see this mostly with turn to frog (its not a Deathward issue, the spell just doesn't seam to take).
Tested today (March 5), Accelerate still not doing anything. Double-checked the spell descriptions to make sure it was eligible, tried both turning Accelerate on for everything and for just the specific spell. Nada. Vials fly on the same trajectory and just as fast (i.e., slowly). Swapped it out.
Lvl 6 heal-like spell still not removing any other effects like disease, etc. About half of my self-heals (all spell-vial versions) disappear with no effect even when self-targetted. As others have noted, facing a wall = never works.
I am wondering if there's some weird racial element to some of these other bugs. I can get the restos to work on me (Halfling), but my friend (non-iconic gnome) can't no matter what he tries. (If it is that, it's even weirder--I would have guessed Gnome is largely based on Halfling).
I'm playing a halfling alchemist atm. Greater/Lesser restos work fine, regular doesnt hit others, only myself.
Judging by the height from which Gnomes shoot projectiles (excessive research was done by our guildies during Inquis reign; gnomes shoot from their foreheads), Gnomes are based on Humans.
more alchemist bugs:
1) its impossible to self heal while in the air. So no self healing possible while on a sorsled, while falling, or while on air jumps.
2) no alchemist heals trigger empyerian magic from DC destiny.
3) if I have a undead player targeted SLA heal and cure serious wounds will not cast. SLA cure light wounds, and spell heal and cure critical wounds will heal. All of these are admixtures.
I would say about 30% of all my heals targeting fellow players fail to land for one reason or another. Many of those reasons have been listed in this thread previously.
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Does Alchemist Knowledge Potions work on admixtures? I think its supposed to (like Artificers) but doesn't seem to or did that get removed altogether?
Melt Lock has a self contradictory description in which it spends a paragraph explaining that it rolls a d20 + Spellcraft to pick any lock a sufficiently skilled rogue could pick and then another line saying it functions like the Knock spell.
The correct one is that it functions like a Knock spell, rolling a d20 + Caster Level + Spellcasting Ability Modifier (Intelligence, in this case). This gives it a useless dc for legendary content in particular.
Confirmed empirically that
Multivial is almost certainly MCL 20, and probably rises to MCL 30 with Master of Spellvials.
Vile Chemist Poisoned Shot does not work while moving when dual wielding Light/Heavy crossbows. Two shots fire that have no effect on the target and no dice roll occurs. On target dummy, the physical shots register as hits (the dummy moves/flashes a hit). Confirmed with Poisoned coating on/off, Law on your side on/off, Precise Shot on/off, with and without runearm equipped. Movement appears to be the key.
Functions correctly while stationary. Functions while moving with G-Xbow and Repeaters.
This one annoyed the **** out of me until I confirmed what it was.
"The imagination is not … the faculty for forming images of reality; it is the faculty for forming images which go beyond reality..." - Gaston Bachelard
Alchemist Action Boost doesn't benefit from Core 2 Legendary Dreadnaught (Action Hero). Is that wai?
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Which action boost? I didn't think Alchemist had any.
Bottled Boost spells have similar effects to Action Boosts, but they are not actually Action Boosts themselves, they are spells.
So if you mean Action Hero didn't shorten the cool-down on spells, that sure seems like it would be WAI. Similarly, things that give Extra Action Boosts don't give you extra SP or something to cast Bottled Boost spells with.
Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)
Slight addition to #18 - Soarsleds. Cannot use self targetted bottles on soarsleds unless you fly within a few feet of a floor.
Sorry to necro this, and it is a bit off topic, but this is interesting as it suggests that gnomes should not get any advantage over large races (at least up to human size) in hitting multiple short targets with Improved Precise Shot. The idea that it would was one of the reasons why I have done so many gnome lives. Doh.
Hello, I dont see much updates to your excellent and detailed post, so I'll offer my humble help after a few different alchemist builds ; here is what I tested so far (refering to #bug topic)
5. After many tests, it is not the Heal vial that is not working, but the Heal spell in general. Sometimes it restores stats, sometimes not, 'Curative Admixture : Heal' just suffers the same issue.
10. Yes, because now 'Stone of the Savant' gives MRR and MRR decap, not elemental resists.
11. It seems to be corrected, 'Caustic Solvent' does acid damage and 'Burning ambition' adds acid too.
14. Delicate subject - in theory you need a little space ahed of your character (TBD if its a bug or fully intended in vial throwing technique) so after intense practice I'll say of course! It does not work, dont stick/hug anything like board, chairs, walls if you throw it, it wont work and your arm will ache trying ;p
18. Obviously since you need to throw your healing vial ahed of you on a solid floor there is no way it would work on a sledge. Disappointing, but no surpise here - not really a bug.
21. Throwing at selected targets works better now, and even more with accelerate (this goes for #41 too). However you can see differences of arc length when you aim with or without your cursor circle active on screen at no selected target
28. Sad truth but it's a well known issue since years ago, nothing to do with alchemist.
38. Maybe because you were supposed to have a throwing item in one hand and only one. Its a shame though the skill does not automatically re-activate if you have right equipment on hand.
41. Please refer to #21 - and list the skills you tested it, because I did many test on SLA I could disable the Accelerate and it worked correctly by enhancing the arc throw/speed.
Also, saw a post about Stygian Wrath Orb not triggering its free 50sp on poison spells, its true the Heroic version of this gear only works with cold... but the Epic version works fine (cold - poison - negative).
Thx all for keeping this post updated and tell me if I'm wrong, I really appreciate the class and the efforts players provide to point at bugs and mistakes.
Last edited by FatBudScream; 07-13-2020 at 11:12 AM.
Wamdalee - Orien - Full Completionnist
Gromulf - Orien - Rerol
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with T4 Wizard enhancement allows you to strip negative resistance from mobs.
if you were to multiclass an alch to have this enhancement taken your negative spells will not strip the negative spell immunity even if you use a wizard negative spell to remove the immunity.
this immunity stripping also doesnt work with lesser death aura/death aura.
this stripping also only works for undead does not affect constructs that are immune to negative aswell
was looking forward to making an undead alchemist but it seems there may be some bugs preventing this build from functioning well