I have played casually for years. I usually kick around for a month of subscribed and get a character up to level 20. I noticed that I now have 13 various kinds of lives under my belt. I read about getting all the classes and races to level 20 gives you benefits that stay with the character. Soooo. I thought i would try and finish at least the one having to do with the various classes (as opposed to races). I picked Sorcerer for this life but have had a hard time gearing him as I go because I never played one before.
This got me to thinking... there must be people here who can give advice on the best items to have in the bank to level lowbies up to twenty in all the classes. Maybe this has been done before? That way, once i get this guy to 20, I can go back and get the gear to help the next class/race I pick. I'll give you an example, it's really well worth farming up a Hobble Crossbow https://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Hobble%27s_Crossbow if you want to do lives that use repeating crossbows. My last few lives used repeaters and that is a good low level one. Has there ever been a good master list of stuff like that? (maybe even sorted by class and level?)
Also, my bank is soooo overflowing with level 1-20 blue items that I have no idea are decent or not, it would be great to just delete some.
Thank you all for helping me over the years, I generally only lurk but I do love the game and the various builds posted here have made it so much better for me.