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  1. #1
    Community Member CPDK9's Avatar
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    Nov 2013

    Default Did Two Hand Weapon Wolves Get Nerfed

    Someone mentioned to me that wolf builds using two handed weapons lost the 1.5 ability modifier for damage. Please tell me this isn't true. They reduced the attack speed in a prior update/patch and required a tier 5 enhancement to even get the reduced max. I don't expect to have the increasing damage modifiers like a bear, since I trade that for attack speed as a wolf. But a standard 1.5 isn't too much to ask for if using a two handed weapon; especially since I'm also giving up an item slot.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010


    I think they misread that.

    The two handed weapon feat line now provides x2/x2.5/x3 the attribute bonus for damage.
    Bears using two-handed weapons get the x2/x2.5/x3 increase to attribute bonus for damage with the natural fighting feats.

    However wolves and bears were able on Lamannia to increase the attribute bonus for damage while in animal form by taking the two-handed feat line. That was not WAI and they fixed the exploit in Lamannia.

    But the base 1.5 attribute bonus for damage for two handed weapon wolf I believe remains intact

  3. #3
    Community Member CPDK9's Avatar
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by elvesunited View Post
    I think they misread that.

    The two handed weapon feat line now provides x2/x2.5/x3 the attribute bonus for damage.
    Bears using two-handed weapons get the x2/x2.5/x3 increase to attribute bonus for damage with the natural fighting feats.

    However wolves and bears were able on Lamannia to increase the attribute bonus for damage while in animal form by taking the two-handed feat line. That was not WAI and they fixed the exploit in Lamannia.

    But the base 1.5 attribute bonus for damage for two handed weapon wolf I believe remains intact
    Thanks. I see it is still posted in Wiki under Wild Shape as 1.5 damage and hope it is the case.

  4. #4
    Community Member straytext's Avatar
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    The Feat in game explicitly says you are not considered to be two-handed fighting while in a Druid animal form. All of the benefits of THF only occur while you are considered to be THFing, which you cannot be while in animal form.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    SSG has murdered the wolf build faster, and more completely, than Homer Simpson demolishing 47 dozen donuts. Sure it took a while, but spitters are quitters and SSG don't quit!

    While not technically a nerf, it is. SSG is after wolves harder than the state of Idaho which wants to open a year round harvest on wolves. It's easy to kill wolves in Wisconsin too. I believe they offer free wolf stamps in Montana & Wyoming also. Are we sure SSG is actually in Massachusetts with their hatred of wolves and active work to rid the game of wolves as completely as they did Ents? Tree players don't exist anymore.

    Next fall I might take a few wolf pelts in honor of SSG and post the pics. Maybe real dead wolves will satisfy their craving for blood and they will lighten up on their goal of making the master game, 1 master race, 1 master class, and the death of diversity. Shame I am not a bow hunter, SSG pics of dead wolves taken with bow would be even better. IE, bows are as dead as trees.

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