Is it better to take Dodge, Mobility, and Shot on the Run first in Feat order now?
Is it better to take Dodge, Mobility, and Shot on the Run first in Feat order now?
I think the first question is: can anyone confirm if SotR Alacrity bonus stacks with Ranged Alacrity gear? Because if not, it's a largely useless feat to anyone with the right gear.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
ddowiki: Shot on the Run: Gain 10% Alacrity bonus to Shortbows and Longbows.
In game Shot on the Run: it says it grants a +10% attack speed bonus with all bows.
All items have Enhancement bonus %.
I dont have an item to test this atm. If someone has tested this please verify that Shot on the Run stacks with item bonuses.
Some of us have not been home for very long, and it takes a few minutes to switch between mules, craft items, send money etc, you know.
But to get to the point, yes, it seems like they stack. The display showed the stacking with the equipment (a 7% alacrity bow I crafted), and when I did some firing tests, it took between 62 seconds and 65 seconds to shoot 100 arrows with AF stance active. It took between 72 and 74 seconds to shoot 100 arrows with the stance off.
As an additional info point, it looks like Haste Boost also stacks, which I'd always assumed wasn't the case. I did one round of firing using my 30% Haste Boost, and I was able to fire all 100 hundred arrows in about a minute, having used 2 boosts in that time. Not a big increase, but something.
Edited to add: I foolishly had the 20% Doubleshot enhancement as well, so I can't calculate the exact increase from Shot on the Run, and I'm too lazy to go back, reset and do more tests. But as a rough estimate, it seems like it's around a 10% increase in actual fire rate.
Last edited by Mercureal; 02-13-2020 at 08:41 PM.
Great! Thanks a lot for testing this.
I thought it must stack for the three feat buy in. Otherwise the tier 5 in DWS still has me wondering now. Did you have that too?
Oh yea, Haste Spell is the one that doesnt stack.
Thanks! 7% from the alacrity item, 10% from the feat, 13% faster bow animation, figure half? the time is reloading/animation not firing, so half of 17 is 8.5, times 1.13 percent animation increase equals 9.605.
Of course I'm guesssing at what time is spent on animation and not firing, but I can't find the testing info right now.But thanks again!
Yes, I had the DWS enhancement, Improved Archers Focus. I realize now I was a bit underinformed - I wasn't following the Lammania threads closely, and I'd thought you only got the alacrity bonus if you had both Shot on the Run and Improved Archer's Focus. So, I'll adjust my previous post. I determined that equipment alacrity stacks with the DWS enhancement alacrity.
But I didn't specifically test for the feat bonus on its own, or if it stacks with the enhancement. I'll go back and do that later tonight, or maybe tomorrow.
Alacrity gear, haste spell, and blinding speed are all the same type of bonus so none of them stack. All boosts are their own type of bonus, so they stack with everything that isn't a boost. I'm wondering about the primal song from Fatesinger, which gives a 10% alacrity bonus. I know this stacks with haste, but what about with shot on the run? My archer is a monk so there is no way i can get SOTR anyway, but i'm curious for future reference.
I’m doing a monkcher life and from what I can tell SOTR does seem to stack with regular haste items or blinding speed if you took it. I also took primal hym so the regular character screen says ranged attack speed 22% but in the new detailed menu it shows a specific 20% to bow attack speed. Action boost haste does increase the character screen number so I had something like 50% for a short time but I didn’t test it thoroughly, just checked to see if the tool tops reflected the bonus.
The real thing is, SOTR doesn’t actually negate the -4 penalty to hit for moving, which is quite frankly the whole basis for the feat. If you bring up the to hit details with a bow and move you’ll see that number decrease by 4 and back to normal when you stand still.
So is bow ranger not garbage now?
So, I redid my testing. Disregard what I posted before, I had rushed it and the test was poorly formulated - among other things, I had active effects that likely skewed the results. I'm going to create a new thread for the full results, since I tested more than just Shot on the Run and whether it stacked with alacrity gear.
But as a quick summary, it looks like Shot on the Run stacks with alacrity gear (or any other enhancement bonus). I couldn't meaningfully test the supposed 10% Insight bonus to Ranged Alacrity from the T5 Deepwood Sniper Improved Archers Focus enhancement, but I note that there was no indication of an additional attack speed bonus on the character sheet when Archers Focus was active - not on the main sheet and not on the secondary tab (under the + sign).
Archers Focus only became active and added the 10% Insight bonus to Ranged Attack Speed Bonus from the T5 DWS when i started attacking a target in quest and it stayed on afterwards when i stepped out. It did show up on the Main Character Stat page Ranged Attack Speed Bonus 10%. I logged off after and then reloged later to further test it and it was still on with Archers Focus still toggled on, I toggled Archers Focus off and then on again and the 10% was there again.
Shot on the Run was adding 10% on the Stat + Bow Attack Speed Bonus. SOTR is not negating the -4 movement penalty.
Haste Boost was stacking 30% with Improved Archers Focus 10% Insightful on the Main character Stat page.
Edit: Haste potions were not stacking with Improved Archers Focus 10% Insightful on the Main character Stat page just the higher amount counted.
Last edited by Coffey; 02-15-2020 at 03:47 PM.
Looks like the earlierst you will ne able to have SOTR will be level 6 as a Human.
An example of Feats for newer players:
1 Point Blank Shot
1 Dodge (Human)
3 Mobility
6 Shot on the Run
9 Improved Critical Ranged
Other Races
1 Point Blank Shot
3 Dodge
6 Mobility
9 Shot on the Run
12 Improved Critical Ranged