You can save 2 AP taking Deflect Arrows from VKF.
You probably want the 10% movement speed too ftom SB though.
Does DoD ST actually stack with other bonuses?
Ok haha didnt realize you could use swash stance!
Weapons: Main hand sunblades (shortsword typed as bastard sword for THF), off hand gaurd-breaking buckler
I never knew there was such a weapon but it doesnt surprise me.
Im thinking that the DoD only activates 200% ST when running though and may not be activated with only a single weapon.
It's old school:
In DDO, they exist as sun blades, star of days, celestia, and Echo of the Sun Sword which you get in Strahd as loot, and the Sun Sword itself, which plays a key part in Ravenloft story arc.
Best guess is DoD will activate with any style eventually. They went out of their way to enable the buff to work with any style, so they will make DoD work with any style as well. They wen't out of their way to raise the cap specifically knowing this type of build is the only type that benefits, since normal THF builds are all at ~200% strike through. It doesn't make sense to make cap and DoD changes specifically to enable this type of build to hit this level of strike through and make it annoying to play by requiring weapon swaps.
Even still, you can minimize weapon swap lag by not using sentient weapons that change your character's stats. (No rare augments with prr/mrr, no stats period, or even no sentience at all).
Last edited by Tilomere; 02-07-2020 at 03:53 PM.
So you can now dance of death without a 2WF, intresting...
I don't really see the gain in going for swashbuckling over some other weapon style, is it just critical profile? I wonder if you stacked up other strike through bonuses would they work with 2wf, off hand as well?
How about the old clasic of 6 ranger 14 pally for holy sword and 2hf? Seams more streamlined?
If your gonna stick with bard i would try to get the freeze into it. 6 second aoe freeze seams really strong.
I wonder if you could get the dc up for stunning blow or improved trip.
Do you actually need rgr 6 / bard 4? Why not do rog 12 / rgr 5 / bard 3 so you can grab Improved Sneak Attack?
You actually could for a long time until the Tempest pass in U28, IIRC, which made the dual-wield-only attacks actually only work while dual-wielding. So this is actually a very old idea for a Swashbuckler / Tempest revamped for the new Strikethrough mechanics.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
It's not just crit, it is also the trapping, ability to swap to a quarterstaff, helpless damage, movement speed of acrobat, and defensive roll. Plus 14 paladin/6 ranger is what everyone else will be making.
4 bard gives blur and 6 ranger gives manyshot and twf#2, which means we can get TWF#3 at 30 and have both styles fully developed and just swap at will from fighting as a tempest twf, fighting as a swashbuckling bard s/b, ranging with a bow, or whacking stuff with a stick.
I looked at the freeze. To get it to work you need a lot of investment, and end up with something too specialized for what I want.
Last edited by Tilomere; 02-08-2020 at 06:15 PM.
Updated for actual patch notes. Dance of Death isn't ripe yet. Swapped to barb tier 5 for constant strike through instead of weapon swapping annoyance of DoD. And more crit multiplier. Combined with swashing it will be excellent. The extra move speed won't hurt either.
Dropped BF. Probably aasimar on this. According to Steelstar, soon this will be all powerful.
Last edited by Tilomere; 02-13-2020 at 02:21 PM.
You're an absolute madman Tilo.
I love this. I'll never run it, but I love it.
~Sarlona~Maelodic - Soundblaster| | Kinsys - Cookie Cutter Monk