Ranged ability: Opportunity Strikes - xx% chance to hit an additional target when they are in a tight grouping. Utilize the strikethrough model, give extra to range focuses classes. Just a thought.
They just blanket nerfed every ranged class, they're not going to give us a boost to something we had for a DECADE as a feat, after they just shafted us over 20%.
No more subs until retracted, Ranged of the World Unite!
Bear form doesn't have an inherent DPS benefit the way wolf does, so even with the same STR benefit as standard 2HF I don't see them running away with DPS the way multiclass wolf builds did. Bear will be decent, bearbarian will be good, but pure barb will be substantially better DPS than either.
anyone have a link to a pic with that bear form combined with burning hands.....
asking for a friend
kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...20#post5002220
It is okay to be "merry": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjOOKb-DFZs
I just Keep quiet and think.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYP8M06A8W0
Thank you for listening to our feedback.
Thank you for making the changes (or at least some of them - I do not think anyoner expected all suggestions will be included, though I understand some people are less happy than I am). I am especially thankfull for the to striketrough/1.5 hand weapons/bear changes to THF. These were 3 things that really needed change and were repeated all over the feedback thread. And some parts, like 1.1 base ability bonus to 1.5 hand weapons, I like even better than the ones proposed in the feedback thread - it is not very powerful, but makes the weapons interesting and unique.
And, last but not least, thank you for letting us know.
I think all cleave-like attacks (at least eldritch strikeis not on the list) should be affected by the attack speed change. The arepartially a replacement for cleave feats for classes that have less feats to burn. Also, it would be better to make the feat/enhancement cleave attacks consistent. If some would benefit for increased attack speed, and some would not, it will be confusing.
thanks for holding off on changes to stealth play
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
My DDO youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8...q8NOYTOTbzeVnw
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AxelAlexK
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/AxelAlexK
Ok cool it looks like THF will be good. Still not sure about lack of attack speed, but the buffs might make that not matter. I haven't even tried Bear yet at all. I will do that now.
Not sure why Paladin isn't getting a bigger buff. It's unfortunate and disappointing. I want to be OP playing a Paladin, an actual iconic Dungeons and Dragons class. Can't care less about this Alchemist thing that I've barely glanced at.
Last edited by GramercyRiff; 02-05-2020 at 04:50 PM.
i've been working on an EK cleave build for awhile (and these cleave buffs have me more excited for it now) and i don't think that scenario will pan out. it's just not possible to get cleaves and the THF line without sacrificing casting pretty dramatically - you either have to skip casting feats for it or do something like a 1 fighter 2 monk splash (4 fighter of course would take Mass Hold off the table entirely), plus that 17 base Strength req for ITHF is no picnic, and all for a modest +1.5 sustained strikethrough targets
with that said, Great Cleave only takes three feats and a mere 13 base Strength, i feel like even a pure wizard could squeeze that in without too much sacrifice, then load up on the doublestrike (10% from EK cores!) and go to town
The Zombie Pale Master penalty to attack speed also apply to Cleaves speed?
No fun, no $$$
Please consider adding to Paladin Vanguard at (core 5) Vicious Shield II - Bastard Sword is now a favored weapon, also Dwarven Axe, if you are a Dwarf.
Kudos for outright neutering tempest rangers as any kind of effective melee build going forward...guess I should've seen this coming since they've been getting nerfed somehow on the last few updates. It's like DDO devs don't call anything balanced unless their heavily opinionated thumb is on the scale.
The fact you guys don't even bother listening to the vast majority of players who've been telling you that these changes are outright nerfs makes me look forward to Baldurs Gate 3...cuz devs here are ensuring DDO's days are numbered.
Seriously, where's the p-o-o-p emoji when I need it?!
Last edited by AstorPotamus; 02-05-2020 at 06:49 PM. Reason: unwarranted forum censorship